Debut Shot

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I've been reading the forum for a while and am finally going to post an image. I'm taking a Photography BTEC one evening a week and this is from our work with a high key lighting setup. I'd love some opinions as I'm abit rubbish at writing evaluations. In particular I can pick the faults in my own work but find it hard to describe what I like in any detail. The model is one of my classmates, Maggie.

Thanks for looking

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Hello mate

I know you are going for High Key but the face lacks definition owing to be so overexposed. There needs to be more contrast to make this sort of high key image work properly in my opinion. A bit of PP could make it work though, burn the eyes and hair in and give tone the face down a bit and it could be really nice.

Hope that helps and isn't too nasty for your first image post :)
Hello mate

I know you are going for High Key but the face lacks definition owing to be so overexposed. There needs to be more contrast to make this sort of high key image work properly in my opinion. A bit of PP could make it work though, burn the eyes and hair in and give tone the face down a bit and it could be really nice.

Hope that helps and isn't too nasty for your first image post :)

That's cool, the impression I was getting at college was that the blackness of her hair would remove it from a 'true' high key bracket.
I understand what they mean as true high key shouldn't have intrusive shadows but without some contrast I don't think this picture works. This is all just my own opinion and I am prepared to be very wrong ;)
Can't really say anymore that Dan hasn't already said. The face is just a little blown in some areas, you can see where the light is more intense. Darkening the face, and adding some texture into her hair should improve it no end (y)

Welcome to TP by the way. :)
I've had a go at a new version, but think I may have gone too much? :thinking:
very good try m8 il be honest iv not done my high key stuff myself just not my style but saying that i can see what people mean by the contrast of the face try power down the lights a little or change ** apature a notch.

welcome to the forum by the way look forward to seeing plenty more shots from yourself.

How is the course btw?

this was for the first image btw saw it in work today couldnt reply *** lol.

btw i like the second one alot more