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Spent a little while in California recently, primarily for the snowboarding at Lake Tahoe. However, any trip abroad has to factor in some photographic opportunities........right?
I could spend a lot more time over there, and didn't get to cover anywhere near as much with the camera as I hoped, but I was happy to explore at least some of this beautiful part of the world.
I've got an awful lot of shots to work through over the coming weeks, but thought I would share a few that I have had a quick look at in Lightroom.

1) McWay Falls on the Big Sur Coast

2) Flooded Meadows in Yosemite National Park

3) The Generic Sunset shot at Tunnel View, Yosemite

4) Treading carefully on Ice Floes - Lake Tahoe

5) Hate the harsh light in this, but Mono Lake is a fantastic place and one I hope to return to in more favourable conditions.

Many thanks
#2 is Amazing.
That needs to be on a magazine front cover!

You try telling National Geographic that! I'll wait for the call haha! Seriously though, much appreciated. It was a flood in the valley, so not a totally shot to death composition, which is what I'd hoped to come away with.

Very nice set, and I agree No2 is wonderful, great colours, exposure and composition for me

Thank you very much. I'm glad it worked, as the light was only very fleeting at that moment, so I had to move fast. in hindsight I am pretty happy with the outcome.

All good stuff in my book, Matty, and I prefer them all!

Remarkable frame and rendition quality! Thanks man!

Emoji says 1000 words. Thanks pal.

Nos 2 to 5 are stunning. No 1 spoilt for me by the milky water. :exit:

Thanks Peter, I appreciate we all have different preferences when it comes to representing water in shots. I found this to be the closest representation to the look I wanted to go for, Never gonna please everyone. Thanks for the comment though!!

All good stuff in my book, Matty, and I prefer them all!

Remarkable frame and rendition quality! Thanks man!

Thank you buddy, Pleased you enjoyed them, and you find the renditions good. What do you mean by frame quality, just the shot in itself?
I have a large number of shots to process from the trip, so I may throw some others up in due course.
Thanks again
What do you mean by frame quality, just the shot in itself?

I see nothing too much or missing in any frames
…the shots are well framed (cropped?).
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#2 is a cracker.... The others are crackers too, but I like #2 best.
Tried to get the framing right in camera, so I don't think there has been much cropping at all

…that's why I was not too hot at using the word "crop".
Love seeing these!
I got married at Lake Tahoe, and stayed in Murphy's Motel in Lee Vining en route to Yosemite a few times :)
Love the image of tufa at Mono.
It really is a lovely set.

Are they recent? Remarkably little snow in the valley for midwinter, though I understand they've had a very mild time this winter.
Thanks for posting!
Beautiful work Matty! No 2 is very special Lovely reflection and the light pouring though onto the pine trees with snow underneath (I'd just nip out those brake lights on the right in case you hadn't spotted them).
No 3 has beautiful light. So vibrant almost like you have coloured it in.
No 5 although harsh light its a cracking shot, those rocks (or is it salt) in the middle foreground make a great point of focus and a good anchor. Not to mention the lovely reflection.
No1 personally I like it, lovely colour and that little waterfall on the Left is great! Its a great shot although the Shutter Speed Police might have a word to say;):ROFLMAO:. The colour in the water in the bay almost gives it a Caribbean flavour.
Nice work again, looks like you have got a lot of processing to do!

BTW as a matter of interest exactly what time of year were you there??
#2 is a cracker.... The others are crackers too, but I like #2 best.

Seems to be a clear favourite on the forum. Glad I stopped and waded through knee deep gank to get the shot! Thank you

A great set, another reason I have to get over to the PCH!

Its a must visit. I have overlooked the states before, but came to the realisation that there is a lot there that I would enjoy spending time making photographs of. Just need to bankroll some trips! Cheers

Love 3. Iconic and great. 2 is epic but would rather see you shooting this with the sun behind you

Thanks Steve, The view the other way was unremarkable for composition. The light was lovely, but this was the shot that I wanted to make really. I'd have liked the sun a little more diffused, but you can't have it all. I got a few from the same spot, but nothing like the same drama in the skyline

Yosemite Meadows by Matt White, on Flickr
Love seeing these!
I got married at Lake Tahoe, and stayed in Murphy's Motel in Lee Vining en route to Yosemite a few times :)
Love the image of tufa at Mono.
It really is a lovely set.

Are they recent? Remarkably little snow in the valley for midwinter, though I understand they've had a very mild time this winter.
Thanks for posting!

Hi Ruth,
This was about 10 days ago now, I was over in South Lake Tahoe for a snowboarding trip, and these are just a byproduct of the spare time I had......and lots of driving hours!!!
I was disappointed with the Mono shots, If i had chance, I would have stayed and shot them in a kinder light. Theyre OK record shots, but not quite what I would hope for. Its a beautiful place though, and we really enjoyed spending time soaking up the tranquility there.
There was a great amount of snowfall while I was in San Fran, but temperatures warmed up considerable. The conditions for riding at Tahoe were the best in 4 years, so I was super happy with that. A lot of Yosemite was closed due to icefall (which we experienced first hand and was terrifying) But the heavy snowfalls, and freeze thaw conditions made for flooded meadows and not a deal of resting snow in the valley.
Thanks very much, glad you enjoyed them! I'll perhaps throw some Tahoe shots up sometime to kick your nostalgia.

