Corfe Railway

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Point of focus was wrong but a little pleased with this. C/C most welcome.(y)

The blur is killing it for me, otherwise I would be chuff-ed. See what I did there? :D

Chuff chuff chuff chuff, Chuff chuff chuff chuff, Chuff chuff chuff chuff, Chuff chuff chuff chuff, Woooooooooooooooo Woooooooooooooo! :D

See what I did there?
I would if I could?:shrug:

I made a joke :) in Chuff Chuff Chuff an attempt to somehow convey the noise a steam train makes :)

PS - the photo appears to have gone down. You might want to check the URL.

:bonk: sorry Gary, I thought you had a pic of this, not making excuses but I lined up the shot a bit better than this and the station master asked me to move because he had to collect something from the driver while in motion. By the time I moved and tried to re-frame this is what I ended up with. :crying:
not to worry, another day, another time.....chuff, chuff indeed :LOL:
:bonk: sorry Gary, I thought you had a pic of this, not making excuses but I lined up the shot a bit better than this and the station master asked me to move because he had to collect something from the driver while in motion. By the time I moved and tried to re-frame this is what I ended up with. :crying:
not to worry, another day, another time.....chuff, chuff indeed :LOL:

I thought it was a lovely photo other than a tiny bit of blur up front....

My humour could use some work I guess :D

not here for me either... guess i'll have to look at one of my own steam train photo's... ;)
Try clearing your browser cache :thinking: :shrug:

Guys, I appreciate what you're trying to do here but given i'm not the only one saying the pic isn't visible, and the fact i'm on a mobile internet connection and loath to redownload my cache files again, I won't be taking your advice. It's not like i'm having problems with anyone else's postings or any other sites...

Brian, as your pic is flickr hosted you might want to consider posting your flickr name so we can try viewing directly. Could you also check you haven't applied viewing restrictions, such as friends or family only, on flickr for this pic as that could be the issue.

Cheers, Jon.
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It's not the browser cache - there's still a link to Flickr but it says the picture is unavailable.
I can still see it
The browser cache clearing was aimed at the original poster only, and the reason he can still see it I believe is because it's still in his browser cache.

However as there's still a Flickr link then the viewing settings must be wrong.
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