Does an image need a title and/or explanation?

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I was away a couple of weeks ago taking pictures of a particular subject, and showing some people the pics, it occurred to me, without me telling them about the subject, would the pictures stand up on their own without a title and/or explanation. Opinions welcome, what do you think, does it need a title and/or explanation or can it be a nice interesting image (I think) on its own? :thinking:
D5F_3351 resize.jpg
In most cases it helps to know what you are looking at.
With fine art perhaps less so.

I take it that it is an underslung monorail system.? But where?
Perhaps The Wuppertal Schwebebahn
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Depends entirely on the viewer. Coming from a newspaper background I feel a picture without a caption is underdressed. :naughty:
It depends on how you hope the viewer will interpret the image. Unless the 'meaning' (if any - pretty sure many photos don't have a meaning) is blindingly obvious, it's often necessary to give them a clue as to what you saw or why you took the picture so that they can stand a little closer to your viewpoint.
Thanks for replying. :) Yes, it is the Schwebebahn in Wuppertal.

I understand everyone is different and will see things in different ways. I think what I may be asking is if I had just posted this image with no explanation or title, would it have got a second look, or does it need a title and even an explanation for people to 'know' if they like it or not? :thinking:
It depends on how you hope the viewer will interpret the image. Unless the 'meaning' (if any - pretty sure many photos don't have a meaning) is blindingly obvious, it's often necessary to give them a clue as to what you saw or why you took the picture so that they can stand a little closer to your viewpoint.
I think that is the thing, does an image like the above need a title/explanation. The meaning would be no more than it is an (imho of course;)) attractive and interesting scene. I understand it could provoke questions, but then so could an abstract, macro or a lot of images. :thinking:
Depends on the subject, but generally a title helps to understand what you are trying to achieve.
I think that is the thing, does an image like the above need a title/explanation. The meaning would be no more than it is an (imho of course;)) attractive and interesting scene. I understand it could provoke questions, but then so could an abstract, macro or a lot of images. :thinking:

In this case no, it doesn't need a title because it isn't intended to convey more than the fact that it's interesting in itself, and one can either see that or not. If you'd decided that the reflection had a deeper meaning, for example, then an 'arty b****x' style title would have been essential.
Thanks for replying. :) Yes, it is the Schwebebahn in Wuppertal.

I understand everyone is different and will see things in different ways. I think what I may be asking is if I had just posted this image with no explanation or title, would it have got a second look, or does it need a title and even an explanation for people to 'know' if they like it or not? :thinking:

I look at images first, a title perhaps not at all. However a short caption helps understand and informs.

I hate the long captions found in art exhibitions that give a motive, history and intent to back up or make an excuse for taking a very so so image..that can not stand up for itself.
I think, if a pic needs an explanation of what you were trying to convey, your pic has failed.
As a camera club Judge I'd say it depends

IF it helps the viewer to understand the scene, then add a title, but if its just telling the viewer what they can already see then its pointless

i.e. a moored boat on a canal - Moored Canal Boat - is not a useful title

i.e. an infra-red photo of a moored boat on a canal - The beauty of infra-red - may make the viewer realise its not just an odd looking photo. I've known Judges not realise some techniques and mark down as they don't understand them; most commonly now with ICM

So, if directing the viewer helps in the work's appreciation and understanding then yes add a title, otherwise, don't bother

At one time Titles in competitions and exhibitions were obligatory.
I do not know if that is still the case.
It does make catalogue writing easier and better than just numbers.
A photo having a title doesn't bother me a jot, sometimes they help sometimes they don't but either way they don't detract from an image usually. The thing that i do find irritating is when togs come up with some sort of emotional journey or back story to go with a photo, most of the time i find myself thinking well that's a load of b******s just to try and appeal to people, or the story was made up afterwards to go with the shot and not the other way around. I don't get why a fantastic photo can't just stand on its own merit, it doesn't need all the other rubbish to go with it. My exception to this is if someone gives some information as to what went into making the photo, so if you climb up ben nevis 16 times to get that one shot because it's chucking it down every other time you go i will happily give credit for that but that isn't some emotional sob story it's just part of the process.

Anyways, now i have stepped off the old soap box that's a cool photo. Never heard of the Wuppertal Schwebebahn either so its different to photos i have seen before that's for sure

And a trend I keep seeing is mediocre photos with a witty title where the title is way superior to the photo.

A caption is very different and can be useful. I.e. a simple location or model wearing X combination with X shoes etc. or details of a product X with X feature in X colour.

I've never once titled an image in my life.
And a trend I keep seeing is mediocre photos with a witty title where the title is way superior to the photo.
How would you define a mediocre photograph? :thinking:
A title is always nice. If a picture needs an explanation, the picture has failed. Applies to any form of communication. If I am listening to a piece of music, I do not want a selection of pictures I must look at before I can enjoy the music or if I am reading a novel, I don't want it to come with a piece of sculpture I need to understand first.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment. :) I agree with those who said some captions/descriptions explaining images can veer into b****x. ;) :LOL: I dislike this more for other types of 'art' than photography though. ;)

Generally I don't name images unless I put them on a site to try and sell them, and then you are encouraged to say something about the images, but I try to stick to something descriptive unless there is a something interesting (imho ;)) about the image's capture or the subject.

Never heard of the Wuppertal Schwebebahn either so its different to photos i have seen before that's for sure
I only saw the Wuppertal Schwebebahn for the first time a couple of years ago, and had never seen anything like it. :oops: :$ I couldn't believe I had not seen it before. :thinking: Because they had some technical issues, it was not running for almost a year, but I was very happy to finally get to see it running, and of course take a lot of trips on it. :) I almost went to see it not knowing it wasn't running. :oops: :$ :rolleyes: That would have not been good. :LOL:
I often find it frustrating when viewing a stunning landscape on Flickr, especially on the Scottish themed groups where I think to myself that I'd love to visit the area, only for it to be named something like DSC_1234.
Even worse if there's no description or mapped - GRRR!!!
I only saw the Wuppertal Schwebebahn for the first time a couple of years ago, and had never seen anything like it. :oops: :$ I couldn't believe I had not seen it before. :thinking: Because they had some technical issues, it was not running for almost a year, but I was very happy to finally get to see it running

I was in Wuppertal 2007, and it had been out of use for about a year then. :p
I took an impromptu picture in a nightclub of people sat at a table and they all looked and smiled at me.. behind them a person had just come back from the bar and was placing a pint on the table..... What happens if you caption that.. "Pint Pincher" ?
I took this pic in France in 2003 (using the camera in my avatar) on the last leg of a Triathlon and i think the title made the picture.... :)


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