Dog walkers gggrrrrrr

i dont think jim was saying that. it read more to me that if the dog wasnt being an issue and the person got all defensive.

why would someone try and hurt a dog if the dog wasn't being an issue?
Blimey. I think my post was ever so slightly mis interpreted.

In "public" he's on a lead, but even in the middle of nowhere where I let him off you can't odds bumping into people. He's very well trained and doesn't lunge at people, and responds to verbal commands constantly.

My term "over protective" means just that, as my dog would never harm anyone so if a parent, brother, sister, gran, other pet owner or whatever tried to harm him it would be because they have over reacted to whatever he did (not that I'd allow him to lunge / run at children or anyone), and mis interpreted the situation. In fact my dog loves kids and even plays happily with babies.

The only thing I do let him do in that respect is play with other people's dogs which is good for them.

I'd still protect him if I thought he was in danger of being unnecessarily hurt, as I have the right to and as I think anyone would with their pet.
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my dog would never harm anyone

Anyone who says this is being naive. You should respect a dog and respect the fact that it is still an animal at the end of the day, all dogs are capable of hurting someone.

I had a sppringer spaniel for 12 years growing up and it was the most gentle dog ever, but in his grumpy old age he still bit me once.
lets keep it calm in here peeps

BTW, for what its worth, kids will pick up on a parents reactions, so reacting aggressively or with any signs or fear to what is an 'over-friendly' dog, will, ultimately, create fear in the child [and incidently the dog too for that matter]. I am not saying you shouldn't be protective of kids, it can be scary when a big dog bounds over - and I say that as a parent and a dog owner [albeit small ones that have bounced my tripod and not managed to knock it over] - but acting in a calm manner is likely to be more effective for everyone, keeping the kids, the dog and any issues between you and owner on an even keel. Oh and yes, I DO appreciate that not every dog is just being over-friendly, but most are and calm should always be the first reaction imo.
joescrivens said:
Anyone who says this is being naive. You should respect a dog and respect the fact that it is still an animal at the end of the day, all dogs are capable of hurting someone.

I had a sppringer spaniel for 12 years growing up and it was the most gentle dog ever, but in his grumpy old age he still bit me once.

I know what you're saying but as I say, he's well trained and I'm an experienced dog handler, privately and professionally. Never had a dog bite someone who he wasn't supposed to.
I know what you're saying but as I say, he's well trained and I'm an experienced dog handler, privately and professionally. Never had a dog bite someone who he wasn't supposed to.

which is all good, but still. They are all capable, no matter how well trained. You can never say a dog wouldn't ever bite someone, just that it is unlikely.

I remember a story a few months back where a family dog killed a newborn baby. I bet before that the family would have never thought the dog would hurt anyone. Stories like that would never stop me owning a dog and loving dogs, but in the back of my mind I'd never ever lose that thought that it is possible it could bite
joescrivens said:
which is all good, but still. They are all capable, no matter how well trained. You can never say a dog wouldn't ever bite someone, just that it is unlikely.

I remember a story a few months back where a family dog killed a newborn baby. I bet before that the family would have never thought the dog would hurt anyone. Stories like that would never stop me owning a dog and loving dogs, but in the back of my mind I'd never ever lose that thought that it is possible it could bite

Yes, but that was a bull dog variant which are known for being unpredictable, and dare I say it, was never trained and left in the house all day as some owners of these types of dogs do. You're always asking for trouble in that situation.

Basically what I was saying is there is no excuse for harming a defenceless and otherwise placid animal. Fair enough if it IS attacking your child (or anyone), then I too would use force against the dog in defence. But not a dog that is only curious or just wants to play, no matter how annoying it might be!
A bit like America where any old ar**hole can own a gun and havoc ensues, in this country any old ar**hole can own a dog and deaths are and have been caused. Dogs should be licensed and a lot more than 37.5p as it was. There are a lot of irresponsible dog owners around and if it saves just one life or stops just one Chav from getting a dog then it's worth it! I'm not saying all dog owners are Chavs by the way before anyone puts words into my mouth.
Basically what I was saying is there is no excuse for harming a defenceless and otherwise placid animal. Fair enough if it IS attacking your child (or anyone), then I too would use force against the dog in defence. But not a dog that is only curious or just wants to play, no matter how annoying it might be!

I agree with this. I dont think there is an argument against it.

