can you get a heat resistant case???

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I ask as I am to shoot some live fire exercises and would be great to get some shots inside some of the BA wears and Fire behaviour exercises.

Cant seem to find any thing on google?
I can't comment on availability, but in terms of thermodynamics, "heat resistant" could mean a lot of things. Essentially what you want to do is keep the heat in and around your camera low enough that it safely operates. I'd imagine that's below 50 degrees or so. The key is therefore insulation. Unfortunately to see out of the camera, you have to have some parts of it open to the air.

What kind of temperatures are actually inside the buildings you'd be shooting in? I assume you'd be wearing fireman style heat resistant clothing? It may be possible to construct something yourself, depending on the temperatures you're dealing with.

If the actual air temperature isn't too great, then some sort of reflective shield to protect the camera from actual radiant heat from flames wouldn't be too hard to construct. There could be issues at the lens, but perhaps a flap you could remove quickly to shoot through would work. If the air temperature itself is considerably above the operating temp of your camera, then you'd have to completely insulate it from the air (which would impede operation considerably), and perhaps introduce a cooling method like an ice pack or similar to keep the internal air cool. (which could introduce condensation issues).