Capture a stranger street style : Part 2

One from Saturday - a bit Bruce Gilden?
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Dan, I really like those rain shots.

Nice framing, the uprights are upright, a good leading line in from the bottom-right, and a nice group. Not as bad as you might be thinking. And as for shooting street, you'll probably soon find that most people aren't as interested in you as they are in themselves, or as you are in them. They might notice you when you turn up but if you don't do anything straight away, they'll forget you're there. A 50mm f/1.8 to f/2.8 is nice for street, or 35mm if you want to go a bit wider. I tend to either use my 18-55 kit lens or my 55-200 if people are too far away.

Thanks for the feedback and for the tips. I will just get out and about and get snapping, I think once I'm over the self-conscious aspect of it I'll be ok. I'll try with my e-pl5 first as I'll feel slightly less intrusive taking shots with that as I would with my DSLR.

"Ideal" is what you are comfortable with. Don't let someone tell you that the way you choose to get the shot is somehow wrong. Way back when street photography was getting started they did not have the lens technology that we do now and they also did not shoot in color (which is much harder to do). So all to often you hear the so called experts saying you have to shoot a 50mm prime in black and white to be true street. BS,, shoot what gets the shot. I use the Canon 70-200II and love it. I can compress the shot and also compose the shot because of the distance between us rather than just pointing it real fast at the subject and hoping it all turns out okay. That's just what I like, you may like something else. It doesn't matter because there are no rules in street photography. If you haven't tried a long lens try it, you might just end up loving it.

Again, thanks for the info and tips. Hopefully I can contribute a little more to this thread in the future :)
Cool subject (graffiti artist) :) I got the thinking another angle might have helped the image. Low down from the right perhaps. Just spitting ideas out ..
Hi Simon, Some really good street shots there. They're all good but my favs are #2, #4, & #7, (y)
:) ok ok .. sorry they are all crap :p maybe i shouldn't process on the same day I take photos - so I can be more critical and less emotional
Its all good buddy, the problem is that you elevated yourself from just posting snapshots so you got to work three times as hard to keep that up. I know you can do it :)
Its all good buddy, the problem is that you elevated yourself from just posting snapshots so you got to work three times as hard to keep that up. I know you can do it :)

I have a condition called "perfectionism procrastination paralysis" :D
Character profiling.... these are such heavy crops I'm ashamed and amazed at the same time..

FQ2A8429 by dancook1982, on Flickr

FQ2A8410 by dancook1982, on Flickr

FQ2A8402 by dancook1982, on Flickr
I really like that first one, love the smile, the two others looking at something together. Great moment captured, yet leaving lots to the imagination.

There is something about the second one I like as well. Sure just a chap walking in a suit, but somehow it works for me....I think it's the technical merit.