Calling all Sony Alpha users! (Part 5)

OOI, I spent a few months testing my a700 v my Canon 60D and find them to be similar in many ways. The Canon has more pixels, the Sony seems to focus better in low light (with equivalent lenses) but overall I find the image quality, build quality, use of menus v dedicated buttons, iso performance etc.. to be very similar.

To me, Sony a700 = Canon 60D.

I still have both but use the a77 more than these nowadays.
Hi all hoping to get some much needed advice. I have Sony a450 dslr
Lens tokina 11-16 mm. Minolta 85mm g lens and minolta 50mm 1.7 I generaly do landscapes and was looking to upgrade , the question what to I'm looking is it worth going down the slt route or do I go full frame , any advice would be helpful
what is it that you feel that you are missing that you want to upgrade for?
Your 11-16 isn't a FF lens so that would need to be replaced if you go FF.
heidfirst said:
what is it that you feel that you are missing that you want to upgrade for?
Your 11-16 isn't a FF lens so that would need to be replaced if you go FF.

Thanks for reply I'm think I'm not getting full control with 450 possibly some mirror slap maybe and time for change for a what about the slt , type are they anygood , or will I just be buying for nothing is the step not worth it , or am just stupid
Full frame is great in many ways (viewfinder, lenses acting the way you expect, big body with space for external controls and better dynamic range to name a few) but for pur IQ at low ISO then something like the A580 or A77 with good glass will be as good as the A900 with reasonable glass.

My experience has shwn me that you need to either use primes or the CZ 16-35 and 24-70 to get the best out of the A900, ths makes it very expensive. If you've got the cash then do it
The a850/900 has bigger pixels than the a77 (and possibly the a580, though I'm not sure of that). On that basis, I'd say lens choice was less critical than some people think.

There's plenty of reasonably priced Minolta lenses that work very well on the 24mp FF sensor. I just don't accept the "you have to use the very best lenses" argument, myself.
Cannot see why an a77 with Tokina 11-16 would not be a perfect landscape set up ?

If I were you I would be looking at that as an option.

Lots of pixels for picking up detail/printing large and I find the low iso dynamic range of the a77 to be outstanding.

That said, I have not ever required iso 50 myself but it is there if you want pretty noise free pictures.

OOI, I've had quite a few FF bodies in Canon fit (5D, 5DII, 1DsII ansd 1DsIII) and am not really sure what the fuss is about apart from sometimes better high iso (not really relevant for landscape) and shallof dof (ditto) ?
It's not all to do with pixel density, the larger image circle has a huge impact in showing flaws up in the corners (sometimes quite a way in), I have a few of the reasonably priced Minolta lenses and they don't compare to many of the better modern lenses in most respects...
Full frame is great in many ways (viewfinder, lenses acting the way you expect, big body with space for external controls and better dynamic range to name a few) but for pur IQ at low ISO then something like the A580 or A77 with good glass will be as good as the A900 with reasonable glass.

My experience has shwn me that you need to either use primes or the CZ 16-35 and 24-70 to get the best out of the A900, ths makes it very expensive. If you've got the cash then do it

The a850/900 has bigger pixels than the a77 (and possibly the a580, though I'm not sure of that). On that basis, I'd say lens choice was less critical than some people think.

There's plenty of reasonably priced Minolta lenses that work very well on the 24mp FF sensor. I just don't accept the "you have to use the very best lenses" argument, myself.

Cannot see why an a77 with Tokina 11-16 would not be a perfect landscape set up ?

If I were you I would be looking at that as an option.

Lots of pixels for picking up detail/printing large and I find the low iso dynamic range of the a77 to be outstanding.

That said, I have not ever required iso 50 myself but it is there if you want pretty noise free pictures.

OOI, I've had quite a few FF bodies in Canon fit (5D, 5DII, 1DsII ansd 1DsIII) and am not really sure what the fuss is about apart from sometimes better high iso (not really relevant for landscape) and shallof dof (ditto) ?

