Do you know any murderers?


Pugh Pugh Barney McGrew Me Dibble and Grubb
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you can't help but have heard in the news about Ceri Fuller who has appeared to have killed his own children and taken his own life. Regardless of his mental state at the time, this is an absolutely appalling, despicable, senseless crime.

By all accounts Ceri Fuller was a regarded as a decent bloke by those that know him, I find it unbelievable somebody can go from being a decent bloke to murdering their own children.

Maybe I can see how somebody could commit murder out of anger, jealousy or fear, but killing their own small children? it seems beyond comprehension.

but i'm wondering, if any of you guys know or have known anybody who has been convicted of murder?

Were they a decent person? Was it something they did out of the blue, completely out of character or did you always feel there was something not quite right about them?
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I'll wager he was depressed
Yeah years ago in my hometown a guy down the road 'sorted his missus out'
Played grieving widow for a while till body was found/evidence etc. (a good distance away type of thing)
Sent away for life etc.
Seemed 'normal' would never pass you etc....

Who knows what goes on in peoples minds, the brain can be a dangerous thing.
You wont comprehend it because you are a healthy, normal person IMO

(dont have nightmares now :) )
I used to visit a factory in the late 80's and worked with a guy who'd done 8 years for killing his wife in a momentary fit of rage. He was educated, polite but a little introverted......hard to believe what he'd done.

I believe Depression is something that you can't understand unless you have been there and witnessed it first hand and been on the outside it's hard to comprehend why they do something like this.
I do not know a murderer. I have however watched my mother have a psychotic break and go from normal to attacking my stepdad, and me being scared of her as she stood in front of me, holding a pair of scissors and terrified of me, thinking I was 'out to get her'.
This has massively changed my perception of what people can do, and how quickly a mental state can deteriorate.

In my time self employed I did work for two convicted murderers that I'm sure of, both were ordinary decent blokes with families. The subject didn't come up but both afaik were convicted of killing their wives if it makes a difference.

As others have said above, unless you've been there it's impossible to comprehend.
When I was a young teenager (13), my friend's stepdad raped and murdered her whilst her mum was at work. He chopped her hands off and left them on the bedside table.

I'll never forget that as long as I live....It was the point where our little group of friends really lost our childhood innocence and realised , I think for the first time, what people were capable of.

This guy had always seemed like a regular dad up until that point. None of us had ever thought he was a bit "wierd" or anything.
one or two
I had a good friend who was done for attempted murder, that was out of a jealous rage (target was ex partner's new partner)
I was in a meeting also attended by this bloke from Glasgow. That night he went home and murdered his wife!
I do not know a murderer but I work with a guy that tryed to kill his wife, stabbed her 11 times and she survived.

The guy in the OP could have been depresed or did it out of spite, the news said it was personal problems that lead to it, Could be he was going through a divorse and the wife turned around and said you will never see your kids again or she was leaving the country to be with a lover she met on line in a far off country so he still would not get to see his kids.

I knew a guy that was going through his ex tryiing to stop him seeing the kids, it went to court and everything, he was close to breaking point and taking them with him so she could not have them either, it turned out ok though as the courts said he could should and would still see his kids. He was no drinker did not take drugs and was generally a decent bloke, but then again who knows what goes on behind closed doors.

When I was about 16 there was a report on the news on New Years Day about a murder in the area where I lived. A woman had been killed, a man seriously injured and a 16 year old youth arrested.

Shortly after I discovered that the youth was in my class at school and I sat next to him in some classes! He was a pretty quiet kid but you always got the feeling something wasn't right.

It came to light that he had been playing with a ouija board and claimed voices in his head told him to kill. He killed his father's girlfriend and seriously injured his father with a sword and then went out looking for more victims.

Luckily the weather was bad as New Year's Eve in those days was a pretty busy time. A police car came past and he was asked what he was doing with the sword. He answered that he was looking for people to kill.

It was a strange feeling going back to school after the holidays.
I got to Meet quiet a lot in the NI prison service. I don't know what they were like before they killed but in the prison they came across as what they where killers, at least until they had a visit then they became nice guys.
One that I particularly remember had sprayed a workers bus with a machine gun. When he was brought into the prison he walked like a big hard man A short time later we found him one night hanging from the cell window bars by his bed sheet with a pathetic excuse for a knot.
We got him down and showed him how to tie a hangman's noose, I looked in a short time later to see if he had done it and found him sat on his bed crying.
I had a customer who was jailed for murdering a drug dealer.
Another customer who was murdered...unprovoked attack.
Another who was the mother of a victim of a serial killer.
I got to Meet quiet a lot in the NI prison service. I don't know what they were like before they killed but in the prison they came across as what they where killers, at least until they had a visit then they became nice guys.
One that I particularly remember had sprayed a workers bus with a machine gun. When he was brought into the prison he walked like a big hard man A short time later we found him one night hanging from the cell window bars by his bed sheet with a pathetic excuse for a knot.
We got him down and showed him how to tie a hangman's noose, I looked in a short time later to see if he had done it and found him sat on his bed crying.

