Disagreeable unwitting subject!

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Interesting misunderstanding with Marianne today .....when I said, "I got into an argument with a man painting his boat" she thought I was talking about an artist! He was just a disagreeable boat owner who was painting the side of his fishing boat!

His language was quite choice and totally inappropriate. How can you live in a beautiful place and not expect people to come along and take pictures? He was quoting 'model release' forms and all sorts of 'legal' rubbish.

I get fed up with this.... taking photos is not what it used to be.



Perhaps he was sensitve about his bald spot as in your second picture you can't miss it!! He might also be hacked off because some one sold him a boat and it's a mile from the sea. :rolleyes:
Perhaps he valued his privacy and got fed up with us photographers looking at him. Some people like to keep a low profile
I live in Cornwall and if ever there was a place where people take pictures of people in boats this must be it. I've never experienced an irate boat-owner, most of them don't take any notice of people with cameras as there are so many, especially in the summer. I suspect this fellow may not normally be a curmudgeon since he must get photographed all the time, such is the nature of boats, I expect he was just having a bad day and you came along at precisely the wrong moment -- perhaps just after he had retrieved his paintbrush from the mud for the third time that day!!
Miserable old git and on such a beautiful day after so much rain too.
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps he valued his privacy and got fed up with us photographers looking at him. Some people like to keep a low profile,,, or perhaps he was approached in the wrong manner,,, we don't know for certain,, do we?.

I can imagine loads of scenarios that "could" be true. Perhaps Chuckles just found out that Rebecca Brookes has been listening in to his mobile conversations so was a tad brusk in his approach to the fish-boat man.

What rubbish and how futile it is to "assume"

So Chuckles has called him a disagreeable boat owner,,, others,, a miserable old git, a curmudgeon,,, of having a bad day and suspected of being sensitive about his bald spot!! You people who are very quick to label and criticise people without even meeting them,,,, The "Talk Photography Lynch-mob" !!

Has anybody asked the man on the boat his reality of the story? ,, we all know there are two sides of a tale ,,,,,,,,, but,,,,,,, we don't know do we?,, Chuckles has the floor,,,,,,

Perhaps the Talk Photography lynch-mob will have a go at me now for being fair and open-minded ,,,,,, go for it,,, some useful words and phrases you could use include,, disagreeable,, miserable old git, curmudgeon,, having a bad day and being sensitive about his bald spot!
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I can't walk away from situations (heredity and genetics), although initially I did on this occassion - only to feel the ire rising in me. It spoilt, in a matter of seconds, what had been a lovely time and day out with my wife. I'd not been taking any photos for months - well, not that I'd deliberately gone out of my way to do. Did he show any sensitivity toward me? He appeared not - and why should he perhaps have to? Sauce and gender specific geese spring to mind.

As I returned to the car, I engaged with him - sarcastically inviting him to enjoy his painting. I then received both barrels! That I was not going to walk away from. He apparently has cameras pointed at him all the time, he can't move without that happening. A guy once just set up his tripod in front of him as he was washing mussels. His main objection was that nobody ever asks if he minds - I accepted that as a fair point. But, I told him that if I wanted a spontaneous photograph it would hardly happen if I had to ask his permission. My biggest gripe was all the (incorrectly applied) legal rubbish he was spouting! I did say that if I were to be making any money from it (hardly likely to happen - see examples above :) ) I would, indeed, seek his permission and do all the necessary.

He went on, more than a bit, that if you google "Images Brancaster" you would see his face/bald patch hundreds of times. He even managed to get included in some advertising brochures from a neighbouring company shoot.

There may be a number of reasons for his curmudgeonly behaviour but to take it out on an innocent, passerby is hardly likely to win him any favours. His language was more than choice and would've made a Sergeant-Major blush - all with other members of the public with their families in earshot. Maybe he was worried he was transgressing some H&S rules (are you allowed to lean over the gunwhales to paint a boat without a safety net and harness?). Is he running a business that HRMC does not know about? There could be a thousand reasons for his objections but don't include me in hiding any felonious activities or protecting him from his shyness. If you want to live in an igloo don't run the Central Heating full pelt! (Apply your own apposite analogy)

This location is a public local beauty spot on the north Norfolk coast so he should expect this kind of activity, just as they seem to readily accept it in Cornwall. It goes with the territory.
Why do you think he should have been sensitive to you? it's not a right to be spoken to properly even though we do hope for the best. Life is not fair, we need to understand this and make the best of what we have without getting upset. Perhaps you should have shown some sensitivity to him,,,,,, It is asking a lot for a man who works on a small fishing boat to behave in a civilised, polite and helpful manner to yet another photographer with (probably) a nice car, smart clothes and a lump of expensive photo equipment slung around his neck when the fisherman is (probably) living a subsistence life-style with no money, no car, no camera and few luxuries. He was in his place of work and his intention that day was to get some paint on his boat and to mind his own business,,without being pestered by tourists,,,, You admit you were sarcastic after receiving an unfriendly response from him,,, did you think he was going to apologise to you, roll over on his back, touch his forelock?? I was an engineering officer in the Navy and even though the officers were generally well educated and relied on each other in dire circumstances our relationships with each other were very frank and basic with little lee-way given for interpersonal faux pas and mistakes ,,,and our language was not what I would want to hear now. I repeat,,, life is not fair ,,,, we should not expect it to be otherwise.

