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Sort of creative edit. Would you change anything? is there anything not quite right? maybe all of it?:)

EDIT: Original file attached. Sorry:)


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Not sure what's been done to it. Posting up a before and after version may help. Looks OK to me though.. but not sure what you're trying to achieve. She's a bit small within the frame for my liking... but that's not an editing issue.
Personally speaking I don't like the sign over the brides head, and I'd take some off the top, nothing wrong with it the way it is, it's just my personal fealing.
I'm sure the bride will love it.
Sorry guys, original now is showing:) The right side is flipped but most of it consists of copying part and free transforming them. The handrail with all the ironwork was a nightmare to edit and it is still only 98% perfect;)

Edit: Personally I don't mind the sign but if push comes to a shove it would be quite easy to get rid of it.
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I like it the edited Top one that is.


I would leave the sign thats the eviroment.