Do you know any murderers?

malo50 said:
My point is still valid. Assisted suicide is illegal. Adopt your macho posture if you want.

The guy wanted to kill himself...... so just give him the info he lacked! .... hardly assisted, it's helping :)
After all the vitriol that's been posted in this thread, I call someone an idiot for advocating an illegal action, and the lines crossed?
malo50 said:
After all the vitriol that's been posted in this thread, I call someone an idiot for advocating an illegal action, and the lines crossed?

Why is teaching someone to tie knots illegal?
After all the vitriol that's been posted in this thread, I call someone an idiot for advocating an illegal action, and the lines crossed?

you just drew the short straw, could have been any of a few before you, message is still the same though :)
Splog said:
Why is teaching someone to tie knots illegal?

I've made my point, be as obtuse as you like, that's me doing something more interesting now.
After all the vitriol that's been posted in this thread, I call someone an idiot for advocating an illegal action, and the lines crossed?

you just drew the short straw, could have been any of a few before you, message is still the same though :)

TBH Martin, when I hit the "post reply" button your post hadn't even shown up in the thread yet.
It wasn't aimed at any one individual, but at several of the posts in here that have now crossed the line - and the next one after this warning, even if it's somebody who hasn't posted in here yet, will be the one that draws the short straw for a day off.
SarahLee said:
TBH Martin, when I hit the "reply" button your post hadn't even shown up in the thread yet.
It wasn't aimed at any one individual, but at several of the posts in here that have now crossed the line - and the next one after this post, even if it's somebody who hasn't posted in here yet, will be the one that draws the short straw for a day off.

How long is a 'short' straw? ..... Just asking? :)
mod edit: rant not associated with original question and after multiple warnings
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SarahLee said:
You'll find out shortly after you pull it :p

BTW, I forgot to say I don't know any murderers.... but knew a fireman who used to start fires to get his call out money. He only got caught when he set fire to the mill next to his house which also burnt down.... nobody died but his daughter got badly burned..... He really was an idiot! ....
Someone I worked with murdered his wife, his mother in law and then himself.

Is it technically possible to murder yourself :LOL:

Don't know any murderers (thankfully), although I undoubtedly worked with a few when I did a stint as a tutor in a prison.

One of my schoolmates was murdered when he was about 14/15.... got locked in a caravan with another lad and was molested and then the caravan burnt with them inside. Nasty stuff indeed.
Fascinating read hearing both sides of the argument. Id like to think that i wouldn't have showed him how to tie the knot, but then if id seen and experienced what you have then maybe i would av.
Is it technically possible to murder yourself :LOL:

good point, though I assume if you can prove intent, premeditation then suicide is self murder - though I am sure such a crime does not exist.....

What shocks me though is TP is a small albeit diverse community of indiviudals, predominantly uk based, yet every other person knows a murdered . someone who has been murdered....... :cautious:
Lynton said:
good point, though I assume if you can prove intent, premeditation then suicide is self murder - though I am sure such a crime does not exist.....

What shocks me though is TP is a small albeit diverse community of indiviudals, predominantly uk based, yet every other person knows a murdered . someone who has been murdered....... :cautious:

And how many tp-ers are biting there lip hoping they don't get found out. Be afraid, be very afraid ( joke)
Lynton said:
good point, though I assume if you can prove intent, premeditation then suicide is self murder - though I am sure such a crime does not exist.....

What shocks me though is TP is a small albeit diverse community of indiviudals, predominantly uk based, yet every other person knows a murdered . someone who has been murdered....... :cautious:

But if you can show premeditation, then you have implied consent to kill yourself, and implied consent is a defence to an assault (which will have to take place to end the life). So it couldn't ever be murder, lol!

Actually, all suicides are premeditated, otherwise surely it would just be an unlucky accident?
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specialman said:
Is it technically possible to murder yourself :LOL:

Don't know any murderers (thankfully), although I undoubtedly worked with a few when I did a stint as a tutor in a prison.

One of my schoolmates was murdered when he was about 14/15.... got locked in a caravan with another lad and was molested and then the caravan burnt with them inside. Nasty stuff indeed.

Oops lol.
Why did you 'lol' at that?!?
It's a mind thing,some people have no compassion ,others don't give a damn.
My next door neighbor was a true gent and had been married 50 odd years.

He did all the cooking and cleaning as His Wife had bad asthma.
He would have walked on glass for Her.

He started to do Little odd things,like going for a drive and coming home 5 hours later,having lost his way, one day He was sat on the drive in His car which He had owned for 15 years trying out different switches asking His Wife "whats happening now"
After a few months of this he suddenly one night scared Her to death asking where Her lover slept in the house.
He started to hit the window with a vase shouting "where is He,tell me or I'll call the police"
She called them for Him and they took Him away for a Doctor to look at.
Twas the dreaded Alzheimer's.

The day He was to go into the hospital ward He cleaned the fridge out and did some baking to tide Her over till He came back.
Never did get home again.
Sad sad thing the mind.:shake:
It's a mind thing,some people have no compassion ,others don't give a damn.
My next door neighbor was a true gent and had been married 50 odd years.

He did all the cooking and cleaning as His Wife had bad asthma.
He would have walked on glass for Her.

He started to do Little odd things,like going for a drive and coming home 5 hours later,having lost his way, one day He was sat on the drive in His car which He had owned for 15 years trying out different switches asking His Wife "whats happening now"
After a few months of this he suddenly one night scared Her to death asking where Her lover slept in the house.
He started to hit the window with a vase shouting "where is He,tell me or I'll call the police"
She called them for Him and they took Him away for a Doctor to look at.
Twas the dreaded Alzheimer's.

The day He was to go into the hospital ward He cleaned the fridge out and did some baking to tide Her over till He came back.
Never did get home again.
Sad sad thing the mind.:shake:

That is a very sad tale very sad indeed :shake:
Well i never thought i'd be able to post in this thread.

But a few days ago i was talking to someone on facebook that i used to knock about with 25 odd years ago.

And he asked if i knew anything about another lad we used to knock around with, he then sent me a link which just had his 1st and surname and an article about a murder in sheldon, birmingham in 2010. He was sentenced in July 2011.

Now sheldon's a few miles from where we used to live and with only a pretty common 1st name and surname i was sceptical, but i dug online a bit, and it's him.

I'm shocked tbh, but at the same time i'm not really surprised, he was always 'different'.
And to the original question, yes, yes I do
A friend of mine is about to stand trial for murder in the coming weeks. I trained with him for about 5 years at Thai boxing as he was my regular training partner and friend.A really nice guy who was polite, didnt swear,didnt drink etc. I had to tell him off so many times for not hitting properly in sparring-he didnt want to hurt anyone.

Anyway he moved in with his girlfriend before they split up which left him in another town. He eventually went to dealing drugs and did 5 years for that. I was amazed to find this out and also that he was involved in a hammer attack on a rival drug dealing gang.

A few months ago he met a girl and was going steady with her when one day her ex boyfriend turned up to try and win her back but he didnt know my friend was there and they got into a fight outside. Im told my friend pulled a knife and stabbed the guy, killing him instantly.

I have left his name out and allot of details out as well as the court case is still to happen and everything i have said is all hear say:shrug:

To be honest i feel bad that such a good guy has been caught up in all this and just wonder what would have happened if he had continued as my training partner,but then again im sure he has hurt many lives over the past 7-8 years so if he did do it im of the opinion he should get everything thats coming to him..I really feel for his mum and dad as they are fantastic people and he is their only child.
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