weekly Carol's 52 for 2012 Week 21 Random added

The 52 challenge is a brilliant idea, I'm so enjoying being part of it.
Thanks again for all your supportive comments and critique, they are much appeciated.

Fantastic. A whole deck of fear cards that are all hovering somewhere in everyones mind (or is that me being full of self doubt?). I love the focusing too.
Great idea.
Fear of rejection really works well!
So personal and everyone relates to it well! Nice work!
Arrgh, I'm really struggling with this weeks theme, I've not come up wth much! This is take 1, not my final image (I hope!), just a *sigh* of frustration! lol

OK, so maybe cheating a little (you could do that every week!), but it's a lovely looking image none the less! Only tiny niggle is the cropped star on the right, but that's really splitting hairs.
Direction : it took me a moment, but then worked out what the direction was... and you know...I like it... prefer the colour

Fear : An excellent idea, well implemented... good work

Sigh : I agree with Mark, perhaps cheating a little, but it works well... and I like it. I also agree, that perhaps a little wider would be better.
Hi Carol

Really really like your Fear image - great interpretation and execution. Think the shallow dof and pp really works on this image. I would have maybe cropped in a little tighter at the bottom edge and lost the black space between the frame and the first note.

Keep up the good stuff

Hee, hee yep i agree it is cheating .....sure hope it's not my final take on *sigh*!
Just been feeling a bit frustrated that i'm not getting ideas for this theme. I've been mulling it over since Saturday and i got nothing! Without thinking i found myself writing this in the frost on the car roof. If i can't think of anything else, i'll have to admit defeat on this one and perhaps try again on a re shoot. I'm going for a walk this afternoon so hopefully i'll get some inspiration.

Thanks very much for all your comments,

Just been feeling a bit frustrated that i'm not getting ideas for this theme. I've been mulling it over since Saturday and i got nothing!
Don't feel bad, I for one am at a complete loss for this week, I might have to pull off something like this and hope for better next week! :bang:

Overall I like the shot and always let out a sigh when the car is frosted up!
Don't feel bad, I for one am at a complete loss for this week, I might have to pull off something like this and hope for better next week! :bang:

Overall I like the shot and always let out a sigh when the car is frosted up!

Some weeks will be easier than others...won't they? I did get some inspiration this afternoon, not processed it yet but I've got an idea to work with. It's only Monday so there's still plenty time left for this challenge, maybe something will come to mind for you too.

All the best

I really like this shot as it is a sigh that we can all relate to!
My only Crit is again the crop on the right * :D
But all in all a top shot

Thanks Chris,

It was just a quick, one take shot which is why the crop is a bit tight...wish i'd noticed that at the time but hey ho that's life.

i like this one, nothing worse than getting up late for work, you open the door and the car has a frost over it........ we would all sigh.

Thanks Darren.....have to admit, George, my hubby had to defrost the car while i was prancing around with my camera:D

Hi Carol

Really really like your Fear image - great interpretation and execution. Think the shallow dof and pp really works on this image. I would have maybe cropped in a little tighter at the bottom edge and lost the black space between the frame and the first note.

Keep up the good stuff


Yep in hind sight, a tighter crop or another note to fill that space would have been better. Can honestly say I learned alot from taking this image though.

OK, so maybe cheating a little (you could do that every week!), but it's a lovely looking image none the less! Only tiny niggle is the cropped star on the right, but that's really splitting hairs.

I was desperate! lol I now have a "proper" take to the theme, will post later if it works ok!

Carol, I think we will all get weeks like this through the 52 where ideas don't spring readily to mind but you haveposted an image which with a wee bit of tweaking could really work. As has been interpreted above, frost on the car "sigh".
Having completed a 52 in 2010, my train of thought when these themes are posted is to give myself as wide a brief as possible on the word. I tend to try and find phrases that the word fits within and expand from there. ie "breathe a sigh of relief" then take it from there. This seems to work for me as it does widen my scope. I hope i have made sense with my post :D I am perhaps just thinking out loud.
On the plus side, it is only Monday and you have the rest of the week, should you require it. Iain
Direction : it took me a moment, but then worked out what the direction was... and you know...I like it... prefer the colour

Fear : An excellent idea, well implemented... good work

Sigh : I agree with Mark, perhaps cheating a little, but it works well... and I like it. I also agree, that perhaps a little wider would be better.

