Dog walkers gggrrrrrr

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Went out today with camera for 1st time in wks as been ill so decided to go down my local woods / nature reserve all going well found a pair of jays so decided to set camera up on tripod off the path so not to obstruct anyone everything was in place the spot was primed ready for the jays return I was buzzing then it happened a dog came bounding over smashed my tripod to the ground and chipped my lens I went ballistic the woman came round the corner and asked was her dog ok !!!!!! I said tbh I don't care as your stupid dog has knocked my camera over and damaged my lens her reply was classic well you shouldn't have been there !!!!! I went ballistic on her she said she was phoning her husband to come and sort me out ooooooooo scared so said when he comes tell him to bring his cheque book at same time needless to say it never arrived was told later by a ranger it's not first time the dog has done it .
Dogs should be on a lead at all times when out for a walk if you ask me. Mine is.
Dog walkers do my nut in. They should self police more. I hate dogs bundling my son over on the beach. I hate people that pick up poo and then tie the bag and leave it on the beach, ballooning its called. Some dogs and their owners are great. But the bad few give them all a bad name.
Dog walkers do my nut in. They should self police more. I hate dogs bundling my son over on the beach. I hate people that pick up poo and then tie the bag and leave it on the beach, ballooning its called. Some dogs and their owners are great. But the bad few give them all a bad name.

Agreed. I live on the sea front and always make sure any poop is cleaned bagged and disposed of. If she poops on the prom then I spray the ground after I picked up the poop with a blast of disinfectant. Just because I love dogs doesn't mean everyone else should suffer for it.
Yep a few bad owners do give them a bad rep, but am fed up with having to constantly look out for dog muck at some places

I do believe that dogs should not be allowed on nature reserves tho
Scott, what a great attitude (thumbs) Like has been said, the few spoil it for others, how frustrating it must be for the good to be tarnished as well....

Having two young daughters (youngest just turned 1), i have spent another summer sitting in grass areas watching her sit up etc, only to be charged at by a dog (been there 3 years before with eldest!)...its a real poor show, and unfortunately more than once, the dog has been injured by myself while protecting my children....followed by the owner mouthing off about the dog 'only playing', 'only a puppy', 'wont bite'...filler filler filler...and sprinting the opposite direction from me (brave people they are)....last one was in an area clearly signed 'all dogs must be ket on a lead'.

Only time my kids have ever seen me use force etc. To some, dogs come before humans...well not my kids they dont.

I try to bring them up balanced, not scared of animals (dont be scared of clapping them etc, been there and tried that), unfortunately we have little choice now but to side with caution, and the eldest already has a fear of dogs developing :( we are persevering though, but its not easy. Cheers you selfish b£((rds :( i would rather have them scared of dogs than mauled.

Others here must share my experiences only to well, its seems common enough with young kids.

There. :)
Dog owners should be forced to train their animal to an acceptable standard. Which should include a good recall.

In my opinion.

Agreed but a dog being an animal does have a will of its own hence the need for them to stay on a lead when out for walks.
neil_g said:
Dog owners should be forced to train their animal to an acceptable standard. Which should include a good recall.

In my opinion.

Perhaps some of the owners should be trained to an acceptable standard ???
Should be able to taser them...... The owners that is.

I had a ding dong with a neighbour who, though it was ok to let his dog **** in my garden, actually stand at his door watch the dog go down the street and ****. WTF

Told, him if it did it again I would make him eat it, and then break his rms........he got the message, the retard...
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And my reaction wasn't over the top, I have a 4 years old, so if your putting my child's health at risk, then I have a right to it yours at risk......
pepi1967 said:
Agreed but a dog being an animal does have a will of its own hence the need for them to stay on a lead when out for walks.

Good training should see a dog listen to its owner above anything else.

andyred said:
Perhaps some of the owners should be trained to an acceptable standard ???

Yes well you'd think the would be part of the training ;)
Almost exactly the same thing happened to me back in August. It resulted in a lens that was beyond economic repair, and an insurance claim!

