Color & Exposure Aberration : as my wish.

Edit My Images
Hi, I'm a new member.
I usually post my photos to the website in my country, but I need to get more opinions from the different people, different country for improving my skill.

P.S. My english grammar is so bad, so if some words was incorrect please tell me. if you don't get some words, just leave it.
P.S.2 Please tell if you want me to improve my photos or all of the album.
Thanks for watching.
I just went to Thailand International Balloon Festival 2009 in Ayutthaya Province.
Adding more saturation, more contrast with Canon Zoom Browser.
Resize and Unsharpen Mask with Photoshop.


There are some really good pictures in your set, but unfortunately you have posted so many at once and not numbered them, it is difficult to comment on them all. However, my favourites ones include the couple of the balloons landing and the sunset.
There are some really good pictures in your set, but unfortunately you have posted so many at once and not numbered them, it is difficult to comment on them all. However, my favourites ones include the couple of the balloons landing and the sunset.

Thank a lot. Next time I will post more quality photos than quantity:D:D:D.

It's fine. It's better than some who claim English as their first language!
