connected camera to vista powered pc

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Hi, I have a 1ds and a laptop with vista on it, despite having the right cables it just wont work to connect to the computer, has anyone managed to make this work?

no i know canon didnt make 64 bit drivers but something in the back of my head is saying the 1 series wasnt vista compatible..

no doubt someone will be along soon to confirm/deny that..
If you cam is turned on and it dose not ask if you want to download your pics have a look in the start menue and click on my computer and look and see if it shows your cam. It might show it as an extra hard drive if it dose you can open it from there and down load yor pics to a folder on your desk top by holding your left button on your mouse down and draging then to the folder you have just made on the desktop.
Hi, thanks guys, yes the camera is turned on, its possible to see the camera ikon but I am not too interested in downloaing pictures, its more using the camera in tethered mode Im thinking about. This does not seem to be possible, neither does downloading for that matter.
You will require software to run in tethered mode that is comaptible with your camera and Vista