Critique Determination

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This is Brodie my Sister-in-Laws dog.

We have been going for a short walk on a Saturday mornings since just after Christmas I have been taking the camera along too.

I have taken lots of photos of Brodie over the past weeks but all very similiar and many not so good. Anyhow walking last weekend this idea came to mind so we had a go.

Dappled light not the best. I did not think I would manage anything at all due to my lack of talent.

So I was pleased to capture something.

Feedback/critique more than happy to be recieved

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I think it’s excellent, very nice indeed :)
:agree::plus1: to all the above.

Works for me and he does look like a characterful dog :)
Cracking image, great light and nailed the subject.
I would be tempted to try a square crop, take off from both sides, this is one where the negative space is just a touch too much and the dog is a bit lost, cropping square really brings your subject out and allows Brodie the full diagonal to look at the ball.
I really like that, especially the light.
I think it’s excellent, very nice indeed :)
You nailed it. Composition, lighting, timing. Difficult shot to get right
Yep, spot on!! Great shot!
:agree::plus1: to all the above.

Works for me and he does look like a characterful dog :)
Cracking image, great light and nailed the subject.
I would be tempted to try a square crop, take off from both sides, this is one where the negative space is just a touch too much and the dog is a bit lost, cropping square really brings your subject out and allows Brodie the full diagonal to look at the ball.
Fantastic shot.
I'd be well chuffed if I'd taken that....
Perhaps ever so slightly tighter crop would help but otherwise fantastic shot.
I agree with @LongLensPhotography a tighter crop ( maybe a longer lens?) otherwise its a cracker Gary ;)

A bit off the right and a bit off the bottom to a 4x5 format would be my choice

I must say i'm so pleased to have received so much feedback I really do appreciate the time taken.
It seems a slight crop would be the thing to do from the feedback given. I will try that.

@Lez325 This is the longest lens I have it's 200mm an old one too. So pretty chuffed I managed to get anything with it.

thanks again.
