Crested Tits--edits added

Mark Molloy
Edit My Images
Shot today in the highlands. The area was pretty dark most of the time so had to use the D700 for ISO however this didnt help as i didnt have the 500 F4 and had to use the Sigma 120-300 hence quite big crops which amplifies the noise issues when viewed larger.



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Great shots of a bird I have never seen. Well done for getting the shots in unfavouirable conditions.

Regards: Gordon
great shots there... would love to see one of them. One day :)
Thanks folks. Mark i will have a look at the colour but on my screedn ( Adobe RGB ) they look about right--are you using sRGB for your colour profile?

They're great captures Mark, but you should always use sRGB for web shots as many browsers don't support Adobe RGB.

They're lovely shots of a great little bird Mark, but they do look a bit anaemic and there's hardly any difference between your edits and the originals.

This is with the wb set to 6500K (daylight) and just dropped the gamma a little.


The real problem is if you're using Adobe RGB colour space, you're just seeing different colours to the rest of us. Images uploaded in Adobe RGB for web viewing will typically look less saturated than you saw them on your monitor.
To me there is a big difference between the edits by the OP. The edited versions are much sharper and more vibrant.

Nice bird and wonderfully captured! (y) I hope to see one some day!!
Nice meeting you yesterday Mark, it was a little dull so glad you managed some pictures. :)
Nice meeting you yesterday Mark, it was a little dull so glad you managed some pictures. :)

Im assuming this is Andy? If so yeah it was nice mate--you just need to stay longer the next time. Things just got duller after you left and light had shifted and the ISO was pushed up more and more so i called it a day a few hours after you.Hope you had a good run home.
Once i figure out how to change my monitor to sRGB i will give it a try and see how i get on.

You don't change your monitor to sRGB, it's a colour space profile for your images. You should profile your monitor to the correct colour gamut using a monitor calibration device, then you will display colours correctly irrespective of the colour space provided your software is capable or displaying that colour space correctly.

Take a look here for more explanation and some guidelines Colour spaces and colour management

Hope this helps. (y)

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