Coal tit at long last

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Finally got a decent coal tit picture after gluing it's feet to the tree stump. Boy they are damn quick!

Very nice capture - what glue did you use? :D
excellent imo :clap:
Lovely Coaly. I remember it took me yonks to get a decent one.
Excellent capture Dave, well done (y)
Cracking shot Dave...Have you been able to get any shots of the Buzzards up Wishaw way. I was up there a couple of weeks ago (without my camera) and one of the really pale ones perched 6 feet away from my car.
Very good shot!...I have them in the garden, but no damn luck at all in getting a shot. Again very well done you
beautiful image, well done, they don't come much better than that.
great shot well done they are really quick little blighters:)
Fantastic Capture I really Like It Very Sharp And Crisp And Great Coplours Very Well Done

Thank you everyone for the comments - much appreciated.

Cracking shot Dave...Have you been able to get any shots of the Buzzards up Wishaw way. I was up there a couple of weeks ago (without my camera) and one of the really pale ones perched 6 feet away from my car.

I've not photographed the buzzards since last year, but there were 2 very confiding birds. I had one sitting on a grave stone at the church and another in the tree at Blindpit Lane. The one in Blindpit Lane was so close that with the 500mm lens I couldn't get it all in, had to back the car away. Pictures were OK - nice and detailed and sharp but nothing special photogenically.

I'll see if I can find them for you.