Circular polarized lenses?

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Sorry another newby question, but what you use a circular polarized lens for? The only pics I have seen so far that appear to have used one of these have been photos of cars so as to get that rainbow effect in the headlights etc of the car.

I do take a lot of photos of cars and love how this effect looks on the finished photos, but was just wondering if it is a worthwhile purchase and if so, which kind should I go for for my Nikon D90 and are the lenses trabsferrable between my nikon lens and my sigma lens?

Sorry if these are silly questions...

Thanks zimbo :)
Hi, nothing silly about these at all. The only silly question is the one you don't know the answer to and don't ask.

The main use of circular polarising filters is

1) reduce reflections from glass / water
2) Enhance colours - in particular blues in the sky and less so greens of vegetation.

I'm not so sure about rainbow effects on headlights. Other people may be able to comment.

The most common polarising filters are the screw in type. Basically lenses have a stated diameter so as long as your Sigma and Nikon lenses are the same diameter you will be able to transfer. If not you can buy a filter that fits the lens with the widest diameter and then buy a 'stepping ring' which will adapt from the 2 diameter sizes.

Hope this helps

Mark F