Hi John,

Thanks for your feed back, I agree my take on sigh was just a tad cheeky, I didn't expect to get away with it! lol

Carol, I think we will all get weeks like this through the 52 where ideas don't spring readily to mind but you haveposted an image which with a wee bit of tweaking could really work. As has been interpreted above, frost on the car "sigh".
Having completed a 52 in 2010, my train of thought when these themes are posted is to give myself as wide a brief as possible on the word. I tend to try and find phrases that the word fits within and expand from there. ie "breathe a sigh of relief" then take it from there. This seems to work for me as it does widen my scope. I hope i have made sense with my post :D I am perhaps just thinking out loud.
On the plus side, it is only Monday and you have the rest of the week, should you require it. Iain

Yep, that makes perfect sense Iain. I took a step back and though about it from a fresh perspective this afternoon and realised a shot was staring me in the face all the time! Will post take 2 soon.

Thank you

Hi all,

Well this another attempt on this week's theme. When I came out of the station I realised that the tram works fit this week's brief perfectly. I'm sure I'm not the only one who sighs everytime they see the mess Princes St is in. Decided to go for b&w with this one.


I've worked in Edinburgh a few times over the years Carol but not for a couple of years now and Princes street was in this state back then. Sigh right enough, I am sure the Great Wall of China was built quicker than the Edinburgh tram system.
You have handled the B&W conversion well, it suits the subject. It has a very subtle HDR feel about it which I also like, lots of detail in there to hold the viewers eye. Good work (y) Iain
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Hi Carol. Love both images for Sigh, although the first is a little cheeky ;) hehehe. The b&w of Princes Street is really good and effective, and I feel your pain as they're expanding the tram system here in Manchester. I'm still struggling with this weeks theme :thinking:
I've worked in Edinburgh a few times over the years Carol but not for a couple of years now and Princes street was in this state back then. Sigh right enough, I am sure the Great Wall of China was built quicker than the Edinburgh tram system.
You have handled the B&W conversion well, it suits the subject. It has a very subtle HDR feel about it which I also like, lots of detail in there to hold the viewers eye. Good work (y) Iain

Thanks Iain,

Yep, they've been installing the tram system for ages now and doesn't look like it'll be finished any time soon!
You're right about the HDR feel, I did run it through Photomatix Light. With HDR I think less is more, that's just my personal preference ....although I reserve the right to change my mind about that! lol

Hi Carol. Love both images for Sigh, although the first is a little cheeky ;) hehehe. The b&w of Princes Street is really good and effective, and I feel your pain as they're expanding the tram system here in Manchester. I'm still struggling with this weeks theme :thinking:

Thanks Simon,

I was just chancing my luck to see how much I could get away with! lol

Gald you liked the "real" sigh image, I'm in a b&w phase just now and I think the shot suits b&w.... but i could be wrong!

Hope Manchester's tram system is not as much a fiasco as Edinburgh's has turned out to be!

I feel you frustration with this week's theme...maybe give it a break for a day or two and come back with a fresh perspective?

All the best

I like the second shot. Loads of detail and the b&w works well as you have chosen "sigh" to be a negative. Keep up the good work ;)
I liked the crispy feel to 'sigh' in the frost but it was a bit of a cop-out lol. Not an easy choice tis week by any means. I really do like the sharpness of your tram line and lovely tones. It certainly fits with the theme of this week. disruption and mayhem is something that makes me 'sigh' :)
Carol, 2nd shot of Princess street for me. Not been up there for quite a few years, the picture made me sigh. Love the HDR feel to it. Well done
Thanks very much Steve....maybe leave it a wee bit longer before heading back up! lol

I like that, it doesn't shout sigh which is probably because I'm not familiar with that sight.
However after reading your explanation of the interpretation it makes perfect sense.
I think the PP works very well indeed (y)
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Like that one , make a change to actully see a workman when there are cones/bollards out...

Even though it was cheating, I prefer your first one for sigh. This is good, but the first was a really striking image IMHO.

Just spotted your fear one too; what a great interpretation and execution!