cat in bin woman gets police protection?!

Because of a cat food called top cat
with respect, piffle.

cat repellant sprays work around gardens, or get a dog, or a waterpistol. Even sonic scarers and Noise boxes do it. picking a cat up and sticking it in a closed bin that it cant get out of is just wrong, the cat owner was on the radio earlier, the cat was covered in its in mess and in a bit of state when he found it. what if the bin men were round that day? crushed kitty?

IMHO the woman is an evil bitch and I dont beleive for one moment its because a cat might crap in her garden. You cant defend sick people like her.

With respect Matty, re read my post. I haven't defended her. I said the opposite. She should never have done it. I certainly would never do it. I am a dog owner and a cat owner and never in my post did I say I had a problem personally with cats in my garden. All I suggested was perhaps there is more to this then what is currently in the public domain. I was purely hypothesing.

What if the binmen came round? What if. It didn't happen so thats the end of it. What ifs should be left at that. It's all pure guesswork if it never happened. Again, as i said earlier, if something more sinister had happenend I could understand the fuss.

It's all opinion Matty, this is mine and for what its worth I think you judging the woman like you have is 'piffle' as well.
If it was Mrs. Schrödinger, the cat would be both dead and not-dead, so she deserves to be half-lynched?
You win 1st prize - a copy of Dr Seuss' Cat in the Bin Hat

Most kind, old moggy I had as a kid liked top cat, think they did a top dog too
What if the binmen came round? What if. It didn't happen so thats the end of it. What ifs should be left at that. It's all pure guesswork if it never happened. Again, as i said earlier, if something more sinister had happenend I could understand the fuss.

So, by your logic, if a rapist gets a victim, approaches her and attacks, but misses and she gets away, never mind, leave it at that, why not she didn;t get attacked?

See how your logic is flawed?
So, by your logic, if a rapist gets a victim, approaches her and attacks, but misses and she gets away, never mind, leave it at that, why not she didn;t get attacked?

See how your logic is flawed?

Erm, bloke attacks but then didn't attack, make your mind up.

You have a really nice imagination to come up with that one. Bet you're a real laugh down the pub.

So ok, bloke goes to rape woman, fails, is charged with attempted rape.

Woman drops cat in wheelie bin, wheelie bin doesn't get emptied, so woman gets charged with attempted cat crushery?

Simple fact is nothing actually happened, cat was unharmed, therefore what do you do?
I'm with Wiseman, no cat was crushed in the making of that movie
It was, in a parallel universe :thinking:
Interesting quote. Drop the cat in a bin and its unharmed after a 15 hour kip, quick round up the mob. Cat in my garden, lets try to thump it with a tennis ball. Slight touch of hypocrisy perhaps.

With all due respect, i didn't actually say i'd pick the cat off with a tennis ball, did i? i merely throw one in the direction of the cat. Big difference between slinging a kitten in a wheelie bin, and throwing a tennis ball in the direction of a cat to spook it, don't you think? As i said in my original quote. there's a very high possibilty that the bin with the lid closed could easily have being emtied in the refuse lorry, resulting in the kitten being crushed? a ball hitting a fence to spook the cat into buggering off into someone elses garden is nowhere near as comparable, is it? LOL
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There is a very low probability that the kitty would have been emptied into a wagon
Erm, bloke attacks but then didn't attack, make your mind up.

You have a really nice imagination to come up with that one. Bet you're a real laugh down the pub.

So ok, bloke goes to rape woman, fails, is charged with attempted rape.

Woman drops cat in wheelie bin, wheelie bin doesn't get emptied, so woman gets charged with attempted cat crushery?

Simple fact is nothing actually happened, cat was unharmed, therefore what do you do?

I will simplify it for you. Replace cat with small child, still same thing? No one got hurt?
With all due respect, i didn't actually say i'd pick the cat off with a tennis ball, did i? i merely throw one in the direction of the cat. Big difference between slinging a kitten in a wheelie bin, and throwing a tennis ball in the direction of a cat to spook it, don't you think? As i said in my original quote. there's a very high possibilty that the bin with the lid closed could easily have being emtied in the refuse lorry, resulting in the kitten being crushed? a ball hitting a fence to spook the cat into buggering off into someone elses garden is nowhere near as comparable, is it? LOL

Perhaps you should have said what you meant in the first post. Instead of saying throw a ball at the cat when really you meant throw a ball near the cat, at a fence? And I think I must have seen a different film clip to you, cat was dropped in the bin, not 'slung'.
With regards to high possibility of bain getting emptied I would suggest that there is a much higher chance it wouldn't be emptied, unless the binmen come round 4 times a week.
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I will simplify it for you. Replace cat with small child, still same thing? No one got hurt?

quite right.

its a shameful thing to do. saying ah well ne'er mind, no harm done isnt really the point.