I just advise any dog owner to remember your dog could bite someone, don't be complacent into thinking it would never happen.(y)
Yes, but that was a bull dog variant which are known for being unpredictable, and dare I say it, was never trained and left in the house all day as some owners of these types of dogs do. You're always asking for trouble in that situation.

Basically what I was saying is there is no excuse for harming a defenceless and otherwise placid animal. Fair enough if it IS attacking your child (or anyone), then I too would use force against the dog in defence. But not a dog that is only curious or just wants to play, no matter how annoying it might be!

actually it was a jack russel that killed the newborn, not a bull breed, who as it happens are only as unpredictable as any other dog

This is exactly why i walk mine in the middle of nowhere
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A bit like America where any old ar**hole can own a gun and havoc ensues, in this country any old ar**hole can own a dog and deaths are and have been caused. Dogs should be licensed and a lot more than 37.5p as it was. There are a lot of irresponsible dog owners around and if it saves just one life or stops just one Chav from getting a dog then it's worth it! I'm not saying all dog owners are Chavs by the way before anyone puts words into my mouth.

I don't think we can compare owning a Labrador with an AR15 assault rifle...
A bit like America where any old ar**hole can own a gun and havoc ensues, in this country any old ar**hole can own a dog and deaths are and have been caused. Dogs should be licensed and a lot more than 37.5p as it was. There are a lot of irresponsible dog owners around and if it saves just one life or stops just one Chav from getting a dog then it's worth it! I'm not saying all dog owners are Chavs by the way before anyone puts words into my mouth.

See, in theory I agree, but in reality I am not sure how effective this would be, because all the sensible dog owners would get the licence [like they already have their animals chipped, vaccinated, carry poop bags, etc], whilst the chavs with the 'status dogs' still wouldn't bother on the basis that policing it would be so random that the chances of being caught would be quite small so they will happily take the risk. Meanwhile, the little old lady with her yorkshire terrier for company will have yet another 'enforced' expence in order to enjoy her companion. :shrug:
See, in theory I agree, but in reality I am not sure how effective this would be, because all the sensible dog owners would get the licence [like they already have their animals chipped, vaccinated, carry poop bags, etc], whilst the chavs with the 'status dogs' still wouldn't bother on the basis that policing it would be so random that the chances of being caught would be quite small so they will happily take the risk. Meanwhile, the little old lady with her yorkshire terrier for company will have yet another 'enforced' expence in order to enjoy her companion. :shrug:

As a responsible dog owner a parent and now a grandparent when I have been walking with my granddaughter and a dog off a lead has bounded over my instinct is to pick the child up and out of harms way until I establish if the dog is friendly or not.

I have to be honest my first thought isn't to take a swipe at the dog or have a go at the owner. I think it's important to keep perspective for the child's sake if nothing else.

Dogs are for the most part protective by nature and snatching a child up and screaming and dancing around can be seen by the dog as an aggressive act towards the child something most family dogs won't be happy with even if its not a child from the dog owners family. Better to be calm and deliberate with your actions.

The worst type of dog owner IMO isn't the dogs off leads its the ones that leave the dog poo behind. :puke:
Tell that to any parent that's had a child killed by a dog.

Far more children been killed / injured by other children (or "packs" of them) than have been killed by dogs. Maybe we should licence and enforce sensible "ownership" of them too. :thinking: ;)
Far more children been killed / injured by other children (or "packs" of them) than have been killed by dogs. Maybe we should licence and enforce sensible "ownership" of them too. :thinking: ;)

Tell that to any parent that's had a child killed by a dog.

You're just being silly now.

How many people in the US were killed by guns last year? Compare that to how many we're killed in the UK by dog maulings? Since 2007 there have only been 5. Granted, that's 5 too many but it's not a lot.

I think you'll see they arn't comparable which is my point.

Shall we licence kitchen knives? Ladders? Stair cases? Baseball bats? Cricket bats? Golf clubs? More people are killed by those than dogs.
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viv1969 said:
Far more children been killed / injured by other children (or "packs" of them) than have been killed by dogs. Maybe we should licence and enforce sensible "ownership" of them too. :thinking: ;)

+ 1
Tell that to any parent that's had a child killed by a dog.

Is that you? Or anyone you know?

Or perhaps you know someone whose offspring has died in a road accident? Do they compare all cars to assault rifles?

