cat in bin woman gets police protection?!

Can I also point out that, had it been a warm sunny day, the cat would have died. The wheely bin would have acted like a greenhouse. It was akin to leaving a dog in a car for 15 hours with no food or water. A basic act of animal cruelty, and i think she is hopefully realising her lesson now!
Dear oh dear, internet hostility, mob rule and indignation all in one thread...............:LOL:
What she did was wrong but this "story" has gone waaaayyyyy too far! Cat was un-harmed unlike all the random victims of voilence, stabbings, scams and what-not that happens all the time. Get real! Can you imagine a lynch-mob everytime there'd been a robbery? Or whenever someone got slapped around the head in a pub?

Let it go, it's the owner of the cat and the newspapers out to get money, nowt else.

P.S. I love cats and have two myself, just before someone calls me cat-hater.

I agree with this. Yes, it'e a terrible thing she has done,BUT you cannot punish someone for what might have been - it could've been killed, what if it had been a child (bit of a leap there, but whatever) and pet owners do far, far worse on a daily basis and essentially get nothing done apart from their pets removed. They certainly don't get death threats!
So, is she awful? Yes, of course. But that doesn't mean the reaction is not disproportionate.

(and yes, I love my pets, they are like my children, and if it was my cat I probably would hunt her down, but that doesn't mean it is RIGHT)
Not read the thread just the title and i have seen the video on the news.

If i see her doing that i would punch her in the mouth, sorry but just being honest, you can all slate me i don't care. (and i don't hit women)

I love animals and you never ever do that, then say on telly that it was a mistake. No it wasn't a mistake you intended to lure that cat to you then grab it round the back and shove it in the bin, you just didn't expect to get caught out.
Well, the RSPCA have jumped in and are 'investigating' - another wonderful opportunity for them to find a possible offence, prosecute her, get themselves some publicity and no doubt some more well meaning old dears will leave them money in their wills:crying:

Not that I have anything against the RSPCA prosecuting in cases of animal cruelty, it's just that they never seem to be interested in the cruelty that goes on, on a massive scale, in factory farming...
Not that I have anything against the RSPCA prosecuting in cases of animal cruelty, it's just that they never seem to be interested in the cruelty that goes on, on a massive scale, in factory farming...

Money talks.....
Not read the thread just the title and i have seen the video on the news.

If i see her doing that i would punch her in the mouth, sorry but just being honest, you can all slate me i don't care. (and i don't hit women)

I love animals and you never ever do that, then say on telly that it was a mistake. No it wasn't a mistake you intended to lure that cat to you then grab it round the back and shove it in the bin, you just didn't expect to get caught out.

Having watched the video again you're right - there was pretty clear intent there. You could see her looking all around before she did it then hurrying off once she had done it.

About these death threats the media are so hung up on. What an absolute crock of ***** - not one of those threats will be serious. Something typed by an unknown person on a facebook group is not a valid death threat - but hey, it sells papers to say it is, right?
Well, the RSPCA have jumped in and are 'investigating' - another wonderful opportunity for them to find a possible offence, prosecute her, get themselves some publicity and no doubt some more well meaning old dears will leave them money in their wills:crying:

Not that I have anything against the RSPCA prosecuting in cases of animal cruelty, it's just that they never seem to be interested in the cruelty that goes on, on a massive scale, in factory farming...

...and neither does the general public, who buys the food.
People can be confronted with what goes on, and it doesn't stop them wanting cheap chickens/meat

Well, the RSPCA have jumped in and are 'investigating' - another wonderful opportunity for them to find a possible offence, prosecute her, get themselves some publicity and no doubt some more well meaning old dears will leave them money in their wills:crying:

Not that I have anything against the RSPCA prosecuting in cases of animal cruelty, it's just that they never seem to be interested in the cruelty that goes on, on a massive scale, in factory farming...

Again people should check facts, the RSPCA were the ones who helped expose the horrors of factory farming, it wasn't Jamie and Hugh as the papers and their PR people have you believe. The RSPCA cannot do anything as they have to stick to the law which allows the practice to go on. Not done anything? They launched a campaign back in 2008

Sorry Garry but to drag the reputation of the RSPCA into this is disgusting, and I also feel it weird that you care more about an animal bread for food than an animal that is a beloved family pet.

Factory farming is a product of the supermarket age. Unless laws are passed or the supermarkets commit to it (not going to happen) then factory farming is here to stay.

I find it funny that us clearly state she should be prosecuted for animal cruelty are put as a "Mob" where as uninformed comments are left alone due due to ignorance or ill informed facts.

I am not defending the media in this, which you seem to think those in favour are. It is a case of animal cruelty under the Animal Welfare Act. Which States:

Unnecessary suffering

A person commits an offence if—
(a) an act of his, or a failure of his to act, causes an animal to suffer,
(b) he knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the act, or failure to act, would have that effect or be likely to do so,
(c) the animal is a protected animal, and (d) the suffering is unnecessary.