Wiseman you are saying she may have had a reason to do it and that we shouldnt judge her because of that..if she didnt like the cat why stop and stroke it? why not just shout at it, or ignore it? I dont like dogs cos they ***** all over the green my kids used to like to go and play at, but i dont randomly shove them in a bin...
I just hope that all this publicity doesn't create a trend of 'copy cat' binning... :( ... or even 'copy puppy' binning ... :D
quite right.

its a shameful thing to do. saying ah well ne'er mind, no harm done isnt really the point.

Wiseman you are saying she may have had a reason to do it and that we shouldnt judge her because of that..if she didnt like the cat why stop and stroke it? why not just shout at it, or ignore it? I dont like dogs cos they ***** all over the green my kids used to like to go and play at, but i dont randomly shove them in a bin...

I'm just saying lets not make judgements until all the information is out there. I agree she shouldn't have done it, I cant think of a reasonable reason to do it, however different people assess and react in different ways.I most certainly would never have done it, I just think it is correct to show a little restraint before judging people.
The woman should be sent for a cat-scan to find out what was going on in her head
There is a very low probability that the kitty would have been emptied into a wagon

Really??? the bins are mounted on the back of the refuse lorry, and the machanism tips them up in the air whereupon the lid opens and tips the contents into the crushing mechanism.
Similar thing happened in Brighton, (was well documented on local news on tv),when a very drunk teacher on a night out, foolishly slept inside a larger refuse bin, which was emptied into one of these automated refuse lorries. His crushed body was found on a refuse landfil. they traced the journey of all the refuse lorries that used that site, and after searching through hours and hours of cctv, the police discovered the awful truth. He was indeed crushed to death. so, on that basis, i would say there's a damn good chance the kitten could have come to harm.
I stand by my assessment

1. Bin was not out so not collection day ( a 1 in 14 chance round my neck of the woods)
2. Cats are bloody noisy
3. Most people take out the last of the trash just before the binmen come round
4. Woman may have checked later on

You however have a 1 in a billion story

I'd back my hand :LOL:
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I stand by my assessment

1. Bin was not out so not collection day ( a 1 in 14 chance round my neck of the woods)
2. Cats are bloody noisy
3. Most people take out the last of the trash just before the binmen come round
4. Woman may have checked later on

You however have a 1 in a billion story :LOL:

I'd back my hand

not a story, mate. it's fact.

Another one - still fancy your hand????
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I will simplify it for you. Replace cat with small child, still same thing? No one got hurt?

I didn't need it simplifying, I just quoted your words back to you. I would be deeply concerned if this was to happen to a child, but as Flash said, surely parents would be accountable for a child left on a wall. The fact remains, that fortunately no harm came to the cat and I still believe the incident is being blown out of all proportion.
I didn't need it simplifying, I just quoted your words back to you. I would be deeply concerned if this was to happen to a child, but as Flash said, surely parents would be accountable for a child left on a wall. The fact remains, that fortunately no harm came to the cat and I still believe the incident is being blown out of all proportion.

I for one agree with what you are saying, no harm came to the kitten, however, what if the cctv wasn't there. would this then have been another case of a kitten simply disappearing with no reason? The simple reason is, this woman is a very nasty person. I for one wouldn't want to live near her. she should be punished for cruelty to animals, as any pet owner would be if they had commited this dispicable act.
I didn't need it simplifying, I just quoted your words back to you. I would be deeply concerned if this was to happen to a child, but as Flash said, surely parents would be accountable for a child left on a wall. The fact remains, that fortunately no harm came to the cat and I still believe the incident is being blown out of all proportion.

The parents would not be accountable in the situation, the kid could have been sat outside his house watching the world go by. Kids are allowed outside you know.

She committed an act of animal cruelty, caught on camera, simple as. Nothing else needs to come into the equation.

Replacing the animal with a child would be exactly the same thing. Someone committing an act of cruelty towards a living being unable to defend itself.
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