Not being funny, but I find your own actions a bit disturbing. Is it just me?
I really don't care Spend some time with this scum that threatens staff every day and see what your attitude is like after a few years of it.
Do not trust these people one inch and have no doubt they would put you in a pine box at the drop of a hat and walk away laughing.
I really don't care Spend some time with this scum that threatens staff every day and see what your attitude is like after a few years of it.
Do not trust these people one inch and have no doubt they would put you in a pine box at the drop of a hat and walk away laughing.

Well I admit I haven't had your experience, so fair dos. Just would hope I'd be able not to bring myself down to their level, not sure if I would be strong enough though. I suppose it's easy for me to take the high ground :shrug:
After serving three years in NI with the army then six in the Prison service you become hardened.
Maybe a little insight would give you a idea of the staffs state of mind.
One morning there was a explosion inside a cell, we later found out that plastic explosive had been smuggled in and a booby trap had been set for officers that would do a cell search. Fortunately for the inmates they were in bed when it went off prematurely and the mattress's had saved them
Another time a member of staff had left me alone (against the rules) with a prisoner in a blind spot. The prisoner turned awkward and when I told him to go back to his cell he refused. I reached for my baton and he told me go on pull it out and I will beat you to death with it I have nothing to lose. This prisoner had served a life sentence in England then committed another murder in NI and yet another murder in the prison whilst serving his seconde life sentence. He was never going to get out...hence I have nothing to lose.
An old school friend was imprisoned for attempted murder. Slit his girlfriends throat.

I used to go in a comic book shop when I was younger, which belonged to Ronald Castree.

I'm from Hyde in Greater Manchester which was home to Harold Shipman, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. I'm probably forgetting a few.
I got to Meet quiet a lot in the NI prison service. I don't know what they were like before they killed but in the prison they came across as what they where killers, at least until they had a visit then they became nice guys.
One that I particularly remember had sprayed a workers bus with a machine gun. When he was brought into the prison he walked like a big hard man A short time later we found him one night hanging from the cell window bars by his bed sheet with a pathetic excuse for a knot.
We got him down and showed him how to tie a hangman's noose, I looked in a short time later to see if he had done it and found him sat on his bed crying.

I was a prison officer for many years. In fact i was P.O ( if you have been a prison officer you know what that means ) most of the time i worked with cat A prisoners more lifers than you can shake a stick at and i can tell you now if you had of tried any of that crap on my wing i would have snapped you back so fast you would of thought you was back as an o.s.g doing your J .S.A.C again.

And after no1 had finished with you i would have had you transfered out my nick. Its people like you that get good officers a bad name.
Tell that to the PO chewed me out one day for eating a jam tart that had been made for prisoners.....he was shot in the head at point blank range one day as he left the prison.
And that's not mentioning all the other staff that were killed from basic up to governor.
What prison did you serve in?
i worked at two in Ireland and three in the uk. Worked at the maze for two years on house 2. I worked at portlaoise in county laoise and three in the uk so what prison did this shooting happen?
I know a man who did time for murder. But he was released after about four years (I think) when he was proven to have been wrongly convicted.
i worked at two in Ireland and three in the uk. Worked at the maze for two years on house 2. I worked at portlaoise in county laoise and three in the uk so what prison did this shooting happen?
At the crum. House 2? the Maze had no house,s they were H blocks and before that compounds.
Only inmates called them blocks officers called them houses and it was long kesh before it was the maze. So what county in the crum in?
you mean crumlin belfast? that closed in 96.
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Yes Crumlin all staff referred to it as the crum Co Antrim and that is where I lived until I moved to county Down.
I never new of any officer that referred to them as a house. The correct name is Long Kesh it became known as the Maze because of the compound system with the very high chain link fencing making lanes between the compounds, it was like a maze and you could get lost very easily when you were new there.
The Po you were asking about is Milliken you will find him on this list of murdered staff
I als knew Teeney,CO Wright Bem,Gov Miles,,McTier and Mackin
Yes Crumlin all staff referred to it as the crum Co Antrim and that is where I lived until I moved to county Down.
I never new of any officer that referred to them as a house. The correct name is Long Kesh it became known as the Maze because of the compound system with the very high chain link fencing making lanes between the compounds, it was like a maze and you could get lost very easily when you were new there.
The Po you were asking about is Milliken you will find him on this list of murdered staff
I als knew Teeney,CO Wright Bem,Gov Miles,,McTier and Mackin

Dont try preaching to the choir i was walking the halls for the best part of 19yrs i know what we called the houses we worked on and as for the wiki explanation that holds no water with me. IF you were a prison officer your attitude to the prisoners in your care was deplorable and i dont know ANY officer that would allow what you said happend to happen.
Did you know this guy , he also served in the crum

I'm not in the line of work (prison service etc) that means I've got to know people who are 'murderers' but a few folk I've known over the years (school friends or just people I've known) have been convicted of murder.

Where you grow up, the circles you move in, where you drink. All sorts do it and knowing a murderer just becomes a law of averages which increases as the years go by.