cat in bin woman gets police protection?!

She committed an act of animal cruelty, caught on camera, simple as. Nothing else needs to come into the equation.

<pedantic on> How? Is there a law against putting a cat in a bin? Did she harm it? </pedantic off>
I think it's shocking that somebody could leave a young defenseless pet outside, I think that the woman put the cat in the bin for it's own protection. I'm certain that she was on the way to report the owners when this got somewhat blown out of all proportion.
Well all those attempted murderers can be let off, as no harm came to the victims in the end eh!
It's a cat. It got put in a bin, not through a garden shredder. It was unharmed. We shouldn't let the woman be lynched because of a few hippy idiots shouting a lot on the internet. Completely over the top responses and fueled by The Mail. For all any of us know, that cat could have been going to the lavatory in the womans garden for the past however long and finally she took the chance for a bit of revenge.

Well said Wiseman (y), didn't we have thread on here recently about that very subject of cats messing in gardens and how to stop it

Yes indeed Ingrid. That was me :wave:

So naturally, I'm going to defend the woman.
You've no idea what I'd like to do to next doors cats when my Ruby is playing around in the garden and stamps in cats crap, treads it all over her toys, all through our house.......

So if that's the case, :clap: to Mrs cat binner!!

If that's NOT the case (me being Mr sensible and reasonable now), and she just decided to 'chuck a random cat in the bin for no good reason', then she is a bad person, and although doesn't deserve to be lynched, she still shouldn't have done it, and should have a minor punishment.........

<Mr sensible mode now off>

What amazes me is how people thinks the sun shines out of cats arses.
They are vermin. They cause more harm than good, just like squirrels and rats and pigeons.
So why are squirrels, rats and pigeons killed on purpose and cats are made out to be treasured pets?
We actively encourage our children to love cats, and hate the others?
We (well not me) spend a small fortune on looking after cats, vet's bills, fancy foods etc, yet we wouldn't give the above mentioned animals the time of day?
In fact, the above mentioned wild animals probably do a damn site more GOOD for us than cats.
Why has the so called pet owner got CCTV any way?
What she did was wrong but this "story" has gone waaaayyyyy too far! Cat was un-harmed unlike all the random victims of voilence, stabbings, scams and what-not that happens all the time. Get real! Can you imagine a lynch-mob everytime there'd been a robbery? Or whenever someone got slapped around the head in a pub?

Let it go, it's the owner of the cat and the newspapers out to get money, nowt else.

P.S. I love cats and have two myself, just before someone calls me cat-hater.
What she did was cruel and frankly, bizarre.....but it is silly season in the media and it has been blown all out of proportion. The media are turning this country to mob rule.
That cat was physically unharmed, all well & good. Regardles off the fact the cat 'survived' animals do suffer mentally as well - and mentally some are far less likely to recover from a bad situation - ever

What if she had not been caught? What would her next cat encounter have been? If there is one thing a lych mob does well it is scare the crapola out of someone - kind of exactly what she did to the mog.

There may be no criminal offence - but IMO justice is being served.

There should also be a message here - as a country the majority of us do not condone animal cruelty.
Lol at cat-owners taking the moral high ground. You breed the vicious little killers for money knowing they kill millions of British animals for fun. Then one day someone turns up and&#8230; well that&#8217;s the last the cat will ever see of its mother, brothers and sisters&#8230; then you feed them a load of drugs to neuter them. You keep them in an area densely packed with cars and incessantly pester and stroke them. And all because you need a furry play thing. ;)
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What amazes me is how people thinks the sun shines out of cats arses.
They are vermin. They cause more harm than good, just like squirrels and rats and pigeons.
So why are squirrels, rats and pigeons killed on purpose and cats are made out to be treasured pets?

First of all the cat was a pet! and to compare the to a wild pigeon or squirrel (which the red variety came close to extinction a while ago, spose you would have liked that, less vermin) is stupid.

I hate screaming brattish kids, really pees me off when a spolit brat of a kid acts up. Does that give me an excuse to put one in a bin?