I'm a dog owner myself, and it winds me up no end that some people don't seem to be able to control their dogs.
As a dog owner myself I completely agree, I didn't let my dog off the lead until I had trained her to come back to me at the first call and even then, I only let her off the lead when I've got a clear view there is nobody else around and put her back on the lead when other people/dogs are around.

I've nearly been knocked over by a couple of Great Danes at our local park and I'm a fairly big guy (6' and 15 stone). I saw them coming and was braced for them to jump at me but I hate to see what they would have done to a kid. All for want of a bit of training someone could get seriously hurt.
Studi0488 said:
Should be able to taser them...... The owners that is.

I had a ding dong with a neighbour who, though it was ok to let his dog **** in my garden, actually stand at his door watch the dog go down the street and ****. WTF

Told, him if it did it again I would make him eat it, and then break his rms........he got the message, the retard...

Breaking his arms first could just get reaalllly messy, i suppose :)

some people have terrible standards, you wonder what the INSIDE of their house is like?

Do all dogs require licenses? Or is that just some makes/breeds? I've thought of the best way to capture my experiences, and can only think iphone camera, and police....but there must be a better way for next time....its difficult, and makes me angry how little kids have their precious experiences (like learning to sit up! :( ) ruined by a dog owner (i really do blame the owner)
hmmm, it's the minority (as in many cases) who spoil it for the majority.... something a little closer to home... the "awkward" photographer who goes out of his/her way to set a S44 arrest from plod for generally being a bit of an arse, makes plod more awkward to nice togs....

saying that, if a dog is a bit wappy, should be under control...

we had a guy who used to let his dog crap everywhere, including path out side my house. I suggested he clean it up.... "I ain't got no f***ing carrier bag..."... "That's your problem not mine, but you can have a bag...".... "F*** off ".. He got a nice deposit through his letterbox that night.... no more dog poo since!
The dog owner next door to me has 3 staffs - I've never seen them be walked in 3 years - We both have 40ft square gardens...

Two many owners think they have 'a right' to walk their dogs with no lead (and also no training)....

& they give dogs a bad name - bring back licences for owners only once they have completed a dog training course.

I own two dogs:


Good training should see a dog listen to its owner above anything else.

Ah you mean like children do? Or do you expect your dog to have more respect for you than your children have for you?
Studi0488 has been given some time off due to an insult in another thread so there is no need for any more rtms on this one. Thank you for your rtms though
Dog owners should be forced to train their animal to an acceptable standard. Which should include a good recall.

In my opinion.

I also agree but then it won't be long til we'll have to do the same with our other halfs.

And sorry to hear about your lens!
Studi0488 has been given some time off due to an insult in another thread so there is no need for any more rtms on this one. Thank you for your rtms though

Just a recommendation from me is to edit the post that has been reported, I often rtm a post without reading down the thread to see if it has been dealt with, I know I should be a bit more diligent but sometimes it can be an impulse thing
I can see this from both sides...

I've had unruly dogs jump up at me pawing my camera, but on the other hand, I've also had a photographer kick one of my dogs who is perfectly well trained and polite - she just friendly and thinks everyone is her friend and will often go to strangers wagging her tail.

I do think that it's the owner's fault if the dog is badly behaved because training should start asap and groundrules put in place for your dog, but.... dogs are intelligent independent creatures and are capable of making their own minds up about things.

Think about this - if they couldn't think for themselves, how could Guide Dogs and Assistance Dogs make disabled peoples lives so much better? And how about those dogs that are trained to go off to Afghanistan to sniff out mines and weapons of terror?

The worst thing I have ever seen in relation to dogs is when I was walking along a pavement with my dogs on leads and under control, and about 10 metres in front of us was a father and son (about 5 years old) walking in front of us. As they approached a crossing, the little boy looked round, saw my dogs, screamed and ran straight out into the road! This could have been a total disaster and cost that little boys life - and I would no doubt have been to blame because I was the dog owner, and not the parent who hadn't taught their child that not all dogs will bite them into 1000 pieces.

There are bad owners and bad dogs, but please don't tar us all with that brush - some of us have lovely well trained, well behaved and well socialised dogs, and some people could not survive without the assistance and companionship their dog gives them.
A dog is a wild animal at heart no matter how good the training or how competent the owner a dog should be on a lead in public places at all times. And the owner should make himself responsible for any damage that dog causes. My late father was a dog handler in the army then again in the police and a breeder in civy street and we had it drummed into us WE are responsible for the dog and its actions. Keep it on a lead. So I've always had my dogs on a lead and always cleaned up after them and I've never had a problem. But if I did I would do the right thing.
So you've never thrown a ball for your dog to chase anywhere but your garden
You shouldn't get a dog then never let it run. I walk my dog all over the local countryside and rarely does she go on the lead. Mind you she is well trained. She is also fit and happy.
So you've never thrown a ball for your dog to chase anywhere but your garden

Yes but she's on a lunge lead same as you use when you breaking in a pony. So I can still get her back if another dog is loose or she decides not to listen. Hasn't happened yet but better safe than sorry.
I'm a dog owner myself but the woman should had taken some responsibility instead of trying to blame me her friend who was with her ALSO said she should accept responsibility but she would not have any of it so I'm not tarring all dog owners just a minority and she is it and as I said the same dog has done similar before if I had my grandson with me as I normally do and the dog bounded over to him well all I will say the dog would not get anywhere near him without repercussions as would any parent/grandparent would do the same
My dog is quite often off his lead, he's a Dalmatian, which originally were bred as carriage dogs so they have to run, and run fast, otherwise they bulk up, and boy, is he fast. Certain dogs HAVE to be exercised off their leads.

But I'm lucky I live in the middle of no where.

And I always clean up his poo.

And if a photographer or over protective parent ever tried to hurt him, woah, would they get a surprise!
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odd jim said:
My dog is quite often off his lead, he's a Dalmatian, which originally were bred as carriage dogs so they have to run, and run fast, otherwise they bulk up, and boy, is he fast. Certain dogs HAVE to be exercised off their leads.

And if a photographer or over protective parent ever tried to hurt him, woah, would they get a surprise!

That's good to know, Jim, what a great attitude :( of course, your dog comes way before any young families enjoy themselves in a park......

'overprotective' - what, when a dog has charged at my 6 month old daughter??? You sum it for me, unfortunately.....

Your dog having to be exercised, really is in nobodies interest or responsibility, but you and your dog. I don't care what breed it is, how cute it is, how many spots its has....really, if its running at my you honestly think that's an ok situation, with the parents being classed as overprotective? (i'm hoping its just came over wrong like some things do on a forum/written form)
That's good to know, Jim, what a great attitude :( of course, your dog comes way before any young families enjoy themselves in a park......

'overprotective' - what, when a dog has charged at my 6 month old daughter??? You sum it for me, unfortunately.....

Your dog having to be exercised, really is in nobodies interest or responsibility, but you and your dog. I don't care what breed it is, how cute it is, how many spots its has....really, if its running at my you honestly think that's an ok situation, with the parents being classed as overprotective? (i'm hoping its just came over wrong like some things do on a forum/written form)

Ditto ... Very poor attitude you seem to have Jim. :puke:

A bicycle is a fab way to exercise a fast dog..
Wow there's a lot of angry people (or keyboard warriors) on this thread. Do you honestly think that perceived antisocial behaviour is best met with you beings antisocial back?

To the op, where were you when your tripod was knocked over. Dogs don't generally just arrive quietly and attack tripods. I would have made sure I had a hand on my camera. Do you think your instant aggressive attitude helped the situation, or do you think, that perhaps instantly launching into am angry attack put the dog owner on the defensive and inflamed the situation?

Which part of the lens is chipped? Does it affect it's use? What lens is it. Stick up a pic and people,may be able to suggest remedial help.
Our pooch is on a lead whenever she's walked, and thoroughly cleaned up after as well. That said, the only time she's allowed off the lead is when we take her in the car to a beach at the arse end of Sheppey which is pretty much used only by dog walkers (as it's so out of the way), and there she can run around to her hearts content for a while. Still clean up after her there as well though.