A person commits an offence if—
(a)he is responsible for an animal,
(b) an act, or failure to act, of another person causes the animal to suffer,
(c) he permitted that to happen or failed to take such steps (whether by way of supervising the other person or otherwise) as were reasonable in all the circumstances to prevent that happening, and
(d) the suffering is unnecessary.

The considerations to which it is relevant to have regard when determining for the purposes of this section whether suffering is unnecessary include—
(a) whether the suffering could reasonably have been avoided or reduced;
(b) whether the conduct which caused the suffering was in compliance with any relevant enactment or any relevant provisions of a licence or
code of practice issued under an enactment;

She committed an offence under that act, and therefore should be punished. Nothing more nothing less. Which again states:

A person guilty of an offence under any of sections 4, 5, 6(1) and (2), 7 and 8 shall be liable on summary conviction to—
(a) imprisonment for a term not exceeding 51 weeks, or
(b) a fine not exceeding £20,000, or to both.
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Having watched the video again you're right - there was pretty clear intent there. You could see her looking all around before she did it then hurrying off once she had done it.

About these death threats the media are so hung up on. What an absolute crock of ***** - not one of those threats will be serious. Something typed by an unknown person on a facebook group is not a valid death threat - but hey, it sells papers to say it is, right?

How can you possibly know that?

A teenager was ordered to be detained yesterday for posting death threats on Facebook.

Keeley Houghton, 18, said on her Facebook profile that she would kill Emily Moore, 18, whom she had bullied for four years since they were at school together. Houghton was sentenced to three months in a young offender institution after pleading guilty to harassment at Worcester Crown Court.

On July 12 this year Houghton wrote: “Keeley is going to murder the bitch. She is an actress. What a f***ing liberty. Emily F***head Moore.”
Well, the RSPCA have jumped in and are 'investigating' - another wonderful opportunity for them to find a possible offence, prosecute her, get themselves some publicity and no doubt some more well meaning old dears will leave them money in their wills:crying:

Not that I have anything against the RSPCA prosecuting in cases of animal cruelty, it's just that they never seem to be interested in the cruelty that goes on, on a massive scale, in factory farming...

You are correct in that the RSPCA appear to have tagged onto the tail end of what they see as massive money making publicity.

I doubt if any CPS prosecutor would consider such a prosecution to be in the public interest, although they might just consider some of the threats and harassment that have appeared online to be worthy of prosecution.

What exactly has the cat suffered?

It was put in a bin? Lots of cats are put into containers for long period of time, indeed, RSPCA cardboard cat boxes are much smaller and have no light.

Wheelie bins are not airtight. So the cat was in no danger of suffocating.

Several people elsewhere have said that if they thought a cat was likely to follow them, or might be in danger from passing traffic they might have done the same knowing that the bins had been emptied and that people would be coming out to check their rubbish had gone or to put more in. And of course the cat was found unharmed.

My view: This poor woman needs help not prosecution.
....................What exactly has the cat suffered?

It was put in a bin? Lots of cats are put into containers for long period of time, indeed, RSPCA cardboard cat boxes are much smaller and have no light.

Wheelie bins are not airtight. So the cat was in no danger of suffocating..........................

The cat carriers are far more breathable than a wheelie bin. They do not retain heat like a wheelie bin. They are kept in carriers for short spells only, never anywhere near 15 hours.

The cat may not have been in dangers of suffocation but it will have been severely traumatised not to mention the effect on the owners when they could find their much loved family pet.
Well it's a bloody disgrace what she did to the cat ... her punishment should be ,make her sit in a very public place in her neighborhood with a banner saying "I DUMPED THE CAT IN A WHEELBIN "
The cat carriers are far more breathable than a wheelie bin. They do not retain heat like a wheelie bin. They are kept in carriers for short spells only, never anywhere near 15 hours.

The cat may not have been in dangers of suffocation but it will have been severely traumatised not to mention the effect on the owners when they could find their much loved family pet.

Cat was in wheelie bin overnight. It was not a warm night.

Taking cat to vet is usually done in daytime in the car or by bus. Both means of transport get very hot, especially for cat in box.

Did you notice the cars whizzing past on the video? About 40 -45 mph? Maybe cat was safer in the bin than roaming that road.

Cat is hardly likely to be traumatised from being in the bin. Lots of nice smells. Lots of cats seem to live in and around bins these days. And cats are notorious for crawling into enclosed spaces and causing panic for their owners when they don't come out immediately.

Seriously, had this woman put down glue traps, thrown the cat off a balcony or done something equally damaging I doubt if the net would have taken more than fleeting notice. This woman has been pilloried because she isn't young, waif like and pretty.
Cat was in wheelie bin overnight. It was not a warm night.

Taking cat to vet is usually done in daytime in the car or by bus. Both means of transport get very hot, especially for cat in box.

As I already said, they are only in the carriers for a very short space of time. My vet is 10 minutes away, not in the outer hebrides.

Did you notice the cars whizzing past on the video? About 40 -45 mph? Maybe cat was safer in the bin than roaming that road.

So you're saying she deliberately put the cat in the bin to save it from being run over. I'm pretty sure that couldn't have been further from her mind. I'd also suggest the cars were going no more than 30mph as it's a residential street. ;)

Cat is hardly likely to be traumatised from being in the bin. Lots of nice smells. Lots of cats seem to live in and around bins these days. And cats are notorious for crawling into enclosed spaces and causing panic for their owners when they don't come out immediately.

Being trapped in a bin for 15 hours will certainly traumatise a cat. Utterly ridiculous to claim that it won't because of "nice smells".

Seriously, had this woman put down glue traps, thrown the cat off a balcony or done something equally damaging I doubt if the net would have taken more than fleeting notice. This woman has been pilloried because she isn't young, waif like and pretty.

No, she's being pilloried because she committed an act of cruelty towards someone's pet. Something you obviously have an issue with, maybe you don't think peoples' pets are important? :shrug:
As I already said, they are only in the carriers for a very short space of time. My vet is 10 minutes away, not in the outer hebrides.

Then you are lucky. Still no proof cat suffered in the bin though, just as cats who crawl into other small spaces of their own volition don't.

So you're saying she deliberately put the cat in the bin to save it from being run over. I'm pretty sure that couldn't have been further from her mind. I'd also suggest the cars were going no more than 30mph as it's a residential street. ;)

Even if they were doing 30 a collision of a tyre with cat would do more harm than a night in the bin.

Being trapped in a bin for 15 hours will certainly traumatise a cat. Utterly ridiculous to claim that it won't because of "nice smells".

What do you base this unsubstantiated claim of trauma to the cat on? Cats are regularly trapped or caged for lots of reasons. Should they all end up on therapy?

No, she's being pilloried because she committed an act of cruelty towards someone's pet. Something you obviously have an issue with, maybe you don't think peoples' pets are important? :shrug:

What she has done is minor in the scheme of things. And yet she has made headline news around the world. Do you really think that a cat spending a few hours in a bin when its owners were quite happy to leave it to wander around in the traffic is worth wrecking a woman's life for?
When Roaul Moat went on his shooting spree the resultant thread on TP reached 140 posts, some daft old bat sticks a cat in a bin - 152 (153 incl this one) posts and counting...


Then you are lucky. Still no proof cat suffered in the bin though, just as cats who crawl into other small spaces of their own volition don't.

Jeez, you don't need to have a degree in animal psychology to know that a cat will be traumatised if trapped in a bin for 15 hours. They will defaecate and, given that cats are extremely clean animals, they won't enjoy sitting in their own **** for hours on end. If they go into a small space of their own volition, it's hardly the same thing is it? One of my cats regularly stays under our bed for hours on end, but he does it of his own volition and knows he can get out.

Even if they were doing 30 a collision of a tyre with cat would do more harm than a night in the bin.

Still irrelevant as that isn't the reason she put the cat in the bin.

What do you base this unsubstantiated claim of trauma to the cat on? Cats are regularly trapped or caged for lots of reasons. Should they all end up on therapy?

See my answer above. If you trap any being, they will be traumatised. It ain't rocket science.

What she has done is minor in the scheme of things. And yet she has made headline news around the world. Do you really think that a cat spending a few hours in a bin when its owners were quite happy to leave it to wander around in the traffic is worth wrecking a woman's life for?

Now you want to vilify the owners because they allow their cat outside? You obviously think that there's nothing wrong with what she did but if you were he owner of that cat, you might think differently.
There is no justification for putting a cat in a wheelie bin.

Just like there is no justification for threating harm to this woman for her actions

I'd say that she's had more than an equivalent of 15 hours in a wheelie bin :shrug:
When Roaul Moat went on his shooting spree the resultant thread on TP reached 140 posts, some daft old bat sticks a cat in a bin - 152 (153 incl this one) posts and counting...



Ah 2 reasons for this IMO

1) In the UK we are pet crazy, cats more than dogs for some reason (so much for man's best friend!)
2) Parliament was in session so the media replaced the story with other "news" once it was over rather than trying to milk it for every possible angle.
Ah 2 reasons for this IMO

1) In the UK we are pet crazy, cats more than dogs for some reason (so much for man's best friend!)
2) Parliament was in session so the media replaced the story with other "news" once it was over rather than trying to milk it for every possible angle.

Actually, cat's get more of a well known response as people grab them from the streets. As Dog's don't roam the streets it's harder for the scumbags to do anything to them.