Copying a 'card onto HD without PC >?

The colourspace udma2 I ordered has just arrived today. It was quick and easy to set up. I decided to go with a SDD for mechanical failure benefits. So far I'm very happy with it, it does exactly what I wanted quick backup of images to an external HDD. The screen is ok for viewing but not brilliant, the wifi connection to iPad is ok too. A nice app viewer would be a great addition to this product as you currently use safari to open the IP address to view the images. There is also no scroll function as you open each image individually and the images are not automatically sized to screen area, so for my d7100 they are a little bigger than the screen size. I think I may try shooting raw and JPEG and use the JPEG to quickly view the image on the iPad, whilst backing up the raw the udma2. For what I wanted, a device to backup several GBs of images whilst away from home this is perfect for the task, it's easier than carrying a laptop. It's also cheaper than upgrading to a new iPad to get a larger HDD storage. Best of all you can upgrade the HDD in the future if you want to. Also I find iPads are not a great way to backup images but they are great for viewing.