Critique Christmas day Ant

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Hi all.
I saw this little lonely Ant out and about on this cold day here, it was a little sluggish.
View attachment 27585

Thanks for looking and any C&C is welcome.
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Hi Graham

I am not a Macro expert by any means, like the thought process and the photo and like you say, the image shows it being a little sluggish, but for me the very shallow depth of field looks a little forward ? Possibly if it was a little further away - on it's antenna's ?

Hope this makes sense
Hi Graham

I am not a Macro expert by any means, like the thought process and the photo and like you say, the image shows it being a little sluggish, but for me the very shallow depth of field looks a little forward ? Possibly if it was a little further away - on it's antenna's ?

Hope this makes sense
Hi and thanks, I'm still learning also so I'm no expert. The focus is on the eye in view, f14 ISO 400 1/250 and diffused flash used.
This is my best ant shot to date as the little buggers won't stay still. :D
Maybe they won't stay still because they are anti photographic anyway, and things ant what they used to be
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Graham has the focus correct on the eye as it should be. An increase in dof is not always possible at these short distances. Seeing as it's shot at f/14, a fairly optimum stop for this type of shot, there's not a lot of scope for increase.
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Graham has the focus correct on the eye as it should be. An increase in dof is not always possible at these short distances.
Merci M bash
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Nice shot Graham, the most important part of the image is in good focus so for me that works very well, even when these things are a little slow it can still be very difficult to nail focus. Maybe just a bit cropped from the right would improve the presented composition a touch.(y)

Only my opinion of coarse.,

I totally agree with @BRASH but would word it in a way more similar to @G.K.Jnr. ;)

I think it could be warmed up a little too (even despite it being Christmas)
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Thanks all for your kind and critical comments.
I would like to wish everyone in the macro section for you help and support in the past year in helping me improve with my passion in macro photography and to all on talk photography and to the people who created TP and making this site one of the best and easiest site to navigate.
Again, happy new year to you all