Copyright question?

Edit My Images
Hi yes its me again, 1) I was wondering how do you put your copyright info into your pics? I use Photoshop Elements 7.0 and 2) Is it recommended to do this to your pics or not? I mean it's not like im a professional photographer or anything... VERY much far from it :LOL:

Thanks in advance for any info

zimbo7 (Alistair)
Hey it's your image, and you should let people know it's yours. There is a lot of image hijacking going on so you may need to prove the image is yours should you need to.

Can't help to much with Elements ( Lightroom and Photoshop) , but the place you need to put the copyright information in is in the IPTC copyright fields. Lightroom does that automatically for me, but use the help menu to see if you can do it in elements.

You could always add your own copyright message in the corner of each photo, but that could be a bit time consuming

Just found this link.... may help
If the need arises I use Watermark Factory 2 or Photo Watermark Professional, these, I find, are much easier to use than trying to faff about in PS making brushes etc as you can batch watermark a complete folder of images, if need be, all in one click and save them to a seperate folder when done so not affecting the original image.
You should be able to put that info into the camera then it's in every photo in the IPTC info automatically
If the need arises I use Watermark Factory 2 or Photo Watermark Professional, these, I find, are much easier to use than trying to faff about in PS making brushes etc as you can batch watermark a complete folder of images, if need be, all in one click and save them to a seperate folder when done so not affecting the original image.

sounds extremely useful. What sort of cost are those programs and where are they available ?