Digital Medium Format Thread

Had an interesting conversation last night with a Fujifilm Ambassador, his advice was go for a 50S II and spend the rest on glass or if I'm in love with the Tilt EVF, buy an original 50S - he has shot with all GFX models.

Still confused :thinking:

what was the rationale behind that? My finger has been hovering over the order button of a GFX50s II since the announcement, but the e-infinifty GFX100s has really got me wondering if I shouldn’t wait a bit longer?
what was the rationale behind that? My finger has been hovering over the order button of a GFX50s II since the announcement, but the e-infinifty GFX100s has really got me wondering if I shouldn’t wait a bit longer?

Rationale was it’s better to have more glass than MP, the only real reason for 102MP would be heavy cropping or big printing (though the AF will also be a bit snappier)
I love the resolution, colour and tonality out of the GFX50S, but it lacks that MF 'look' compared to larger film sizes.
Yes, this is what I am trying to figure out for my own GFX50S as I want the look of medium or large film formats in a package that will be easier to travel with (when we are allowed to travel properly again). To this end, I've just picked up a Mitakon 65mm f/1.4 which I am hoping will provide a look similar to the 105mm f/2.4 on my Pentax 6x7. I've also adapted a Schneider Cinelux 125mm f/2 to GF mount that I had previously purchased for my Pentax 6x7.

Hopefully these lenses are going to largely get me where I want to be. I might at some point down the road pick up the upcoming 35-70 zoom lens, as it would be useful for travel/hiking and fill a gap in my current camera/lens lineup (I own no zoom lenses).

1) Forget the Q2, buy a GFX50S or 50S II and a bunch of lenses, man up about the weight and enjoy the IQ
I'd go for the GFX50S, especially if you can get a good price on a refurbished one, but that combo seems comparatively light to me so my perspective is a bit skewed.
@skysh4rk RJ. Particularly interested in your thoughts re Mitakon. It on my Radar should I buy a Fuji Medium Format.
@skysh4rk RJ. Particularly interested in your thoughts re Mitakon. It on my Radar should I buy a Fuji Medium Format.
Hi @trevorbray, the lens has only just arrived this morning, so haven't had a chance to do much yet, but first impressions are pretty good. I'll update as I get a chance to use it.

GF55mm F1.7 on the roadmap
I'm going to keep an eye on this, although I think the Mitakon will ultimately suit me better as I'm not keen on autofocus or focus by wire and I imagine there will be a stark price difference. I appreciate that my interests probably don't reflect many GFX-series camera users though.
@skysh4rk RJ. Particularly interested in your thoughts re Mitakon. It on my Radar should I buy a Fuji Medium Format.

I took a few test shots in the house this evening with the Mitakon. The lens feels well-enough built, but with this comes some heft. Even still, the camera and lens weigh in 500g lighter than my usual Pentax 6x7 and 105mm combo, so that is welcome, although it is 500g heavier than my traditional travel camera (i.e., Plaubel Makina 67).

At any rate, some camera-generated JPEGs (Classic Neg film simulation) with no further processing are below. All shots were handheld at f/1.4.

A sizeable crop of that last photo:

DSCF7542-2 by RJ, on Flickr

From what I can tell, it looks like it will be suitable for my purposes.

Hopefully I'll get to properly use it this weekend along with the Cinelux 125mm f/2, which is looking pretty good too from what I can see, although I'm finding it a bit long for indoor shots (in our house at least).
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I took a few test shots in the house this evening with the Mitakon. The lens feels well-enough built, but with this comes some heft. Even still, the camera and lens weigh in 500g lighter than my usual Pentax 6x7 and 105mm combo, so that is welcome, although it is 500g heavier than my traditional travel camera (i.e., Plaubel Makina 67).

At any rate, some camera-generated JPEGs (Classic Neg film simulation) with no further processing are below. All shots were handheld at f/1.4.

A sizeable crop of that last photo:

DSCF7542-2 by RJ, on Flickr

From what I can tell, it looks like it will be suitable for my purposes.

Hopefully I'll get to properly use it this weekend along with the Cinelux 125mm f/2, which is looking pretty good too from what I can see, although I'm finding it a bit long for indoor shots (in our house at least).
Thanks RJ. Looking good.
Right, the Q2 and 100S have been eliminated- now it’s a straight fight between

Refurb 50S plus GF30mm - puts me back to where I was pre-accident


New 50SIi with GF35-70mm

Both these are the same price, I’ve got the GF23mm looping round in my head as well - if I went for that would I need GF30mm?? And if I have GF35-70mm, do I need the GF45mm that I already have, I could sell it and put funds to GF23mm and end up with 23 and 35-70

A large amount of head scratching!!
Right, the Q2 and 100S have been eliminated- now it’s a straight fight between

Refurb 50S plus GF30mm - puts me back to where I was pre-accident


New 50SIi with GF35-70mm

Both these are the same price, I’ve got the GF23mm looping round in my head as well - if I went for that would I need GF30mm?? And if I have GF35-70mm, do I need the GF45mm that I already have, I could sell it and put funds to GF23mm and end up with 23 and 35-70

A large amount of head scratching!!
That 23mm is a sweet lens............ just saying ;)
Thanks for the heads up David. Really accelerated my thinking. Bread and water for a long while.
I need a lens now..

No problem, If I’d bought the Q2 then I could have sold you a 45mm, but I’m keeping it- plenty about s/h though (and it’s in the refurb store) - there is a Mike ton 65mm on evil bay as well
Noob time.

