Dale's Garden Hide. (been a busy boy)

Not been around much recently Dale, but good to see the quality of the shots getting better all the time, keep it up mate


Cheers Mike, it's teaching me a lot.

I was only thinking about you yesterday and wondering where you'd got to. Good to see you around again. (y)
Work and home have ruled the roost this year, not even taken a shot since July!

Going diving in couple of weeks so hopefully get some underwater stuff shortly.

Anyway, as you were!!
I did get out to the hide for a few hours today but the feeders were still almost full from yesterday's top ups. The weather is very wet here at the moment and quite windy, so I guess the birds are sheltering and not feeding at leisure. I got one juvenile goldfinch and some house sparrows, that was all today. So, here's one from a few days ago. One way to lose the OOF tail due to the aperture setting is to hide it behind the branch. :LOL:

I wouldn't normally process or publish an image with a feeder in it but guess what I got today.


The 7D does ok, if there's plenty of light, certainly got that today.

7D. @iso 1250,
1/2000 sec,
300 f4L,


Great thread and loved reading all of this thread from the start.
You have certainly done a great job with the hide.
Looking forward to following this.
Have some feeders up but will have to start on the hide soon.

Great thread and loved reading all of this thread from the start.
You have certainly done a great job with the hide.
Looking forward to following this.
Have some feeders up but will have to start on the hide soon.

Thanks David. I can highly recommend doing it, not a bad way to spend a few relaxing hours, maybe even a whole day.

Got a greenfinch yesterday, 20/10/18, probably a juvenile, I think.

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Who'd have thunk it, a goldfinch, this year's obviously but I have watched them change over the weeks.

I think (hope) they are established now, but I now have to be responsible and make sure the feeders have suitable seeds in them everyday. I keep them half full once a day, if they go empty, they go empty until the next day at the same time, so the birds still have to forage away from the hide at those times. I have noticed the goldfinches are now eating the all rounder seed mix that I use too and not just exclusively hearts and niger seed. I'm guessing there are 10 regulars.

I love this thread. I'll confess I have no real interest in birds but I've been really impressed by the ingenuity and perseverance to the project and the results are fantastic.
I love this thread. I'll confess I have no real interest in birds but I've been really impressed by the ingenuity and perseverance to the project and the results are fantastic.

Thank you, much appreciated.

It's an easy thing to do though, I enjoy it so much, I don't really notice any of the work because it's not really, it has been real good fun as well. :)
I'm tweaking things all the time, the hours spent in the hide when there's no action give me time to think. I'm learning so many things during the thinking time. Today, I decided to change the netting I was using on the hatches, the new one is more see through for me but still keeps me hidden. It allows me a better view and I'm now able to make better use of the natural, living perches.

If any one can ID that tree, that would be dandy. (y)

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Got a great tit in today, first one of these I've had with a ring. Also, a nice blue tit.

Question, does anybody know if there is a way of finding out who is ringing birds? I've had 2 in now, a goldfinch as well. They might be a good source of info.


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OMG...........Dale will hunt him/her down now for messing up his beautiful images with poxy rings,ya know it's gonna happen Rich it's a given LMAO:whistle::banghead:

Seriously both I'll add a thanks in there too if I may. Dale, sorry mate:oops: :$ just saw the funny side as ever:D

lovely work kiddo

OMG...........Dale will hunt him/her down now for messing up his beautiful images with poxy rings,ya know it's gonna happen Rich it's a given LMAO:whistle::banghead:

Seriously both I'll add a thanks in there too if I may. Dale, sorry mate:oops: :$ just saw the funny side as ever:D

lovely work kiddo

Well, I did wonder how he was going to get the number (though some details are visible in that pic) ;)

OMG...........Dale will hunt him/her down now for messing up his beautiful images with poxy rings,ya know it's gonna happen Rich it's a given LMAO:whistle::banghead:

Seriously both I'll add a thanks in there too if I may. Dale, sorry mate:oops: :$ just saw the funny side as ever:D

lovely work kiddo


Well, I did wonder how he was going to get the number (though some details are visible in that pic) ;)

Thanks Rich. I zoomed in on the ring, but can't really make enough details out. I also noticed that they lettering was backwards, then I remembered I'd flipped the image :LOL:. Doh. I can make out a 'UM', 'SW7'? (surely not), and a 62. The link is very useful for reference, thanks for that. (y)

Lol at Stu, a good kneecapping might fix things. :LOL:;)
Lads cheers for both links and the laugh,if i'm utterly honest Dale's backwards rings tops everything, brilliant mate.:cool: The worst of it is,I know full well it's exactly what I'd do and then the DOH moment. only Dale probably got there in minutes,me HMMMMM:LOL::LOL::LOL:. I can actually see myself doing a web search for "the significance of backward letters to bird ringers" before realising I'd flipped sommit..........

hey ho lads onwards and upwards.:D

I don't think i've ever seen a ringed bird bar say racing pigeon at home, it's really cool to be able to add a little backstory to a bird at your house Dale(it's actually quite lovely bro!!) ,it's something I've not thought about,the links therefore are pretty cool.....thanks again;)
It was expecting a gold ring rather that a silver one ;)
I have to say Dale this thread is a bit of an inspiration. We are looking to move house (out of London to Wiltshire) and I'm already making sure that the gardens will hold a small hide and trees plus the option of a pool at some point.

Once you have those Goldies they will keep coming, even here by Heathrow we get 20 plus in the garden at one time. What I have noticed is that they pay no interest at all to anything but sunflower hearts, or Niger seed. The Starlings raid the fat balls, the tits like the sunflower hearts and sometimes peanuts. If I take the time to break up a fat ball and leave it out on the bird table, the Magpies have it within minutes. Haven't seen Greenfinches or Sparrows on the feeders for a couple of years.

I'm hoping that when we move being on the edge of the village close to both woods & farmland the variety of birds will be greater... Keep up the good work, and that X-T2 will take great birdy pics, I let my 7D & 7D2 go, and no have a pair of T2's....
I'm tweaking things all the time, the hours spent in the hide when there's no action give me time to think. I'm learning so many things during the thinking time. Today, I decided to change the netting I was using on the hatches, the new one is more see through for me but still keeps me hidden. It allows me a better view and I'm now able to make better use of the natural, living perches.

If any one can ID that tree, that would be dandy. (y)

View attachment 137514

I really like how he's sitting in the frame there! I think it might be a hawthorn.
I have to say Dale this thread is a bit of an inspiration. We are looking to move house (out of London to Wiltshire) and I'm already making sure that the gardens will hold a small hide and trees plus the option of a pool at some point.

Once you have those Goldies they will keep coming, even here by Heathrow we get 20 plus in the garden at one time. What I have noticed is that they pay no interest at all to anything but sunflower hearts, or Niger seed. The Starlings raid the fat balls, the tits like the sunflower hearts and sometimes peanuts. If I take the time to break up a fat ball and leave it out on the bird table, the Magpies have it within minutes. Haven't seen Greenfinches or Sparrows on the feeders for a couple of years.

I'm hoping that when we move being on the edge of the village close to both woods & farmland the variety of birds will be greater... Keep up the good work, and that X-T2 will take great birdy pics, I let my 7D & 7D2 go, and no have a pair of T2's....

A very humbling comment, thank you. I look forward to seeing yours here too. (y)

I really like how he's sitting in the frame there! I think it might be a hawthorn.

Thank you, the new netting allows me to see much more through it and parts of the garden that weren't so visible, now are. It looks like a a hawthorn leaf, I thought the same when I saw it here too. There have never been berries on this tree though and I also had to cut it back last year as it was touching 30 feet tall and becoming a threat to next door in the high winds we get here. A friend of mine said it may be an ash, but I have no idea to be honest. It's reaching for the skies again, I cut it back heavily last year but it is already recovering, I will be keeping it down this time though. :)
I've been out in the hide today and got some nice ones, but, same old same old. I love my hide and spending time in it, it's working well and I'm so happy that I've got varied species now but I do think its got to a point where I need to take it to another level. I'm not sure what that is, inflights or squabbles maybe but I feel now it needs more.

I'm open to suggestions. (y)
Look who's back.

The hide was chaotic today, birds left, right and centre but best of all, the woody is back and it even brought its mate.

More a grab shot than anything and on a totally living and natural perch. I may tidy the odd bit up here and there but for now, just glad to have them back as I'd not seen one for a couple of months.

Not only that, this is ISO 6400, yes, me, at sixty four hundred and no NR.

5Div amazes me further still.

That's lovely bro the bird is shining( fabulous condition). It's nice seeing them without all the quills:D

That's lovely bro the bird is shining( fabulous condition). It's nice seeing them without all the quills:D


Cheers Stu. I've seen the difference in them during my time out. I've still managed to keep the feeders topped up and they've kept coming, I think they are settled now and in good condition too. I like to think I've played a part in that, if I have or not is another question of course. I don't want them to become dependent on the feeders and I only put food out once a day and a set amount, once it's gone for the day, they have to forage elsewhere. Despite this, they are very frequent visitors, which is good. The jackdaws have been rampant in my absence though and have gotten quite used to the feeders. No more. :LOL:
I can't see then ever becoming dependent Dale,I'd have zillions all year if that was the case and it simply isn't:) The food is there all year and my lady doesn't let them run out often. they come when they want a hand along the road,and when pickings are good they go elsewhere and much on that. I used to be very concerned about all this Dale,but not so much anymore.. IIf ya think about it a sunflower heart is something a goldie probably couldn't access with out us removing the shell, it's about as natural as peanuts to blue tit I think they wan't their natural grub, and we are a long way from undoing that need

we just help them along tis all;)

Good to see ya posting and mending buddy,they change fast don't they,one min all rough looking the next bling,:D Beautiful birds,we are really lucky us humans they like the feeders so much and even more so as image makers,such a gorgeous photogenic subject

7d huh;) a bit of ettr and biingo:D,certainly looks that way Dale,always the caviat of what one sees on the web,looks great though mate !!