Does This Work?

April 2008
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I wanted to try and create something a bit more abstract from my usual landscape that made use of the available light creating a radial pattern of colour. At the same time, I wanted to try and retain the essence of Saltburn... namely, the pier!

As ever, your thoughts, comments, and general abuse welcomed and encouraged so that I may improve and learn. :D
This is a real mindbender for me Lee.
I feel as if I am being led away from the point of interest by the lead in lines.
I want to see the sunrise but the pier is taking me to the horizon.

Also, I keep turning my head to level the horizon, even though the horizon is spot on.
There is an optical illusion in there.

Please feel free to ignore if I am talking total b****x.:)
Looked at this before I read John's comments and have to agree with what he says. Definitely gives the impression of a leaning horizon - but it isn't. Think it may be due to the angle of the planks on the pier, and the angle of the clouds above the sunset.

Really want to like it as the colours and the simplicity of the subject are my sort of thing, but it just confuses me.
Looked at this before I read John's comments and have to agree with what he says. Definitely gives the impression of a leaning horizon - but it isn't. Think it may be due to the angle of the planks on the pier, and the angle of the clouds above the sunset.

Really want to like it as the colours and the simplicity of the subject are my sort of thing, but it just confuses me.

+1 on the leaning, I even get the sensation that the black border isn't level!

I wonder if it would work better with the left edge of the pier cropped out, but then perhaps the remaining fence would split the image in 2?? :thinking:
Yep a real head messer, colours are superb though.
Man, that is one twisted picture!

I love the colours in the sunset, great shot!
It`s a cracking shot...

Lovely and crisp/sharp with nice colours but it deffo has a bit of the optical illusion going on there.

As I say, nice shot though. (y)
I really like it. I do agree that it seems a bit geometrically "odd" in some way, but I actually think that very much add to it. I like the sense you get from the conflict of all the different lines, and as already said the colours are great.

From a processing point of view I might be inclined to put a bit more contrast into the shadows to bring out the detail in the planks on the pier, and thus make a bit more out of the bottom left of the image.
I like this, great shot. It does confuse the brain somewhat, but that makes it different. A great example of what effect geometry has on images.
Really good.

I feel I need to add another comment for this shot.

I keep coming back to it and sitting here just looking. A bit like going back to the gallery to
look at a picture over and over again. It really has me thinking.

In this respect, I have to say yes, it does work.
Really nice image. The horizon line is def level but for some reason it looks a little off?? There is also a small black dot in the centre of the decking about a third of the way into the shot, thought it was on my computer but its not :)
Please feel free to ignore

I never ignore... it's good to hear people's thoughts whatever they are. :)

LReally want to like it as the colours and the simplicity of the subject are my sort of thing, but it just confuses me.

Oh... erm, my aim wasn't to confuse. :LOL:

I wonder if it would work better with the left edge of the pier cropped out

Yikes! No, no, no... but thanks for taking time to post your suggestion.

Yep a real head messer

Is that a 'yes it works' or a 'no'?

great shot!

Aha... I've won someone over. :)

As I say, nice shot though.

...and another!

I do agree that it seems a bit geometrically "odd" in some way, but I actually think that very much add to it

Yay! Someone on my wavelength. This was the idea. Shooting looking straight down the pier just didn't work as everything was too symmetrical. By taking the camera over to one side, the wide angle gives the impression of twisting the pier and also gave a number of 'nice' angles. There are the radial blocks (which are obvious), but also the angle of the sunrise lined up with the planks - which I thought helped it work.


My concern was whether it needed someone on the pier as a focal point, or whether that would just break the lines.

A great example of what effect geometry has on images.

Many thanks for taking the time to comment. (y)

I keep coming back to it and sitting here just looking. A bit like going back to the gallery to look at a picture over and over again. It really has me thinking.

That has got to be one of the best comments I've ever received! Cheers!

What setting you use?

Full exif should be contained within the image for anyone interested.

a small black dot in the centre of the decking about a third of the way into the shot

Yeah, I think it's a flaw in the pier decking, and I did think about cloning it out, but didn't in the end. As you are the first to mention it, I'll leave it there.
I really like the photo mate. Lovely colours mate.
I would say quite difficult to look at, but interesting all the same.

I cannot quite suss out whether or not it 'works' however!
My concern was whether it needed someone on the pier as a focal point, or whether that would just break the lines.
:LOL: It would look like they were falling over - and the more I look at this the more I like it - even though it confuses me!
Lovely colours mate.

Cheers, and thanks for taking time to comment.

ziggy©;3477396 said:
Very nice to look at

That's always good to hear... thanks.

I cannot quite suss out whether or not it 'works' however!

Not to worry... I appeciate you taking time to let me know.

looks like it's grabbed a lot of other people's attention too

If only there was some kind of golden rule on how to get lots of people's input. I think I've been lucky, and really value the comments so please keep em coming.

It would look like they were falling over

Hmm, quite possibly... :LOL:
I looked at this earlier, but I didn't comment because I couldn't see the 'point' to the picture. Now..i've looked at it a few times since, and I still dont see its 'point', but then maybe that IS the whole point. Bear with me...

Theres a whole bunch of stuff going on to the eye, and it does take several views to take it all in. I rather like that. There is an awful lot happening, in a picture where there is absolutely nothing happening.

Clever shot. I like it. Even if it has confused the hell outta me and made me talk complete cobblers :)
I feel I need to add another comment for this shot.

I keep coming back to it and sitting here just looking. A bit like going back to the gallery to
look at a picture over and over again. It really has me thinking.

In this respect, I have to say yes, it does work.

I think what Johnny has said sums it up, it makes you think, therefore is an excellent picture, lots of good shots on here that make you go...hmmmn nice shot, move on, but i too keep coming back to this for another look, messes with your head, but in a good way.
The light, tones, detail are all superb, therefore the question remaining would be if the composition works.
Like many others, my first thoughts are that I can’t decide.
However based on the number of comments it is certainly eye catching, therefore I assume this must mean YES it works:thinking:
There is an awful lot happening, in a picture where there is absolutely nothing happening

Interesting view and comments... thanks for sharing them. I might have to try more ideas like this as the landscape can often be quite 'empty'.

What would otherwise be a fairly average location you have made into an image with interest

I like that comment, many thanks. :)

lots of good shots on here that make you go...hmmmn nice shot, move on, but i too keep coming back to this for another look

Thanks. I have to say these comments have made me think twice about the way I shoot a landscape. I've always struggled with getting that little bit extra into a shot... I can see a nice scene and make an image from it, but there's always something missing.

I have been back to look at this again and again. It's really got something.

As above... many thanks for taking time to comment. :)

based on the number of comments it is certainly eye catching, therefore I assume this must mean YES it works

...or nobody can quite get it. :shrug:

Definately a mind fluff.

erm... thanks? ;)
I like it and not going to go into all the detail but I think it works because it breaks so many classical rules.........

However, I am not keen on the big black borders top and bottom which you seem fond of......... :LOL:
Mind blowing stuff Lee - its superb.

I don't thinks a needs a person in the shot, it would've got in the way :D,
seriously, with the person added would have ruin it imo,
the eye naturally is drawn to it (person) would loose the effect that you were after. (does this even make sense) :LOL:
