Does this work?

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Quite like it myself but just wondered what others thought really .:)

If there was a reason for the space on the right hand of the frame then yes.

However it doesn't really add anything to the image in terms of perspective (so you can see what circuit/corner it is), structure (a leading line) or other bikes.

I'm not a huge fan of angled shots, but i do think this one could benefit from it to add more of a feeling of speed to the image. Although if this would work with the strong line (barrier) in the background i'm not certain.

It is still a good shot, but i think a more conventional framing would work just as well or better.
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I know it's cliche, but the bike needs somewhere to go, so for that reason it doesn't work for me on this occasion.
Great shot nick if the bike was to the right and the space on the left would make a great desktop wallpaper
It doesn't work IMHO for the reasons the others have said, however there are times when such images are of use - printed media like such things to allow them dead space inside the shot to place headlines or even the entire article on a double page spread...
Thanks for the reply's folks , i knew it broke the rules which is why i put it up , but there's something i like about it not sure what though :D The composition was by accident as i moved the focal point with my cheek just before the shot :bang: