Dead Tree Startrails

Stunning image Nick. Superb sensation of motion.

May I ask your exposure settings? I've done a few star trails in the past but via one long exposure. However since having used a firmware mod by 400plus for my EOS 400, I now have an intervalometer feature. Recently I did 15 exposures of 8 minutes with decent success as a test in the garden. However, would prefer to use shorter exposures such as yours.

thanks in advance.
I used the following settings:

Focal Length - 16mm
Aperture - f/2.8
ISO - 3200
Exposure Time - 30 seconds
White Balance - Tungsten
Interval between shots - 3 seconds (240 shots total)
Cheers for the info.

Now to wait for a clear night seeing as the rain has arrived :)
Great effect Nick!

I take it the trails to the bottom left are from aeroplanes taking off and landing?
Nice image, but if I'm being honest, I prefer the time lapse image :)