
Hi Niall, it does nothing for me I am afraid. Whilst I can see what you were aiming for, apart from it needing a lick of paint the car park looks no different to a lot of other car parks or buildings that you see in most towns or cities. I think it needs something with a bit more emphasis on the state of repair for it to work.
Decay aside - I really like the composition. Love the strong lines throughout and I think the spilled 'gunk' actually juxtaposes the geometric shapes nicely.
I really like it, but then it's got the kind of aesthetic that I go for. Good composition too.
I'm on the fence with this shot. I particularly like the old and run down (insert gag here...) but feel like I'm just searching for something to grab me from this image, something to, ironically, bring it to life and given some hints to it's history and abuse.

Perhaps a lower angle closer to the puddles with some reflection etc, maybe more detail of the grime! I think the trouble may be that it's just not run down enough! Like the lines in.
Hi Niall, it does nothing for me I am afraid. Whilst I can see what you were aiming for, apart from it needing a lick of paint the car park looks no different to a lot of other car parks or buildings that you see in most towns or cities. I think it needs something with a bit more emphasis on the state of repair for it to work.