Personally I can think of a good few children who also ought to be kept on a leash whenever they're out :)
Can see what Jim meant I'm sure his dogs are well trained and don't jump up at people
I have had a big dog run at me and jump up nearly knocked me over it was frightening and I'm a six foot lump
The owner thought it was funny but I was not impressed
Yes but she's on a lunge lead same as you use when you breaking in a pony. So I can still get her back if another dog is loose or she decides not to listen. Hasn't happened yet but better safe than sorry.

THIS^^^ exactly what i do i NEVER EVER have my dogs off the lead in public sometimes ill purposely take them out deep into the night so i can find a gated area to let her run around... long leads are cheaply brought to let your dog get a bit away from you but i dont care how good your dog recall is under certain situations i bet your dog wont listen for nothing...

mine are pretty big dogs that i know can do some damage if allowed to in such a short time so i take 100% responsibility and always on the look out for stupd owners who let there dog run up to mine...

@ big jim that attitude is crap that sorta attitude gives many good dog owners a bad name the funny thing is that your just asking for your dog to get seriously hurt imagine if he ran up to a dog aggressive lump on his lead minding his own business? i know many dogs through no fault of there own will attack first and ask questions later!!!

there are many ways to train, exercise or work a dog to keep them fit and healthy and sane without letting them off a lead to there own devices and hope your recall at a particular situation works(y)
THIS^^^ exactly what i do i NEVER EVER have my dogs off the lead in public sometimes ill purposely take them out deep into the night so i can find a gated area to let her run around... long leads are cheaply brought to let your dog get a bit away from you but i dont care how good your dog recall is under certain situations i bet your dog wont listen for nothing...

mine are pretty big dogs that i know can do some damage if allowed to in such a short time so i take 100% responsibility and always on the look out for stupd owners who let there dog run up to mine...

@ big jim that attitude is crap that sorta attitude gives many good dog owners a bad name the funny thing is that your just asking for your dog to get seriously hurt imagine if he ran up to a dog aggressive lump on his lead minding his own business? i know many dogs through no fault of there own will attack first and ask questions later!!!

there are many ways to train, exercise or work a dog to keep them fit and healthy and sane without letting them off a lead to there own devices and hope your recall at a particular situation works(y)

I do feel very sorry for the OP, that dog and owner were out of order, although a calm approach to them may have led to an apology and cheque rather than an argument. If my dog had caused damage I would immediately have apologised and offered recompense, but that might be hard when someone is shouting at you aggressively.
Dogs CAN be safely exercised off lead without bothering people - I regularly walk mine round a local nature reserve (where off lead dogs are permitted). She will spot rabbits etc but stop chasing the moment I tell her to (which is normally within 10 feet) and will ignore other animals - I often photograph birds in the ground etc whilst walking her. She has been trained not to approach other dogs or people, and never does, and, just as an example, a toddler once ran in front of her across the path she was running down and fell over in front if her, so I stopped her dead and called her back. Oh, and I never let her out of my sight.
I feel dogs need off-lead exercise, but they also need to be well trained - Pip has been attending obedience classes for five years, agility for four, display training for three - it takes a lot of work to have a well-trained dog; they don't come ready-trained as so many people seem to think.
Don't understand why jims getting so much stick here his dogs are obviously well trained
I'm not a dog owner don't even like them I'm a cat person but some dogs need to be off the lead to get properly exercised
It's the bad owners who let their dogs crap everywhere and not clean it up and ones with untrained dogs that jump up at people that are annoying
I do believe that dogs should not be allowed on nature reserves even on a lead because of the disturbance to birds
And if a photographer or over protective parent ever tried to hurt him, woah, would they get a surprise!

What if your dog bit a small child. Would you defend the dog?

You'll say he wouldn't do that, but a dog is a dog and is always capable of biting someone. I'm a dog lover by the way. But I love my kids too.
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