Chocolate Labrador (Harvey)

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A friend asked me to get a picture of his Chocolate Lab that was slightly different. With poor weather outside I decided to shoot in the studio.
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A beautifully lit shot and very sharp, not too keen on the composition though. Maybe just a tad too much empty space on the left.
That is different and I like it, but have to agree with Steve about the empty space - a tad too much.
What did you meter the key light at? f8?
I think personally there is a little too much empty space and it would be better with a more central composition. If you draw in the right hand side of the dogs head in your mind, you lose the ear out of the side of the frame for no good reason.
Cheers guys. I haven't tried cropping it down to reduce the negative space. I had it like this to use as a cover photo on Facebook.
GaryK26 it was metered at f6.3.
Simon - in that case (using for FB cover photo), then maybe worthwhile extending the dead space! lol
That's a beauty... personally I love the empty space, I really think it lends itself to the mood of the image :cool:
I could have sworn I'd seen this shoot before. Are you MSFT by any chance? Great shot.
I think there is a bit too much empty space too - but it is certainly a bit different so you achieved that aim.
I love it.
I agree there is too much empty space (for my liking) but only just.

Add some text and it'd be great for a rescue's cover photo or website :D
Really really like this shot! Almost perfection for me. As with a few others I find just the slightest snippet too much of empty space.

Harvey is a gorgeous boy too :)
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Bang on!!
There is a lot of space on the LHS, but it doesn't distract from the main object.
Perhaps a bit more light on the RHS to see some of the detail on the other eye?