
Edit My Images
Shot this last week and developed it today when the E6 chemicals arrived.

Quite chuffed, very interesting friend of a friend.


The cables/wires on the floor make the shot look untidy, maybe a crop to a landscape orientation would help.
The cables/wires on the floor make the shot look untidy, maybe a crop to a landscape orientation would help.

Calum is a Programmer who also plays music. Those cables are his jacks and such.
I felt like it was appropriate to leave them in.
That's actually a very interesting portrait IMO Patrick.

At a quick glance there appears not to be much to note about it. His head and his gaze out the window are the first things that catch your eye and TBH my first impression was that the pose looked stiff and awkward and frankly I thought he looked completely bored.

Then on looking further and exploring the photo, you start to notice the positioning of his feet (and how they look far more animated than the rest of his body) and the tension in his clenched fist. Really made me reevaluate my first impression of stiffness and boredom and start wondering what he was actually looking at / thinking.
It's subtle, but I like subtlety in my portraits sometimes and in this one it really works (y)
love it.

slightly huaunting. I noticed the cables on the floor were music cables and thought he was a musician. love it!!!

Would be interested in a B&W conversion.....
Another one in the 'like it very much Club'.
To me, it's a combination of the lighting, pose and bare starkness in the image which stimulates thoughts of what may be happening.
It triggers thoughts from serene calm and confidence in his expression, through to a 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest' moment.
It's an image that alters every time I view it.
very moody.
That's actually a very interesting portrait IMO Patrick.

At a quick glance there appears not to be much to note about it. His head and his gaze out the window are the first things that catch your eye and TBH my first impression was that the pose looked stiff and awkward and frankly I thought he looked completely bored.

Then on looking further and exploring the photo, you start to notice the positioning of his feet (and how they look far more animated than the rest of his body) and the tension in his clenched fist. Really made me reevaluate my first impression of stiffness and boredom and start wondering what he was actually looking at / thinking.
It's subtle, but I like subtlety in my portraits sometimes and in this one it really works (y)

Thank you my dear (y)
love it.

slightly huaunting. I noticed the cables on the floor were music cables and thought he was a musician. love it!!!

Would be interested in a B&W conversion.....

Thanks for liking it and such, but why would you want a B&W conversion? I chose to shoot it on colour slide film as the entire scene has a wonderful colour palette.