A good maxim is; hope for the best but prepare for the worst,,,,,,,,,, and don't poke sleeping dogs
Might have been Lord Lucan maybe that's why he was annoyed, and you were about to show the world he is alive and well painting boats for a living :)
Sounds like someone with a camera has upset him in the past. I googled and found a pic of him in an advert for a nearby hotel, maybe thats what it was?

Anyway, he probably "has a go" at everyone with a camera nowadays to relieve his anger. Ignore him and move on... I am used to this sort of thing, being a cyclist.
without being pestered by tourists
Having a photo taken by some one stood yards away is hardly being pestered is it. If he hadnt looked up I doubt he'd be any the wiser. Just sounds like a grumpy old fart who was having a bad day basically.
Why do you think he should have been sensitive to you? it's not a right to be spoken to properly even though we do hope for the best. Life is not fair, we need to understand this and make the best of what we have without getting upset. Perhaps you should have shown some sensitivity to him,,,,,, It is asking a lot for a man who works on a small fishing boat to behave in a civilised, polite and helpful manner to yet another photographer with (probably) a nice car, smart clothes and a lump of expensive photo equipment slung around his neck when the fisherman is (probably) living a subsistence life-style with no money, no car, no camera and few luxuries. He was in his place of work and his intention that day was to get some paint on his boat and to mind his own business,,without being pestered by tourists,,,, You admit you were sarcastic after receiving an unfriendly response from him,,, did you think he was going to apologise to you, roll over on his back, touch his forelock?? I was an engineering officer in the Navy and even though the officers were generally well educated and relied on each other in dire circumstances our relationships with each other were very frank and basic with little lee-way given for interpersonal faux pas and mistakes ,,,and our language was not what I would want to hear now. I repeat,,, life is not fair ,,,, we should not expect it to be otherwise.

A good maxim is; hope for the best but prepare for the worst,,,,,,,,,, and don't poke sleeping dogs

You're speaking of judgements and opinions, neither of which I held against him at the time? Why should I expect sensitivity? I didn't - I used that as a "do as you would be done by" situation -after the fact. I hardly think I pestered him - I was just there, with my camera, just as he was there with his paintbrush.

The extent of my sarcasm? "Enjoy your painting!" - hardly likely to provoke a riot no matter what emphasis I place on those three words. Did I want an apology? Nope - just for him to recognize the stupidity of his actions (re-actions). He didn't have to admit to that either - he just needs to think about it!

At the end of day you can't place yourself in a 'photogenic' situation and then argue the toss and shout abuse at every photographer that so much as raises a camera! Fairness doesn't enter into it - civility does! We did actually leave on friendly terms but neither of us apologised to the other - two stubborn ol' cusses together I suppose.
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I don't think doing your job (which he appears to be doing) can be classed as "placing yourself in a photogenic position".
It’s sounds to me like you caught him on a bad day, got some grief, and took the hump yourself.
I don't think doing your job (which he appears to be doing) can be classed as "placing yourself in a photogenic position".
It’s sounds to me like you caught him on a bad day, got some grief, and took the hump yourself.

Buying and mooring a boat at Brancaster Staithe is pretty much placing one's self at a photogenic location (which is what I went there to photograph)... what he was actually doing is totally irrelevant in this instance. Whether his day was bad or not is also irrelevant to me. What I object to is being verbally abused publicly for what I and many others would consider to be a pretty innocuous thing as taking photos on a sunny day at a harbour!

And it was a Sunday - he shouldn't be working on a Sunday ..... (joke, just in case anybody takes that part further) :rolleyes:
I can see how it would get a touch annoying if someone was taking my picture without asking every few minutes. I don't particularly like being 'watched' while I go about my business either. Sounds like finding himself in the brochure was the last straw and he's had enough of it. Don't suppose the sarky comment has done much to improve his view of photographers either. I have some sympathy...
Hey... so now I'm the bad guy? Maybe you missed the bit when I said we left on friendly terms?
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I'm really sorry but it still sounds like a whine to me. Everything you were doing that day was just as irrelevant to him as he was to you.
It doesn't matter where you are, if you point a camera at people, eventually (more than once I'd wager), you're going to cop for a grumpybum.
Move on.
Indeed, you can't expect everyone to smile and be happy that you are poking a camera at them. If you parted on better terms that's all you can expect though I'd have just given the guy a wave and left him to it without fronting up to him in the first place.
Hey... so now I'm the bad guy? Maybe you missed the bit when I said we left on friendly terms?