I have been full-frame for many years now and am quite happy with what I achieve. I have been photographing since 1973 but have never looked at medium format and know nothing about it. I just assumed that with MF you could blow up negatives (film days) to the size of a house for commercial purposes.

Out of curiosity, what would I gain if I went medium format?
Noob time.

I have been full-frame for many years now and am quite happy with what I achieve. I have been photographing since 1973 but have never looked at medium format and know nothing about it. I just assumed that with MF you could blow up negatives (film days) to the size of a house for commercial purposes.

Out of curiosity, what would I gain if I went medium format?
A lighter wallet....:D
Let me put it like this - when I use canon the reaction is “great” and when I use gfx the reaction is “wow”. For me they are tools for different jobs. Canon, and especially R5 is the best all round camera I’ve ever had. For portraits and landscapes the GFX produces results that are another level. Color, dynamic range, transition from in focus to out of focus, print size all amazing.
Noob time.

I have been full-frame for many years now and am quite happy with what I achieve. I have been photographing since 1973 but have never looked at medium format and know nothing about it. I just assumed that with MF you could blow up negatives (film days) to the size of a house for commercial purposes.

Out of curiosity, what would I gain if I went medium format?

Traditional Medium Format film has a certain 'look', a lot of this comes from using a longer focal length lens ie

33mm APSC = 50mm FF = 65mm Fuji GFX = 80mm 645 = 100mm 6x7 = 115mm 6x9

IMO Digital Medium Format 'struggles' to give that look, but what it does give is images with sharpness (a given), but a tonaily and depth that just isn't there on FF. It also gives files that have huge dynamic range and are very flexible in post production (more than simple dynamic range v ISO charts would have you believe)

Its not for everyone (and everything) as its a much slower pass, gear is larger and heavier, the range of native equipment is much smaller, but once you get sucked into the images it is very difficult to leave behind.
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OK I gave myself a serious talking to last night, and talked it through with my wife

I'm giving up on Digital MF...........................................................

:ROFLMAO: Only joking, we discussed the reasons behind me wanting to get into Digital MF and what kit set I wanted to build at the outset, and that was:-

  • GFX50S with tiltable EVF (@Topsy was right all along)
  • A set of primes in the 24-50mm (FF) Focal length range

Really nothing has changed, I've been distracted but lots of other shiney things, but fundamentally I still want the above.

So I've just ordered from the refurb store a replacement GFX50S (so I can use the tiltable EVF I still have) and a replacement GF30mm. An RRS L-Bracket is winging its way from Portugal (eBay purchase) to me, and some more memory cards have been ordered - So that puts me back to where I was :)

Then to treat myself I've just ordered a GF63mm, so I now have my 3 primes in the 24-50mm (FF) (30/45/63)

Got some money left over in the kitty, but that will probably (in time) go on MF film kit - got teh hots for a Mamiya 7 ........................

Thanks to everyone you offered advice, I'm back on the true least until @trevorbray decides to sell on the GFX100S he's just bought :ROFLMAO:

And @SFTPhotography the Leica Q2 was a lovely thing, super sharp lens, beautifully made, felt great, superb to use, but the files can't hold a candle to Digital MF - an expensive upgrade as a walkabout camera in the future maybe.....but I would need to have fallen over a significant windfall, I'm glad I roadtested it, it has at least put my mind at rest that I've made the right decision.
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OK I gave myself a serious talking to last night, and talked it through with my wife

I'm giving up on Digital MF...........................................................

:ROFLMAO: Only joking, we discussed the reasons behind me wanting to get into Digital MF and what kit set I wanted to build at the outset, and that was:-

  • GFX50S with tiltable EVF (@Topsy was right all along)
  • A set of primes in the 24-50mm (FF) Focal length range

Really nothing has changed, I've been distracted but lots of other shiney things, but fundamentally I still want the above.

So I've just ordered from the refurb store a replacement GFX50S (so I can use the tiltable EVF I still have) and a replacement GF30mm. An RRS L-Bracket is winging its way from Portugal (eBay purchase) to me, and some more memory cards have been ordered - So that puts me back to where I was :)

Then to treat myself I've just ordered a GF63mm, so I now have my 3 primes in the 24-50mm (FF) (30/45/63)

Got some money left over in the kitty, but that will probably (in time) go on MF film kit - got teh hots for a Mamiya 7 ........................

Thanks to everyone you offered advice, I'm back on the true least until @trevorbray decides to sell on the GFX100S he's just bought :ROFLMAO:

And @SFTPhotography the Leica Q2 was a lovely thing, super sharp lens, beautifully made, felt great, superb to use, but the files can't hold a candle to Digital MF - an expensive upgfarde as a walkabout camera in the future maybe.....but I would need to have fallen over a significant windfall, I'm glad I roadtested it, it has at least put my mind at rest that I've made the right decision.
Good to hear David. I had a feeling the Tilt EVF would figure in your decision.
Keep an eye on the classifieds. You never know when a 100s will pop up ;)
How come the tilt EVF wouldn't work on other models - it look's a good feature so why not make a generic one that fits all the cameras. AFAIK it slots into the flash hotshoe.

Not quite, there are a load of extra contacts on the tilt EVF, its a very good feature and one that I'm surprised more camera companies don't offer.

The 50SII and 100S were obviously designed/built to meet a price point and the tilt EVF is something that was removed to achieve this., Remember the 50S was £6,2000 when launched in the UK, the 50SII is £3,495, the 100 was £9,999 when launched and the 100S £5,495
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