Christmas pressie for a complete newbie...

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...not me this time.

One of my best mates has told me his son wants a DSLR for Christmas.

I want to buy him something to go with it.

What would you buy them that's non-brand specific (that is, I don't know if he's going Nikon/Canon etc), and about £20?

Ideas so far include a small gorilla pod or some sort of bag - but which bag? - or a book. Again, which book?

Any ideas welcomed.

Thanks in advance.
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Digital photography for dummies? I think there are a couple of titles (digital photography, Digital SLR photography etc)
TBH, a small Gorillapod is (IMO) as useful as a chocolate teapot for SLR use (or indeed, anything other than [possibly] holding a flash gun), although the bigger ones (SLR Zoom and above) are quite useful when fitted with a reasonable head.

Have a look in charity shops and see what books they have in - our local Oxfam shop often has a selection of photography books in, both instructional and inspirational.
Sometimes 'remainder' bookshops like The Works have digital photography books in stock, which include the usual basics about DSLR photography and tutorials on Photoshop type software. Perhaps one of those might do if they have any in stock? Or an online search of book-sellers might find something suitable and within budget?

I wouldn't get him a cheap/mini tripod though, just in case his new camera falls off the thing and breaks... in which case you'll probably be about as popular as dysentery! :whistle:

Edit: Not sure how old your mate's son is and whether this might be suitable or a bit too advanced for him? Anyway, it's within budget and it's a newly released and revised version so it should be up-to-date!

It does concentrate on Photoshop as the digital darkroom software, so not sure if it will suit, but I imagine most of the techniques explained would be transferable to other software too? Anyway, see what you think, it seems to have good reviews. I have the older 2014 version of this book and found it pretty comprehensive, but must get around to reading the digital darkroom section!
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SD/CF cards depending on what camera he gets, card reader if he does not have one.
What age is the son? Maybe a cool/stylish camera strap would suit. I know I’d have loved a funky strap to make my hooge and rather ugly DSLR look more cool for some added Street cred among fellow the same time it could make it stand out to all the little ****’s in our country which is a shame. ☹️
You don't say how old the lad is but if my teenagers are anything to go by I wouldn't bother with a book, they just use Youtube. Cheap polarizer (but then I guess you don't know the lens size and probably over budget).
£27.16 gets a neewer flashgun that works on the hotshoe (brand dependant) or off camera in optical trigger mode, which is fine for indoor use if he reduces the power of the onboard flash to its minimum setting.
peak design leash?
just got one for myself and it's a great addition to any camera
A genuine Giottos rocket blower is well worth it.

Would agree with comment above that gorilla pods don't work too well with DSLR's but one of the mini table top tripods might work and can be handy. Just make sure it's rated well above the weight of what's going on it.

Circular Polariser if you know what lens he'll be using.

Books are a good bet too.
...not me this time.

One of my best mates has told me his son wants a DSLR for Christmas.

I want to buy him something to go with it.

What would you buy them that's non-brand specific (that is, I don't know if he's going Nikon/Canon etc), and about £20?

Ideas so far include a small gorilla pod or some sort of bag - but which bag? - or a book. Again, which book?

Any ideas welcomed.

Thanks in advance.

Simple and, almost, free! Give him some of your time. Take him out and give him some basic tuition - you will both probably enjoy it and hands on tuition is worth more than a thousand words. Or is that a picture?;)
Maybe a set of cheap close up filters or maybe a set of special effect filters. Add a few links to websites or YouTube vids showing their use and effects and the result could be hours of fun and some funky pictures.
That’s a great idea.

Unfortunately they’re back in my home town 300 miles away.

A 600 mile round trip would be above and beyond!

Some extension tubes perhaps?