It's not all to do with pixel density, the larger image circle has a huge impact in showing flaws up in the corners (sometimes quite a way in), I have a few of the reasonably priced Minolta lenses and they don't compare to many of the better modern lenses in most respects...

thank you all for you input so to recap
i don't have to go full frame ,but if i did go down the slt route these cameras are good for landscapes ( i thought they was just good for speed shooting!)would it be a the 580 be a big enough step for me to notice the change?
As you don't have any sigma lenses then the SLT route would be reasonable. A580 was a big step up over an a350. Noise is much less. You can use iso 1600 without any worry and usually 3200 is perfectly acceptable and 6400 isn't that bad either.

I think the A65 which is an A77 without the heavy body would be pretty good. A580s seem tricky to find.
Full frame is great in many ways (viewfinder, lenses acting the way you expect, big body with space for external controls and better dynamic range to name a few) but for pur IQ at low ISO then something like the A580 or A77 with good glass will be as good as the A900 with reasonable glass.

My experience has shwn me that you need to either use primes or the CZ 16-35 and 24-70 to get the best out of the A900, ths makes it very expensive. If you've got the cash then do it

The Minolta 17-35/3.5G and 28-70/2.8G work well on the A900.
The a850/900 has bigger pixels than the a77 (and possibly the a580, though I'm not sure of that). On that basis, I'd say lens choice was less critical than some people think.
the A850/A900 24MP on FF density actually works out slightly below an A700 (12.3MP) in APS-C terms. But an A580 sensor whilst having smaller pixels is also a couple of generations newer with the improvements that entails.
heidfirst said:
the A850/A900 24MP on FF density actually works out slightly below an A700 (12.3MP) in APS-C terms. But an A580 sensor whilst having smaller pixels is also a couple of generations newer with the improvements that entails.

I'm not bothered about the numbes really, just won't to get less movement and I guess mirror lock up or no mirror movement , will be better then my !450
rumour has it that there are a few new Sony Alpha bodies due to be announced in the next month or so -so probably worth waiting to see what they are.

As for SLTs they have no mirror slap & if they have electronic first shutter (A65/A77 atm) then less vibration from that too.
Of course they do sacrifice ~1/2 stop of potential high ISO but it doesn't sound like that is an issue for your needs.
& the EVF coming from an A450 OVF will be a lot larger.
Hey there, can anyone help me work out which other Sony cameras have DRO and HDR built in?

I'm guessing the SLTs all have HDR and DRO, while DRO is on the a580/550/500/450/700? The Sony website isn't telling me much.

Did any of the CCD sensored cameras get these features?

EDIT : Damn, finally found the out of production cameras on the website. They all have DRO? Excuse the DRO question. What about the older DSLRs with HDR? Got a busy night ahead going through every camera lol.
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Ok here is one for you techies out there if I have a remote from Sony alpha, I can use camera remotely .ok so can I get a app for android to work it instead of using a remote trigger that needs connecting inside of camera ? Reason asked I have refusing a jyc remote that u can plug in the side if camera but connection has come loose, now not sure is its the lead or the camera that's dodge ? Anyone have the same issue or solutions
My experience the remotes that came with the A700 and A900 are fairly weak, and it doesnt cover much range- as it's infared. The other alternatives like the one I have from ebay is RF based- so you do have to plug the receiver in the usual remote port and attached the reciever on hotshoe or elsewhere. But the range is a lot better and it doesnt need direct line of sight like IR types
evo456 said:
My experience the remotes that came with the A700 and A900 are fairly weak, and it doesnt cover much range- as it's infared. The other alternatives like the one I have from ebay is RF based- so you do have to plug the receiver in the usual remote port and attached the reciever on hotshoe or elsewhere. But the range is a lot better and it doesnt need direct line of sight like IR types

Does your remote lead fit snug to camera or is their slight or any play ? Also any chance of a link ?
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Micehorns said:
Hey there, can anyone help me work out which other Sony cameras have DRO and HDR built in?

I'm guessing the SLTs all have HDR and DRO, while DRO is on the a580/550/500/450/700? The Sony website isn't telling me much.

Did any of the CCD sensored cameras get these features?

EDIT : Damn, finally found the out of production cameras on the website. They all have DRO? Excuse the DRO question. What about the older DSLRs with HDR? Got a busy night ahead going through every camera lol.

