Capture One Pro 11 Released!

Kodiak Qc

Suspended / Banned
French Canadian living in Europe since 1989!
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First impressions are good, especially the new layer and mask features and refinements. Since I started using Capture One I've used LR less and less. The workflow just seems to gel with me.
Soon enough, you'll be Adobe free! :D

I am wanting to move to this soon, I still use Aperture 3 but it's slow and laggy on the later OS X's. Whats the digital asset management side of Capture One. Aperture 3 is superb, LR tolerable, what about Capture One Pro?

I really don't want Adobe Products. Never gelled with LR and don't get the fuss.
what about Capture One Pro?

  • V. 11 has a new colour engine for one…
  • then there are the multiple ways to tonal taming that
    only CO has and does the right thing. The most impor-
    tant to me.
  • The new masking options are pretty sweet — knowing
    they were very good in v. 10.
  • They improved on the colour edition tool… superb
  • etc… the Danish guys are really grooving! :)
Soon enough, you'll be Adobe free! :D

Will be difficult to move from Photoshop. Been using it since around 1995 so know my way around it like the back of my hand. I did give Affinity a try but didn't click with it but probably need to spend some more time with it.

I am wanting to move to this soon, I still use Aperture 3 but it's slow and laggy on the later OS X's. Whats the digital asset management side of Capture One. Aperture 3 is superb, LR tolerable, what about Capture One Pro?

I really don't want Adobe Products. Never gelled with LR and don't get the fuss.

I find Capture One very logical to use e.g. no need to swap between library and develop tabs to work on an image. As Kodiak said, the tonal processing is excellent and I prefer the results to LR. Still have to get into image tagging and searching but it does appear to work well, if different in concept than say Aperture and LR.
Will be difficult to move from Photoshop. Been using it since around 1995 so know my way around it like the back of my hand. I did give Affinity a try but didn't click with it but probably need to spend some more time with it.

I find Capture One very logical to use e.g. no need to swap between library and develop tabs to work on an image. As Kodiak said, the tonal processing is excellent and I prefer the results to LR. Still have to get into image tagging and searching but it does appear to work well, if different in concept than say Aperture and LR.

Does it allow you to create folders, projects etc like Aperture? I love that aspect of it.
Does it allow you to create folders, projects etc like Aperture? I love that aspect of it.

Sure, it does everything… just the right way.
Even libraries that I hate so much :cautious:… all
my students have adopted, like me, the ses-
sion workflow. ;)
I did give Affinity a try but didn't click with it but probably need to spend some more time with it.
The time you will invest will not be lost for sure.
I too was on PS for many years but the desire
to be adobe free was a great motivation.

I think that the UK made Serif products are cool
and growing the right way… did you try the new
Affinity Photo v. 1.6.6?
The only thing that sucks is it won't import all your editing from Lightroom, like cloning, brush adjustments etc. Take to long to redo everything to keep it non destructive. It'll match colour etc pretty close from what I understand though.

When they crack that Adobe will lose a lot of customers.
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I'll give it a go, never used it before but I'll try anything once
It doesnt have lens correction does it? I mean auto? Wrong software i was talking about AP,apologies
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will have a look at this as there is a trial period, I'm pretty new to this PP lark so any help it gives me will be a real bonus, but I must say it is rather expensive, my DPP software was free :)
Works much better than LR with Fuji files from the test I have just done with the free trial. If it wasn't £300 I might be interested and it might keep me with Fuji. Shame they don't do a deal with Fuji like they do with Sony!
will have a look at this as there is a trial period, I'm pretty new to this PP lark so any help it gives me will be a real bonus, but I must say it is rather expensive, my DPP software was free :)

"You get what you pay for" as they say!

The first purchase is the full pro version but all
subsequent update is much cheaper, and the
support is awesome!
already spent a small fortune on a camera and 3 lenses so have to cut back a bit on the spending.

The production of an image IS expensive.

All the invested money on camera, lenses, plus the time
in the learning curve and running after the subjects…

This is a strong commitment, a dedication… and once you
figured all the stuff to achieve the perfect capture, the ren-
dition will make or brake it.

Good gear + good knowledge + lousy rendition = ??? :confused:
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Thanks Kodiak

I am now retired so have to do something to pass the time away, so used to working 5 days a week :)
that is why I bought the gear and now I have lots of time to learn to use it :D
When I look at the cost of software and compare it to the b&w darkroom I used to have (and still have bits and pieces of hanging around), the software and printer route still works out a lot cheaper in real terms and I can process both b&w and colour. Yes, nothing beats watching an image appear in a developing tray, still a bit of alchemy connected with that, and I still process b&w negs, but the amount I spent on various enlarging lenses alone cost more 15 years ago than the software and printer I have today.

I spent quite some time today exploring the new
features of v. 11… the new masking options are
pretty cool and the great annotation tool too!
It's brilliant. I've upgraded for the first time since v8. P1 were good enough to extend their upgrade offer to v8 owners until the end of the months. Not bad value for £150. Been with Lightroom for the past few years and been happy with it but C1P is software that sings to me.

Still buggy though. It's like an Alfa Romeo. Still, it wouldn't be the same without them.