What about camera regulation? Apparently some perverts use cameras to create pornographic images!

FWIW, I'm wholly with odd jim here, and apparently opposing an intolerant hoard. As is well known, we have two boisterous, affectionate, friendly and over-excitable Jack Russell bitches. We've never encountered any human antagonism towards our pets, nor do I expect to, but if anyone did injure either of my dogs, they'd probably have to injure me shortly afterwards!
Far more children been killed / injured by other children (or "packs" of them) than have been killed by dogs. Maybe we should licence and enforce sensible "ownership" of them too. :thinking: ;)

:D i'm going to be a bit controversial, i don't particularly like kids, and my dogs are not used to kids, but you don't see me calling for kids to be tethered to parents in pulblic when there little darlings come running towards my on lead under control dogs, screaming doggie want to fuss doggie while their parents smile indulgently, wouldn't be smiling if they did bite and you can bet your bottom dollar it would be my fault.

We don't see GRRRRR parent threads when the little darlings are being rude and obnoxious running around restaurants or kicking me in the back on a plane, or throwing tantrums in shops or generally getting away with murder because they're kids, just like everyone doesn't like dogs, there is a fair proportion of society that also doesn't like kids.

I understand the OP's frustration, but why do these threads always turn into knocking dogs and dog owners, most of us are responsible, we had 16 dogs on a walk at the beach on Saturday and another 16 on a walk on the friday at the local country estate, and not one of them bothered anybody else or any other dog, a bit like kids its all in how you bring them up
It seems I'm coming across as anti dog. I'm not. I love dogs, always have done and always will do, I have owned them and hope to do so again in the future when circumstances permit. I am however against scroats that own them and not train them properly/at all. An untrained dog like an untrained child is a menace to everyone, it's this that needs to be addressed. I was pointing out that untrained dogs can be lethal. Also I have been on the receiving end of a pack of untrained dogs, fortunately I was able to fend them off with my Manfrotto however I got a stream of abuse from the owner when I registered my displeasure at the behaviour of his dogs.
:D i'm going to be a bit controversial, i don't particularly like kids, and my dogs are not used to kids, but you don't see me calling for kids to be tethered to parents in pulblic when there little darlings come running towards my on lead under control dogs, screaming doggie want to fuss doggie while their parents smile indulgently, wouldn't be smiling if they did bite and you can bet your bottom dollar it would be my fault.

We don't see GRRRRR parent threads when the little darlings are being rude and obnoxious running around restaurants or kicking me in the back on a plane, or throwing tantrums in shops or generally getting away with murder because they're kids, just like everyone doesn't like dogs, there is a fair proportion of society that also doesn't like kids.

I understand the OP's frustration, but why do these threads always turn into knocking dogs and dog owners, most of us are responsible, we had 16 dogs on a walk at the beach on Saturday and another 16 on a walk on the friday at the local country estate, and not one of them bothered anybody else or any other dog, a bit like kids its all in how you bring them up

I think I love you just a little bit right now :D
What about annoying, unsupervised children who come running over to a dog minding its own business expecting "cuddles". Can i give them and their owners (Parents) a good kicking for annoying and potentially agitating my dog? On the lead or not?

Maybe having annoying children and being a drain on society should be licenced as well...

I jest of course...:thinking:
:D i'm going to be a bit controversial, i don't particularly like kids, and my dogs are not used to kids, but you don't see me calling for kids to be tethered to parents in pulblic when there little darlings come running towards my on lead under control dogs, screaming doggie want to fuss doggie while their parents smile indulgently, wouldn't be smiling if they did bite and you can bet your bottom dollar it would be my fault.

We don't see GRRRRR parent threads when the little darlings are being rude and obnoxious running around restaurants or kicking me in the back on a plane, or throwing tantrums in shops or generally getting away with murder because they're kids, just like everyone doesn't like dogs, there is a fair proportion of society that also doesn't like kids.

I understand the OP's frustration, but why do these threads always turn into knocking dogs and dog owners, most of us are responsible, we had 16 dogs on a walk at the beach on Saturday and another 16 on a walk on the friday at the local country estate, and not one of them bothered anybody else or any other dog, a bit like kids its all in how you bring them up

Where is the "Marry me" smiley?? :D

Great post.
An untrained dog like an untrained child is a menace to everyone, it's this that needs to be addressed.

