d90 v s5pro

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Years age I use a 35mm slr then took a break and now I have a d60 and a Fuji s2pro but the dynamic range of the d60 is too small for my liking, after using film I notice it. The s2 is better but old tech so It is time to upgrade. Taking all things that I know about it into consideration, cost being a big issue I have come down to a d90 or a s5pro. I don’t shoot motor sport or anything that needs high frame rates , I shoot mostly people and a bit of landscape nearly always on manual.
Both can use af as well as af-s lenses a big thing to me, some good old af primes are on the shopping list. I like the tonal and dynamic range of the Fuji.
So the question is is there anything about the d90 that I should consider before going for the s5
Thank you for any help you can offer
As a newbie I recently faced a 2 camera choice, and some of the best advice that I had from people here was to go to a shop and try them in the real world.

I was choosing between the Canon 500D and the Nikon D90. They both had their own pros and cons, the D90 having the edge in my eyes, as a stills camera. The downside was that the Nikon was a way outside my budget. All I can say is that the instant I picked up the D90 I was convinced it was the camera for me. It's ergonomics are so much more refined than the 500d, it made the decision easy. Its balance was in a different league.The Canon felt like a toy in comparison. This is a totally personal viewpoint, but you may feel the same about the Fuji. Equally, you may pick it up and find it unsatisfying in some way.

As you know, the less barriers you put between yourself and your subject, the more your creativity can flow. A well balanced camera will become more 'invisible' in your hands. Pick them both up, shoot a few frames, and then decide. (y)
The ergonomics are not an issue there is little between the 2 that I can see apart from the s5 tonal and dynamic range. what would be helpful is if anyone has both and can point out anything I may have missed on the d90 that could make a differance that I may have missed
I don't have a D90, but I do have the D300 and an S5 Pro and apart from the fact that the S5 is just about the slowest camera on the planet and the rear LCD is tiny I prefer it to the D300
I've owned both - the D90 simply feels like more of a complete camera, and has more dynamic range than you might think. As mentioned above, the S5 is crippled by its speed - not just the framerate, but even in reviewing your photos. Also bear in mind the Fuji is only 6MP in real terms.
No contest, the D90 is a better camera, the S5 is a good camera but very limited in the menus and slow as... well a really slow thing.
I am fortunate enough to have both. The D90 is a brilliant all round camera, and is my first choice for the equestrian stuff I often shoot. The S5 pro colours and dynamic range are great for portraits and even landscapes. 6mp? I have enlargements up to A2 without any sign of pixelisation.

Slow? well maybe shooting raw, but I seldom do that as the file sizes are 20mb + and the jpegs out of the camera are excellent. I recently shot some equestrian with the s5 as I had the wrong lens on the D90, and didnt have time to change. S5 kept up easily. Its no machine gun, but it's ok.

As far as handling, the S5 is heavy and clunky, rather like a canon A1, but feels like it will carry on taking pictures forever. Battery life on the S5 isn't great so a grip with the extra battery is a good idea.

If you do portraits landscapes etc the S5 will do it, if it's action the the D90. Great though it is I could see myself selling the D90 for a D7000, but no way will I sell the S5, it's unique even today........
Thank you all for your input I am still not sure which way I will go but when I do make up my mind I will have had more to go on than before your help
Thank you all for your input I am still not sure which way I will go but when I do make up my mind I will have had more to go on than before your help

If it's going to be your only camera then go for the D90 or save a few pennies more and get a D300
If it's going to be your only camera then go for the D90 or save a few pennies more and get a D300

I agree, I swapped my D90 for an S5 Pro and although I really like the S5 pro, it's only ever going to be a backup for the D700. For portraits I love the colour and skin tones and prefer this over the D90, but if you're using it for general shooting you'll be frustrated with the speed of it so I'd go for a D90, which is an excellent camera.