No one is the 'bad guy' - but I totally disagree that being in a photographic location makes you fair game.
but I totally disagree that being in a photographic location makes you fair game.

being in public makes you fair game !!

but its unrealistic to expect every subject to be happy about it
being in public makes you fair game !!

but its unrealistic to expect every subject to be happy about it

I disagree. I'm not talking legally. By 'fair game' I mean the very arrogant suggestion that being somewhere scenic means you should expect to be photographed. I've sunbathed in some very scenic locations. Not once have I expected someone to pop up and start taking pictures of me. There is such a thing as courtesy. If someone going about every day business doesn't want their picture taken then that should be respected in my opinion.
. Not once have I expected someone to pop up and start taking pictures of me. There is such a thing as courtesy. If someone going about every day business doesn't want their picture taken then that should be respected in my opinion.

but in the OP the guy didn't object until afterwards - also if I'm out in public minding my own I'd rather people just took photos rather than disturbing me every 5 minutes to say 'scuse me mate d'you mind if I take your photo
According to the EXIF I took three shots in the space of 31 secs - I then got the FFS moment and everything else that went with it ;)

I suppose in the first instance I was some distance away then took the other two closer but still with a small tele lens, not something I would consider intrusive - I can see it from his perspective to a greater extent than I may have alluded to here - it's just... ah well, moving on!
but in the OP the guy didn't object until afterwards - also if I'm out in public minding my own I'd rather people just took photos rather than disturbing me every 5 minutes to say 'scuse me mate d'you mind if I take your photo

Well no - obviously you don't know until he says something. He made his feelings clear though - it was only after making a further sarky comment that the OP said he received 'both barrels'.
No quite right..... I got one barrel at a time to start with! Which kind of precipitated my mild sarcasm - fuelled with mild anger.

My main observation with all this - only in this country have I experienced such treatment. Qatar - Thailand - Sweden - Denmark - Finland - France (who hold on to their privacy and camera usage quite resolutely) - Italy - Germany - Spain --- there are other places.

At all those places I've taken photographs which have included people but I was a "Tourist" armed with a Nikon V1 or Fuji X20 - I turned up yesterday with a D700 and I'm viewed with suspicion and treated with contempt!

And I wouldn't describe it as an arrogance - I was conscious of being on NT property and all the petty rules they impose! Expectations and arrogance in my life are two distinct 'animals'. I'm a firm believer in the distinction and recognition between rights and duties.
Fair enough - everyone has their opinion. It is good that you left on better terms than you started.
Chuckles,,, you are making a fool of yourself and I think it would be best if you walk away from this thread ,,,,,,..

,,,and I say that with kindness, compassion and empathy
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Ignore Keith - he swallowed a copy of "eats, shoots, and leaves" as a kid , I think he was traumatised by having a name that violates the I before E except after C rule :LOL:
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... and the overuse of ',' s

The words prat, fool and stupid idiot come to my mind but I will not aim them towards anyone here on the forum,, it might offend those people who know the definitions of such words,,,,, but I would like you to know that I thought of them.

You criticise me for using too many commas but your own comment began with three full stops and then lower case letter plus the word "and" ,,, and finish without the use of a full stop,,,, all of which are not correct in proper English. If you feel the need to snipe at me then please do it for something worthwhile not for petty fiddling little snide observations. My Mother always told me that when you point a finger at somebody,, then you have three other fingers pointing back at yourself, so it is important that you consider the implications of such digitally aimed criticism.

My grammar is nothing to boast about and I write quickly inserting multiple commas when I feel the need to pause the flow ,,,,, sometimes I go back and edit it,,,,, and sometimes I don't,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Long strings of commas at the end of a comment are known as a "hanging pause" ,,, they are intended to encourage and guide the reader towards a moment of contemplation and reflection on what has been written before,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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You criticise me for using too many commas but your own comment began with three full stops and then lower case letter plus the word "and" ,,, and finish without the use of a full stop,,,, all of which are not correct in proper English.

Sorry, but three fullstops and lower case is correct usage where used to indicate an addition to the point above - fair point however on the lack of a full stop. More pertinently Kieth ( ;) ) ommited the smiley that would have indicated the use of sarcasm in a humorous way.
A hanging pause is actually three full stops, also called an ellipsis. They can also be used at the end of a sentence to indicate more to come (or that the reader should put in their own completion). But anyway, moving on...

More pertinently Kieth ( ;) ) ommited the smiley that would have indicated the use of sarcasm in a humorous way.
Only 1 'm' in omitted Pete. ;) And not 'i' before 'e' here...
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thass norfolk for ya. If yoo hint from round these hare parts, you can sod the **** off!!!
I think,,, I shall leave this forum. You might be happy at that decision,, and so shall I. It so convenient that so many foolish people should gather in the same place leaving other locations unencumbered.
Ignore Keith - he swallowed a copy of "eats, shoots, and leaves" as a kid , I think he was traumatised by having a name that violates the I before E except after C rule

Anyone who watches QI will know that it isn't actually a rule as there are far more exceptions to it than there are words which adhere to it.

My Mother always told me that when you point a finger at somebody,, then you have three other fingers pointing back at yourself

I like that!

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