Now this is so true..

When walking our German Shepherd (normally always on lead) we tell people NOT to approach her as she is Working Dog trained. She is 'very' guard dog orientated & so any person has to be 'introduced' to her before she will accept them.

Irresponsible Dog owners are just as big an issue as irresponsible Kids
What about annoying, unsupervised children who come running over to a dog minding its own business expecting "cuddles". Can i give them and their owners (Parents) a good kicking for annoying and potentially agitating my dog? On the lead or not?


A parent should walk towards a dog nad make contact with the owner first. If the parent lets the child just run up to a dog on a lead then the dog owner should have a word with said parent.

This happened to us a few weeks ago. My son loves dogs and went walking up to a dog on a lead, closely chased by me to get hold of him and the dog owner looked at me and said "My dog isn't friendly". I nodded and took my son away.
I don't think dog owners should let their dogs jump up at people either. Due to my hip and thigh problems, a dog's paws/claws if they jump up my leg is like being stabbed followed by being burnt for hours. So "oh he's only being friendly" leaves me in hours of pain.
I don't think dog owners should let their dogs jump up at people either. Due to my hip and thigh problems, a dog's paws/claws if they jump up my leg is like being stabbed followed by being burnt for hours. So "oh he's only being friendly" leaves me in hours of pain.

ah but in fairness, I HAVE told you never to darken my doorstep :D :LOL: :p

I know I'm short but I'd like to see your little ones reach my thigh

I know I'm short but I'd like to see your little ones reach my thigh

:whistle: they would, JR's have springs for back legs! They are actually quite funny, they would bounce you off every wall when you come in the house, given half a chance and it would all be 'because we loooooooovvvvvve you' so we have to be very firm with them - yet outside, on or off lead, humans are but a mere passing event, the smells and sights/sounds of the great outdoors means they almost universally ignore anyone they see, I can't recall them ever jumping at anyone whilst out walking in the 7 years we have had them.
FWIW, I'm wholly with odd jim here, and apparently opposing an intolerant hoard. As is well known, we have two boisterous, affectionate, friendly and over-excitable Jack Russell bitches. We've never encountered any human antagonism towards our pets, nor do I expect to, but if anyone did injure either of my dogs, they'd probably have to injure me shortly afterwards!

How do suggest I react then when your 'friendly' dogs run towards my 6 month old?

Please, I am seriously interested in this.

Using phrases like 'boisterous' 'affectionate' .....'loveable' friendly' cuddly' 'droopy eyes' or however soppy it is made to sound....really isnt want i have wanted to hear at the time in the situations I've witnessed.

Bearing in mind:

- I dont know your dogs.
- You dont know what their next move is either (you can guess, but you cant possibly know for fact). Hot day, dog unwell, having a bad day...anything really.

Should I politely phone the police, giving my location, while the dog is all over my young daughter?

How do you report someone if they are reluctant? Should I expect them to comply? (bearing in mind the ignorance they have just demonstrated at a basic level).

Why do these owners assume that everyone will like a dog jumping on them? I'm not talking about a dog jumping up for attention here (althought this is also very wrong and smacks of bad ownership IMVHO), this is a lab sized dog on a 6 month old child treating them (or attempting to until I stopped it!) like a toy. Acceptable?

How would you handle this? This is a dog running towards us, away from it's owner who is standing uselessly shouting this like 'Shep, Shep, SHEPPP' (ermm Shep isnt hearing or caring, it sees a 'toy' 6 month old to play with). Not really a great situation or reassuring words from the 'owner'.

I'm not part of any 'intolerant hoard' either, just presenting my experience (happened more than once), and I'm now always aware of it because of past experiences with the eldest daughter as well. I dont think my 2 kids are the only 2 kids in the country who have had this, I cant see me being that unlucky somehow:thinking:

Do you expect young kids (and I mean very young here) to accept this with open arms and not grow up with a fear (and I do my best to avoid this, believe me)

I am saying 'you', and of course, not you personally(y)
You :)D) say you havent experienced any antagonism towards your pets, and you shouldnt have either as you are responsible owner, but please try to see it from the eyes of a parent with a young child and not every 'owner' being as responsible? I'm not anti dog either, but I am pro daughters. I'm sure you dont disagree with the above that much, but just trying to give you a view from my POV (y) rather than looking at it as someone attacking your dog?(y)