Concord flight deck

Flight deck to control a supersonic plane? Dont think I'd come back in Concorde if I saw that on the way out......
I've seen teh flight deck of a 747 I flew on and it was as equally uncomfortable looking for the crew. Not exactly 1st class is it.

Flight deck to control a supersonic plane? Dont think I'd come back in Concorde if I saw that on the way out......
I've seen teh flight deck of a 747 I flew on and it was as equally uncomfortable looking for the crew. Not exactly 1st class is it.


Hey, my Grandad designed and built that.. Luxury at the time.
Nice shots, but I think they are let down by the amount of noise and the wonkyness. Which one was it - I'm guessing one of the prototypes?

I've seen teh flight deck of a 747 I flew on and it was as equally uncomfortable looking for the crew. Not exactly 1st class is it.


Actually the aircrew seats on a 747 are sheepskin lined and incredibly comfy, plus the pilots have 56" of legroom vs the about 8 you get in cattle class - oh and they always get a window seat.