Beautiful work Matty! No 2 is very special Lovely reflection and the light pouring though onto the pine trees with snow underneath (I'd just nip out those brake lights on the right in case you hadn't spotted them).
No 3 has beautiful light. So vibrant almost like you have coloured it in.
No 5 although harsh light its a cracking shot, those rocks (or is it salt) in the middle foreground make a great point of focus and a good anchor. Not to mention the lovely reflection.
No1 personally I like it, lovely colour and that little waterfall on the Left is great! Its a great shot although the Shutter Speed Police might have a word to say;):ROFLMAO:. The colour in the water in the bay almost gives it a Caribbean flavour.
Nice work again, looks like you have got a lot of processing to do!

BTW as a matter of interest exactly what time of year were you there??

Thank you very much Steve, as above, I was there over the past couple of weeks. Thank you for the critique, nice to hear your thoughts on the shots.
2 is probably my favourite too, its not a shot that can often be made, which helped, and the light was kinda what I hoped for at that location. I've clocked the rear lights, and you're right, they should probably go.
3 was barely touched. fortunately, a lot of waiting and the use of filters helped me out a tonne on this one, still needs a little refinement I think.
5 is too harsh for me, but I was amazed to see the still reflections. It was a case of too much snowboarding and not enough time for landscaping! The formations are called Tufa. Previously when the lake level was higher, the numerous fresh water springs left mineral deposits around the spring which built up into rock like formations. Its an incredible landscape, which I didnt get chance to do justice to unfortunately. I'll be posting some more in due course when I get round to processing them,
With the first shot, its all down to personal preference. I think with the ocean being as torrid as it was that day, that the longer shutter speed still captured the tumult, without washing out all the detail. I like the drainwash lines on the shore, and it all just seemed to work to my preference. The colour of the water was awesome all along the coast, Glad you feel it works too.
Processing for many many nights on the horizon. Best open a new bottle of talisker to see me through!! Thanks for your feedback - really appreciate you taking the time out for that!
Thank you very much Steve, as above, I was there over the past couple of weeks. Thank you for the critique, nice to hear your thoughts on the shots.
2 is probably my favourite too, its not a shot that can often be made, which helped, and the light was kinda what I hoped for at that location. I've clocked the rear lights, and you're right, they should probably go.
3 was barely touched. fortunately, a lot of waiting and the use of filters helped me out a tonne on this one, still needs a little refinement I think.
5 is too harsh for me, but I was amazed to see the still reflections. It was a case of too much snowboarding and not enough time for landscaping! The formations are called Tufa. Previously when the lake level was higher, the numerous fresh water springs left mineral deposits around the spring which built up into rock like formations. Its an incredible landscape, which I didnt get chance to do justice to unfortunately. I'll be posting some more in due course when I get round to processing them,
With the first shot, its all down to personal preference. I think with the ocean being as torrid as it was that day, that the longer shutter speed still captured the tumult, without washing out all the detail. I like the drainwash lines on the shore, and it all just seemed to work to my preference. The colour of the water was awesome all along the coast, Glad you feel it works too.
Processing for many many nights on the horizon. Best open a new bottle of talisker to see me through!! Thanks for your feedback - really appreciate you taking the time out for that!

They were a pleasure to view Matty, such a beautiful place never been there. Might be another place I can get away with taking the Boss where she wont moan that I'm not dragging her round Snow and Ice all the time:)
another one for the bucket list, did you hire an RV or use hotels or both?
Cant wait to see the next batch!!(y)
They were a pleasure to view Matty, such a beautiful place never been there. Might be another place I can get away with taking the Boss where she wont moan that I'm not dragging her round Snow and Ice all the time:)
another one for the bucket list, did you hire an RV or use hotels or both?
Cant wait to see the next batch!!(y)

Cheers dude. Its a great state to visit, and has only made me want to explore the Pacific North West more. It's also one place where there was plenty for my better half to do, so it was easy to strike a balance than me sodding off to the himalaya haha! We stayed in south lake tahoe and had a 4x4 to get around. Put about 2500 miles on it in 10 days mind you. Take a usb cable and an iphone stacked with music is my advice!!

Is #1 from a viewpoint? I've just been browsing Serge Ramelli's site and he has one taken from that point in one of his recent guides. Yours is better IMO

Thanks Matthew, there's a walkway which offers views of the cove and waterfall, its surprisingly accessible. I'd have loved to have got down onto the rocks on the right hand side of the shot to shoot, but I was getting the evil eye from my good lady, so on the first day of the trip decided not to cause a fuss haha! Thanks for the link too. Its a pretty similar spot where he stopped, but i got a little light to make it interesting I think!!

Agree...he tends to overdo the processing on all his work...too much HDR i think.

Looks like he has a pretty strong portfolio, though I agree his processing is not necessarily to my taste. Would love to shoot some of the places he has been
The first three mate, wow . Looks like an incredible place - I may have removed the car from number two !

Yeah Chris, I think the car will go at the weekend, when I get some processing time! It really is an incredible place. Gutted to only have a day there, and no time for astro either!

Cheers Tony

All awesome Matty but No2 is an absolute stunner - been back to see it a few times now and it just keeps getting better.

Just out of curiosity, is stuff like No2 accessible by car in Yosemite or is it a fair hike? Obviously never been before but always wondered.

Thanks Danny. All the posted shots are really easy to access. There.s some great walking potential there, but a lot of the trails were shut due to icefall, so I didn't get to stretch my legs for more than 10 miles which I was disappointed with! If you're planning on going, there are a lot of resources available online to give you an idea of the locations. It's well worth a visit in my book!

The generic shot is a real wall hanger!

Thanks Craig. I'd have liked to do something a little individual for the sunset, but sometimes you have to take the easier option and not wander through bear laced woods trying to find something different haha! I've a few tweaks to make to that image, but im pretty sure I shall do a print at some stage. Cheers mate
All shots look great, but no. 2 is absolutely stunning. Every time I look at it it just gets more appealing.