Coal, Great and Blue

Edit My Images

1. Coal Tit 1/200, F/5.6 ISO 250 400mm

2. Great Tit 1/200, F/5.6 ISO 250 400mm

3. Blue Tit 1/200, F/5.6 ISO 250 365mm

C&C welcome
Very nice collection, can't really criticise them - they look excellent to me.
Lovely shots! Even nicely framed (y) The large watermark is distracting though...perhaps a smaller one in a uniform position would be more pleasing!
Excellent set, sharp, clear and well defined (y)
Lovely shots Christine - the Coal Tit is a real beauty. He/she has that pink tinge which always seems to make these birds more attractive. I've no idea if it's a sex/gender thing or just random. :shrug:

You're just losing the eye detail against that black head which is all too easy with these birds, and your sharpening isn't doing the shot justice. I've adjusted levels, run NR on the bg, and sharpened. There's actually a large drop of water clinging to his feathers just above his eye which makes the eye look misshapen so I cloned it out.

Lovely shot - one to be proud of. (y)

Thank you all, it was pretty chilly outside earlier but I was pleased with these as the Coal tit has been a bit evasive recently.

The frame is sort of an accident (if I am allowed to admit it) I was making one for my Hastings Meet pictures and made a mistake and this appeared and I liked it more than the one I had in mind, no idea what I did though :D Just changing the colour and orientation to suit
These are fantastic. They are really sharp and very clear. Also the exposure is bob on :)Only crit is that you cut the second ones foot off.
I liked the Blue Tit best, until CT edited the Coalie. That is a great picture.

CT - Did you just use the normal unsharp mask? That made sooooooooo much difference.
Great set especially the coal tit as these are very quick!
3 stunning images, a pleasure to look at, the first one is absolutely spot on!
CT - Did you just use the normal unsharp mask? That made sooooooooo much difference.
It was quite soft so I just have it a couple of blasts with the one shot sharpen filter, which would usually be waaay too much. You'd get the same result using USM, but you'd have to apply it quite a few times before it looked as sharp.