Diffrent Processing of Cleo


Junior Member
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Tried a new softer processing shot of my Girlfriend Cleo today when we where out . What do people think :)

I have looked at this image a couple of times now and I just can't make up my mind about it :shrug:

I know you are after the softer processing, but I think the skin just looks a bit too soft and unrealistic!!!!!

Yet on the other hand I am not normally a fan of soft processing (it reminds me of those awful 80's and 90's studio prints where the mum gets done up to the nines to an almost rediculous false level and the image is then overly softened to hide her imperfections) but I don't get this feeling with this image!!!!! :bang:
I like the composition and the style of the shot, but I think it would be better if it was pin sharp. Is the pre-processing version sharp?

and may be try to PhotoShop a couple of catch lights in the eyes to liven them up a little. But be careful doing that because its very easy to make people look completely raving mad. I put catch lights in a photograph of my wife and I managed to get her locked away just on the evidence of the picture! Hahahaha
Thanks guys it was just a random shot of her walking towards the car and I just like the way she looked natural.
Her skin looks amazing, like her hair also.
Very nice shot, I like the composition also.
I really like it, love the processing, great hair too :)
I love the shot and especially the processing think it really works, but everytime I come back to it she looks a bit more cock eyed :confused:

do you have a more 'traditional' pose to do the processing on?