I totally agree the couple are playing the media to make cash money, but all the media broo ha ha does not stop a case of animal cruelty having taken place.

Also those questioning the cpls cctv. You tend to only set that up if you are the victim in any given situation.
Here lies the whole point of .......................

Do animals have 'rights' ?

Do they think the same way as humans?

I have pets so don't start coming round my house like a Simpson's Mob or I will just set my Mrs on ya.
CCTV - it has already been reported elsewhere the CCTV was in place as the owners car had been damaged on the street in the past.

Lol at cat-owners taking the moral high ground. You breed the vicious little killers for money knowing they kill millions of British animals for fun. Then one day someone turns up and… well that’s the last the cat will ever see of its mother, brothers and sisters… then you feed them a load of drugs to neuter them. You keep them in an area densely packed with cars and incessantly pester and stroke them. And all because you need a furry play thing. ;)

Nice one there, you just carry on generalising about entire groups of people while forgetting to maintain a clue.
CCTV - it has already been reported elsewhere the CCTV was in place as the owners car had been damaged on the street in the past.

Nice one there, you just carry on generalising about entire groups of people while forgetting to maintain a clue.

Which part of my statement do you feel merits qualification?
It seems blatently obvious that this woman as some form of mental instability. What worries me is if she can do that to a cat what else is she capable of? In years gone by the mental institutions would have been the place for her but now they no longer exist. At the very least she should have a psychological examination to determine her mental state, then place somewhere where she is unable to commit a greater amount of cruelity to any other animal if her assessment warrants it.

Justice is for the justice system, not the public. If the RSPCA decide she has a case to answer for animal cruelty, so be it.
Which part of my statement do you feel merits qualification?

The bit where you refer to all cat owners... :)

Actually, it doesn't matter. I couldn't work out if you were joking or not - but thanks for clearing that up for me with your reply.

Where do rescue cats fit in with your blinkered opinion of cat owners then?
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It seems blatently obvious that this woman as some form of mental instability. What worries me is if she can do that to a cat what else is she capable of? In years gone by the mental institutions would have been the place for her but now they no longer exist. At the very least she should have a psychological examination to determine her mental state, then place somewhere where she is unable to commit a greater amount of cruelity to any other animal if her assessment warrants it.


But why is it that when all the mentally challenged people do far worse cruelty to human beings, no-one lifts an eye-brow? Not long ago an insane murderer ended up with a Facebook tribute page!
But why is it that when all the mentally challenged people do far worse cruelty to human beings, no-one lifts an eye-brow? Not long ago an insane murderer ended up with a Facebook tribute page!

True, and had Moat paused his homicidal rampage to tip someone's pet tabby into a wheelie bin he too would be vilified on internet forums as a monster :naughty:
What i would say is that when I was not even a teenager we had a white cat called "Snowball" that used to greet people in exactly the same way by walking along the front wall.

Some evil little sod took our cat and dumped him 5 miles away, my parents moved heaven and earth to find our cat. Luckily one of the posters was seen by a couple who found him and contacted us.

I can still remember the distress it caused in the family. Having gone through what this owner has gone through I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever with this evil-nasty-vicious-uncareing woman who shouldn't even be allowed out on the streets without a supervisor.

It does, tell me what crimes do not raise eyebrows with the general public when heard about?

It doesn't. Most crimes are never heard of because no-one cares. If it did make it to the papers even a murder wouldn't generate the amount of publicity this bloody cat has. It's even on the news abroad now.

Was *briefly* mentioned someone in Bedford I think, was murdered yesterday, where's the thread for that? Or where's the Facebook page for the innocent cyclist who got murdered by three teenagers last week?

My point is people don't care about "ordinary" crimes like murders because they hear about them all the time, but when someone distresses a cat that doesn't even get harmed, everyone goes nuts.

All blown out of proportion - let it go!
Scum, end of! She should lose her job because of it, and face a jail term!

Those who defend her can probably find a reason to defend the story posted by Ade too?

