CSCC Mallory Park 26.05.08

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Got up at silly o'clock (3.45am) in order to get to Mallory Park in good time to unload our race car and sign on / scruit by 8.30am.

Weather forecast was verging on biblical (Old Testament even) so took my waterproofs and camera cover. Rain mostly held off - one or two showers but nothing serious, but the wind was very gusty and was quite difficult to hold the camera still - let alone pointing in the right direction. Weather forecast over, onto the racing...

The Toyota MR2s put on a good show, this taken from the hairpin from the public areas. You don't always need a long zoom - this was 150mm.

Monoposto 2000 race - this Reynard 913 with a VW engine was suffering from fuel starvation problems. Hopefully he'll get it fixed for the next round at Rockingham.

1995 Dallara locking up his brakes

Our car - 1988 Reynard F3 coming through Devil's Elbow. 80mm lens. Public area.

CSCC Swinging Sixties saw this Reliant Scimiter out. This is from the infield section.

Monoposto 1200 & 1800cc practise session

Sometimes you've got to experiment

Beware backmarkers - Mallory is a short circuit - about a 45 second lap in an F3 car (about 105mph AVERAGE) so you come across backmarkers very quickly. This Dallara F398 just touched a backmarker whilst going round Gerards' at about 120mph and was pitched off into the tyre wall. Gonna be expensive... Driver was OK thankfully.

Basic tweaks in lightroom - plus whatever photobucket decides to do to them.
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Qualified 6th (3rd in class). Finished 6th but 2nd in class, so championship lead increased to 23 points. Was racing for points rather than glory. Plan is to accumulate as many as we can early in the season - championship is 13 rounds but is scored over 10 - so you drop your three worst results...

Had to guess setup a bit, and during the long right hand first corner which is around 190 degrees - the gusty wind plays havoc - first its acting on one side, then its acting on the other.

Got most of that crash sequence from when I heard the squeal of tyres.

Next race: double header at Rockingham on 7th / 8th June.
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Nice shots overall, particularly good capture on the crash shot...get it added to the best crash shot thread within this forum :) Mallory is a fantastic little circuit for photography, lots of different types of shot you can take and no real fences, whoop!
Nice shots!

Gotta love the hairpin at Mallory though, cracked out the 17-40 as it is my most weather proof lens and hardly needed to crop at all!