Davies Colour in Wales?

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I was pointed towards a UK version ( sort of operation) like Fine Art America called Fineartscene in Wales......digging discovered it is part of Davies Colour (Photoprolab).

As always open to new potential pro labs , so does anyone know of and/or about them and the quality of their products & service???
Well at £15.60 for a 16" x 12" inkjet on Hahnemühle etc papers, I'd say that they're on the expensive side. So they might be very good. But they don't list many papers, and the website's on the clumsy side.

Any lab's worth trying out if they have the product you want and the price seems right.

It seems to me that there's always a small hurdle in finding out what a given lab's procedures are with regard to colour profiles, and never mind soft-proofing, what to embed or not.

I've used them, great service and if you ask nicely they usually will do a free test print for you.
They've been in business a long time. Back in the days when I shot and developed my own B&W film/prints, I used them a few times for one-off larger prints and for colour printing - quality & attention to details was excellent. So I would expect that ethos to be carried into their digital work.
Thanks guys for the replies & insights especially @johnsy what did you have printed?

I will have a closer look at the website but as @droj says my initial look did not impress................so will have contact them and see that leads as appopriate???

@BT Bob good to know that a company who started back in the film days have survived into the digital age. As you had such good film service...............have you considered getting any digital prints made by them?
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@BT Bob good to know that a company who started back in the film days have survived into the digital age. As you had such good film service...............have you considered getting any digital prints made by them?

I haven't. But then, other than few "proofs" I've knocked out on my Canon iX6850, I haven't actually printed anything much for ages.

Off-OP-topic - I lost my photography "mojo" the last few years, so not really taken "proper" photos (lots of holiday snaps on my iPhone and have done a couple of weddings for friends on a borrowed DSLR but just chucked the files on a USB stick and given them to the bride & groom to do as they see fit). I'm hoping that's all about to change as I recently bought a Lumix GX80 and will be retiring at the end off the month so will have time and, hopefully, inclination to get of my sorry-arse and take some more serious work. (I may have to change my username to Ex-BT Bob ;) )
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