Cruelty to animals in my books is the same as to children! You are doing harm to someone who cannot defend themselves. If anyone did that to my dogs god help them!

It really isn't though.
It really isn't though.

The mentality behind it is. Without question.

'In My Books' so me says Carl feels it is - and that is not a bad thing. Parents will undoubtedly feel the same as you that such a statement belittles child cruelty - it doesn't, more like elevates animal cruelty in seriousness.
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It doesn't. Most crimes are never heard of because no-one cares. If it did make it to the papers even a murder wouldn't generate the amount of publicity this bloody cat has. It's even on the news abroad now.

Was *briefly* mentioned someone in Bedford I think, was murdered yesterday, where's the thread for that? Or where's the Facebook page for the innocent cyclist who got murdered by three teenagers last week?

My point is people don't care about "ordinary" crimes like murders because they hear about them all the time, but when someone distresses a cat that doesn't even get harmed, everyone goes nuts.

All blown out of proportion - let it go!

No, the media is at blame. I find any murder I hear of disturbing as does anyone with basic moral decency.

The fact that the media has run with this is because it is a story that sells papers. Is Jordans/any other celebs latest hair dye, boob job, boyfriend, shopping spree more important that the floods in pakistan, but guess which has more coverage in national news, and guess why? Because it sells.

Just because the media run things that sell, does not mean people do nto care that innocent people are murdered. How many wifes will be beaten today? Will any make the paper? Does that mean that people don't find that crime disgusting?

You confuse the media with morals which is a dangerous thing to do
You confuse the media with morals which is a dangerous thing to do

Isn't that the truth.

I don't read newspapers, they make me angry with their 'reporting'
I sometimes watch the news broadcasts - but even there some 'reporting' is clearly biased.
It is nearly impossible to to know what is happening out there without some media nupty giving there almost entirely irrelevant opinion on it.
It really isn't though.

The part of committing an act against someone who has no way to defend themselves is! Would a child have been hurt being put in a bin for that amount of time? No harm no foul then.

I presume you don't own pets?

If you have pets in many cases they become part of the family. I know my dogs are after my wife and parents the most important things in my life. I care for them in the same way I do for humans, as do many pet owners.
The part of committing an act against someone who has no way to defend themselves is! Would a child have been hurt being put in a bin for that amount of time? No harm no foul then.

I presume you don't own pets?

If you have pets in many cases they become part of the family. I know my dogs are after my wife and parents the most important things in my life. I care for them in the same way I do for humans, as do many pet owners.

Pets are not human beings, it is utterly incomparable to putting a child in a bin.
Pets are not human beings, it is utterly incomparable to putting a child in a bin.

In your opinion

I don't give a flying fakk if my dog isn't a human being - he is part of my famils and is of higher importance to me than anyone elses child would be.

Accept that your opinion is not fact and to many people there is a direct comparison between child and pet.
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Former neighbour, Nikki Hollis, said: "I remember loads of times when Mary found stray cats in her back garden and she couldn't hit the side of a shed with them. Though not for want of trying."

Meanwhile, Pakistani orphan, Ali Sanjar, said: "If my entire family had not been swept to their death by the mighty Indus, I'm sure they would be horrified to see such a nutritious animal being chucked in the bin like that."

linky :D

In your opinion

I don't give a flying fakk if my dog isn't a human being - he is part of my famils and is of higher importance to me than anyone elses child would be.

Accept that your opinion is not fact and to many people there is a direct comparison between child and pet.

There is no comparison between a child and a pet in any respect whatsoever.
Former neighbour, Nikki Hollis, said: "I remember loads of times when Mary found stray cats in her back garden and she couldn't hit the side of a shed with them. Though not for want of trying."

Meanwhile, Pakistani orphan, Ali Sanjar, said: "If my entire family had not been swept to their death by the mighty Indus, I'm sure they would be horrified to see such a nutritious animal being chucked in the bin like that."

linky :D

Eating pussy :eek: :LOL: