China to the UK...£0.99 all in.

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What chance Western ecconomies....?

This large cap, 67mm, is of excellent quality and cost me the princely sum of £0.99, yes just 99p all in, that's P&P included.

Ordered on the 23rd of Dec, delivery was promised 3rd-23rd of Jan, so it was three days early.

by Dave in Wales, on Flickr
Yep but it probably cost max 5p to make on a fully automated line, and postage is likely pennies as well when you consider they probably post hundreds a day so will have a deal on the postage....ironically the most expensive part of the whole deal is packaging :LOL:
usually packaged very well also - the envelope is great to re-use
I've got lens caps , blowers, hot shoe covers and allsorts from china

Can't go wrong at 99p and sellers are usually more reliable than British sellers anyway lol

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You can't help wondering who is making a profit (and how much) from some of these deals.
You can't help wondering who is making a profit (and how much) from some of these deals.

The point is that if you have no overheads, shareholders and minimal staff it is pretty easy (if not time consuming) to run a bulk business from the country of manufacture, especially if that's China!

This is why shops struggle to compete - overheads.
Yeah I have also bought many items from China but you do have to watch for custom charges but small items like yours are fine

The biggest stumbling block is the time for delivery but you got your item very quick

You are just doing what the big UK companies do with everything from iphones to TV's but they order huge amounts