Daily Day 53/365 Look in - I dare you!

Day 33 I decided to push my personal inhibitions which is to step in front of the camera. I hate being photographed for many reasons but here we are, a self portrait. Not big on style but personally an accomplishment for me...

033 by Ferj Photography, on Flickr
Well done, Ferj! :clap: i'll admit now, you are unlikely to ever see a SP of me so I admire you for doing something that you naturally don't want to.

I think it works very well in B&W....you look very serious!
:clap: Well done you, I am completely unable to take a SP without pulling the most riddiculous of faces :LOL: Have contemplated one for today - but will see later ;)
Well done, Ferj! :clap: i'll admit now, you are unlikely to ever see a SP of me so I admire you for doing something that you naturally don't want to.

I think it works very well in B&W....you look very serious!

Thanks (y)
I am very serious... :cautious:

:clap: Well done you, I am completely unable to take a SP without pulling the most riddiculous of faces :LOL: Have contemplated one for today - but will see later ;)

What like this? :puke:

Go on you know you want to :LOL:
The SP works (y) I think at some point in almost every 365 some form of SP is needed (y) and that's a good one (y) and the orb works I find it interesting that you've gone for an abstract part orb (y) nice one, on the other one I think if you'd upped the ISO a little it would have improved the effort in that it would have picked up more of the light (y)
Great SP Ferj - love the Mono and know what you mean about hating having your photo taken - I am the same and would rather stay at our side of the camera :)
Excellent SP and good to see who is behind the photos!.... looks great in mono too...(y)
Cheers guys appreciate the support - means a lot (y)

Anyway getting close to the end of the day I nipped out on my "lunch" break...

034 by Ferj Photography, on Flickr
Yep i'm another that wants to try these... are they difficult?

Looks great!:D
Oh that's very cool, do need to have a go at some of these.

Yes you do :D

Yep i'm another that wants to try these... are they difficult?

Looks great!:D

Go for it! Not really, bit of practice thats all. I bought the led's and wire etc from a website and wired it together cost maybe £10 and my DIY skills are poor so if i can do it anyone can :LOL:

Here is todays - not to get too carried away with light painting - a kitchen abstract! Another 10 Ferj points for grabs (should be quite easy this one!)

035 by Ferj Photography, on Flickr
nice shot :) fruit bowl maybe?
I would say Sarah is right, fork tines. Nice and im going to have to try this kind of light painting too.
They look like blinds!.... Cool tones.. I like this.. (y)
Correct it is forks - never heard of "tines" is that the official name for the prongy bits?!?!

Thanks Phil - should have clarified these weren't light painted!
An orb within an orb - brilliant! (y)

The forks are excellent and I love the colour of this :)
Correct it is forks - never heard of "tines" is that the official name for the prongy bits?!?!

Thanks Phil - should have clarified these weren't light painted!

It is indeed :D I know 'cos I is a posh bird :LOL:
That abstract is wonderful (y) and to the orb, it looks like your getting there though you appear to have a balance issue, have you tried weighing the end of the tool down this will help with the spinning action and keep the tool steadier (y)
On the way back from work this morning (in the very cold!) I grabbed the chance to get todays shot. An early morning long exposure with a subtle light painting on the goal posts. Looking back it would have been good to get the far ones too but I dont have a long enough exposure on the X10 and it really needed an extra pair of hands!

036 by Ferj Photography, on Flickr
Very nice idea Ferj, the light painting really makes the goal posts stand out.
Oh yes - where are all the willing volunteers when it's early in the morning and below freezing :shrug:
if I squint, I can see others anyway! :D Which is a little strange as you almost think you are in front of the goal when you first look! :thinking::D
same as Sam .... thought we were stood in front then looked closer and can see the far one - great shot Ferj :clap:
Phew, just catching up. Time has been a problem over the past few days as we are looking at moving house! So much stress!
Anyhow, love the self portrait, the expression is pure photographer with the camera turned on them :) Orb is good. Like the fork tines, I've tried to do them, but never got it right, you have. I also love the cold football field as well and the light trails.
The cold field is probably my favourite over the past few days.
excellent shot Ferj :)
That looks really good and the bridge over the road adds so much more....