Beginner Complete Novice-be gentle

Edit My Images
I've been taking mainly landscapes for the past year but dabbling with different genres. I'm not very good with editing and my kit is a Nikon D3200, Sigma 17-70 F2.8-4, and processed in NIK. This is my daughter. The story I have called Regret. All photos were took on Auto as the light wasn't the best and it was more of a fact finding mission, than trying for quality. I would appreciate feedback and critiques on the subject matter and storyboard, and the set up of the shots. Thanks in advance. I can take harsh criticism so please don't kiss my a***. lol.



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I suppose someone has to say it but selective colouring is naff in all but a few, count them on a hand over a lifetime, exceptions. The shots in colour are far more appealing.

Other than that, I am not really picking up a story from the sequence, part of that is because there are a lot of shots, a lot of them saying the same kind of thing and then it doesn't really have an ending and I'm not sure much "Regret" is portrayed.

A story needs to have a beginning middle and end.
The story is a love hate relationship between girl and bear. Its an ongoing argument, ending in girl throwing bear down the well, only to regret it then going to save the bear and getting stuck. I kept the love heart red to emphasise the strongest power, linking it to the ending. Keep the comments coming though.
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I still class my self a complete novice when it comes to post processing , however for me so long as you are prepared to try something , even if it is a fail , then that's better than nowt.
I couldn't get past the selective colour. Sorry.

It's great that you've built a concept for the shoot, but the execution has failed IMHO due to the competing patterns, incorrect focus, odd composition and mix of processing styles.

I think you could tell the story in 5 shots much more compellingly.
The different processing was just me trialing different effects to see which ones worked and which didn't. The project was more for my daughter and she loves them which is important for me. Going forward though, im learning from you guys what works and what doesn't. Every day a learning day.
I like the first two, but would like them fully black and white with more contrast and maybe some grain added.

I am viewing on an iPhone screen, so contrast maybe by viewer.

Selective colour/muted colour is to taste. Most see it as a fad, that is past it's best. However it is still useful to get used to those tools in post processing.

I would not be disheartened by any means by this. It's a pretty decent go. You will find that most people who bother to comment have pretty high standards, so it may come across as brutal. However, they are helpful.
I dont mind brutal. We all have to start somewhere and as long as people are respectful of this, then I'm ok with that.
Selective colour is a personal thing, I hate it to be honest

I find the majority of your images to be slightly out of focus, shutter speed to slow or aperture to wide, could be either a small off camera flash could have improved this set I'm thinking. At least you'll have an opportunity to shoot this again, I quite like the idea and story behind the shoot- good luck

I've adjusted one image in Photoshop to give you an idea of what I mean - compare her Hair, shirt - the wall she leaned against and her jeans


my sharpened edit

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Hope you don't mind, but I had a little play, with a simple edit, maybe to your taste, maybe not.

andyscott, did you just remove the selective colour and adjust contrast ? Forgive my ignorance but maybe you adjusted the sharpness etc but I'm not knowledgeable enough at this stage to know any different. I like it fully B&W though.
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Yes it is Hamish from Leeds , I don't know him personally , he works at St James' with the Bride!
The Bride is Caroline Senior and the Groom Russell Midgley they are both ODP's at Leeds teaching hospitals trust.