In-camera HDR was first introduced with the a55/560/580 and is a feature of all alphas released since then. Not entirely sure when DRO came in but it was much earlier. Certainly, my a350 had it and all the current models do. DRO has been developed over time, so more recent cams have more DRO options than the older ones.

Both are jpg only, in case you hadn't worked that out for yourself.
debrito said:
Does your remote lead fit snug to camera or is their slight or any play ? Also any chance of a link ?

I've got a Sony cable release that fits very snuggly on 3 Sony cams. In fact, it can be a bit fiddly to plug in.

I'm not aware of any android app + hardware receiver option, but then I haven't been looking for one. My Pixel flash triggers can trigger the shutter, with the appropriate connecting cable (which I don't have).
In-camera HDR was first introduced with the a55/560/580 and is a feature of all alphas released since then. Not entirely sure when DRO came in but it was much earlier. Certainly, my a350 had it and all the current models do. DRO has been developed over time, so more recent cams have more DRO options than the older ones.

Both are jpg only, in case you hadn't worked that out for yourself.

I think DRO came in with the A700. Haven't got the A100 in front of me but don't think it had it.
Was hopping you had s Sony to compare to but thanks

Goggle and ebay are your friends ;)

Just re-read the thread. I do have the Sony versions, but the brand was as per the ebay link. They fit well.
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Check Dyxum for a fairly complete list of the range of Sony cameras, and the features they have.
Thanks for all the answers everyone.

Check Dyxum for a fairly complete list of the range of Sony cameras, and the features they have.

I've been using that site for years and its the usual "I have a Sony question" website and I never even thought about checking it. Thanks.
Johnd2000 said:
I've got a Sony cable release that fits very snuggly on 3 Sony cams. In fact, it can be a bit fiddly to plug in.

I'm not aware of any android app + hardware receiver option, but then I haven't been looking for one. My Pixel flash triggers can trigger the shutter, with the appropriate connecting cable (which I don't have).

Ok thank you for time , ok I will try and order another to see ir its the same would love to know if the app works
Well I don't own any Sigma lenses, so I'll be fine :)

I have been looking at the A55 & A580. Both sound good. I predominantly work in the studio but do the odd bit of nightclub photography (low light etc) and weddings too. A200 has been serving me well to date, just like the new sensor and focus point setups.

Perhaps I'll get one of these for the time being plus you get VAT back ;)

Decisions, decisions.......

I love the A580, I got it just over a year ago to replace my Sony A100.
I was also deciding whether to buy the A580 or the A55 at the time. I think the A55 is a great camera as I had a chance to play with it and shot a Lady Gaga concert with it, I was very pleased with the results.

However I opted for the A580 because the noise handling is a bit better, and I prefer the Optical viewfinder over the A55's electronic one. I also think the A55 looks a bit too small to look professional when I'm doing random photography jobs, not really a big deal but still. Love my A580, especially the pull-out tilting LCD, very handy.
Stuck my head into London Camera Exchange and spied a nice a500 for reasonable money. Now I have never been a pixel peeper so the loss of 200 mp from my present a450 really does not bother me to much as my photography is pants anyway, but I do like a few of the differences. The focus points are much easier to use as they are much clearer in the viewfinder. The camera feels stronger and heavier, its has onboard HDR, handles noise a bit better and I generally liked the feel of it. My lens collection, be it very mid range in IQ, will fit straight to it and I am quite happy with Sony as a system. Although I use the viewfinder most of the time, it might be nice to have a better quality screen that I can pull out and use for those low level or overhead shots that are difficult for me presently. Can I throw it out to the other sony users as to what they think regarding the pros and cons??? thank you. Oh the a500 is 18 months old, looks to be in excellent condition and I would hope come with a limited shop warranty!!
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personally I wouldn't bother.
An A580 though would be a definite improvement.
Well that answers that then...... Thank you for the help, I have to say that I am still very pleased with my 450 so better to keep it and maybe invest in some good glass. Thanks again.
Birthday coming up for me so im going to treat myself to an ultra wide angle, not sure which one tho, 10-24 Tamron f3.5-4.5 or 10-20 Sigma f4-5.6.

Im leaning toward the faster tamron with the extra focal length but not completely decided. Any opinions?