"Do you THINK Scotland will vote yes and gain Independence"

What do you THINK the result will be

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It is what you THINK the result will be not what you would like it to be

no "too close to call" a Yes or No would be nice

Mine's a Yes
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I voted No on my postal vote but I think it feels like it's going to be a Yes so have voted Yes on the above poll.
I think it's going to be a lot closer than anyone south of the border ever imagined it would be, but the majority who vote will still vote NO.
Don't know, don't care, want some real news rather than revolting Picts and hacking religious extremists.
Wonder if it will be as close as the vote for the Welsh Devolution Referendum. All came down to the last region. (the numbers were 50.3% vs 49.7)
I have been thinking 'Yes' will be the result but hoping it will be 'No'.

Part of me would quite like 'Yes' though just to see what happens and to shake things up a bit. o_O
I hope it's a yes because I am sick and tired of hearing about it.

If it is a no then it will just come up again and again every five years or so with a new vote until they get a yes.
Where's the "Why don't the winging B*Stards just sod off and stop going on about it" option :D
I do suspect a lot of the gobby YES brigade with be quietly voting no come Thursday :LOL:
Where's the "Why don't the winging B*Stards just sod off and stop going on about it" option :D

be careful the "Tartan Army" will be knocking on your door

He wants his own Army etc., now


I've met more level headed pragmatic Scots than head in the clouds William Wallace wannabes, I'm sure they have just kept quiet and avoided the whole circus and will just be putting an x in the NO box later this week.

No, by around 55% is my guess...
Why? Scotland is getting more powers regardless of a yes or no vote.

Because when I think when push comes to shove, they simply won't have the Ba11s to vote for independance.
I've got a feeling it will be a "no". I think there are a lot of quietly sensible Scots who will just turn up to vote without a lot of shouting and fuss.
2 threads for slagging us off now? How about a 3rd?
After all, it takes your 3 lions to take on our 1:D

I do suspect a lot of the gobby YES brigade with be quietly voting no come Thursday :LOL:

I've met more level headed pragmatic Scots than head in the clouds William Wallace wannabes, I'm sure they have just kept quiet and avoided the whole circus and will just be putting an x in the NO box later this week.

No, by around 55% is my guess...

I've got a feeling it will be a "no". I think there are a lot of quietly sensible Scots who will just turn up to vote without a lot of shouting and fuss.

Funny how you guys seem to know so much about whats going on up here.
Funny how you guys seem to know so much about whats going on up here.

Well my opinion was based on comments made by one of the leading polling organisations. They suggested that a number of Scots don't want to admit being "no" voters as it's not as acceptable. A bit like people don't like to admit they are Conservative voters because the Tories are seen as the "nasty" party.
Well my opinion was based on comments made by one of the leading polling organisations. They suggested that a number of Scots don't want to admit being "no" voters as it's not as acceptable. A bit like people don't like to admit they are Conservative voters because the Tories are seen as the "nasty" party.
I can understand them not wanting their yes neighbours to know, but why wouldn't they be comfortable telling a poll?
Sounds like an excuse to me:eek:
I can understand them not wanting their yes neighbours to know, but why wouldn't they be comfortable telling a poll?
Sounds like an excuse to me:eek:

Apparently it's a well known phenomenon that even when the polling is anonymous people don't like to admit to opinions they feel are unacceptable.
Neither result would surprise me but if I had to predict it - I would say No will win.

I think most Yes voters were only ever going to vote Yes regardless of whether it made sense.

Same could be said but to less a degree with the No voters.

What's key are the undecided people - I just don't see anything being offered up to convince the majority of them to vote Yes.
Apparently it's a well known phenomenon that even when the polling is anonymous people don't like to admit to opinions they feel are unacceptable.
I've never heard of that phenomenon, but I'll take your word for it, and hope that you are wrong;)
However, when all the polls are showing neck and neck, then a yes or a no could be unacceptable.
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Apparently it's a well known phenomenon that even when the polling is anonymous people don't like to admit to opinions they feel are unacceptable.

I've never heard of that phenomenon, but I'll take your word for it, and hope that you are wrong;)
However, when all the polls are showing neck and neck, then a yes or a no could be unacceptable.

Not sure what I've blundered into here, but there was a chap from a "leading polling organisation" talking the other day. He said the referendums are notoriously hard to poll. They are pretty good at election polls because they calibrate them by asking people what they voted last time as well. If that doesn't roughly match the actual result then they know they have an unrepresentative sample. But of course you can't do that even if referendums are common (like they are in Switzerland) because they tend to be single issue votes. And Scotland hasn't had a referendum before that I can remember.

His summary was that the only way referendum polls are ever right is by accident. It's just not possible to tell, no matter how often you poll unless you poll very significant fractions of the electorate - like all of them.

Exciting, isn't it?
I can understand them not wanting their yes neighbours to know, but why wouldn't they be comfortable telling a poll?
Sounds like an excuse to me:eek:

Hum whats the sample numbers? Then where was the poll conducted. You'd probably get different results depending on where you stood
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