Don McCullin film preview

Settle down, Ernesto. I'm not trying to prove anything, I'm simply saying it's nice to hear a photographer talk more about the meaning behind his images than gear. It really is that simple. Had I known such a simple point was going to be taken so out of context I'd have kept my damned fingers off the keyboard.

Seems you can't even show appreciation for someone's work without someone else having a go at you. :bang:

Apologies. Yes his work is great and great to hear him talk about his images.
I thought you were trying to make some point about not needing processing, which wouldn't be unusual :) (not from you)
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I like the reason he gave for buying a new camera. New tech? Retail therapy and an itch to spend? Nope, the old one was "the wrong shape" for the work he was doing (I assume he meant the 6x6 negs). :LOL:
scratch what i just said, of course he is interestd in gadgets, why wouldnt he be...

but thats neither here nor there, the documentary and images are amazing, its the end result that counts.

i really like the tones in his B&W.....
A little while ago he did a bit of a promo for Canon DSLR,in which he talk a lot about gear saying how much he enjoyed using the new digital cameras and the pp software.
He was also part of an add campaign for Olympus OM-1 when they first came out,and used them for a little while but switched back to Nikon because they were not tough enought.

As I have said this does not distract from his work in any way,but are gear is part of us without it we wouldn't be able to take the photos.

A little while ago he did a bit of a promo for Canon DSLR,in which he talk a lot about gear saying how much he enjoyed using the new digital cameras and the pp software.
He was also part of an add campaign for Olympus OM-1 when they first came out,and used them for a little while but switched back to Nikon because they were not tough enought.

As I have said this does not distract from his work in any way,but are gear is part of us without it we wouldn't be able to take the photos.


Was that just advertising though, like Linekar with his crisps? Not knocking him for doing it but people forget that adverts aren't real.
Seeing that he probably gets around £1MM per year for doing the adverts and probably has to do a couple of days work a year to get it you would have to be pretty picky not to do them. Tally that up for the 10 years? that he has been doing them and you can see the draw...
No, absolutely not. I just find it very refreshing indeed to hear a photographer talk about the emotional and human side of what he does rather than other stuff. :)

I think it was a bit easier for him to talk about the emotion and human side of the images given the subject matter. ;)

Sometime its not just about the money,its about simple having enough to live and paid the bills.


I doubt Gary Lineker was short of any money when he finished his playing career. It probably took a ****load of money to get him to go and play in Japan, and I doubt he was on minimum wage at Barca. ;)

Seeing that he probably gets around £1M per year for doing the adverts and probably has to do a couple of days work a year to get it you would have to be pretty picky not to do them.

Ah, that's the reason, very easy money, even if it does make him look like a d**k at times. :thinking: :LOL: Laughing all the way to the bank. :LOL:

I don't think I'll be watching next weeks Imagine programme, as not a fan of Rod Stewart, and I really can't stand his voice. :shake: :LOL:
To be fair to Don McCullin in the the past he wrote quite a bit about being seduced by what other saw as the glamourous side of being a war photographer,when he did tv (This your Life) and he left his Wife at the time for a model,he said it almost destroyed him and made him think a lot about the work he was doing.
Seeing that he probably gets around £1MM per year for doing the adverts and probably has to do a couple of days work a year to get it you would have to be pretty picky not to do them. Tally that up for the 10 years? that he has been doing them and you can see the draw...

Sure, but don't think he loves his gear as much as the adverts make you think.

In the adverts he's being paid to make you think it's about the gear, obviously - they're trying to sell you stuff. In truth, his photography is about him, his experiences and his "eye". I doubt his work would be affected much whatever gear he used.

Unfortunately we're unlikely to see a "I'm Don MCcullin and I don't give a rats arse which camera I use because my love is for photography" advert because you just can't find the sponsors. :D
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Sure, but don't think he loves his gear as much as the adverts make you think.

In the adverts he's being paid to make you think it's about the gear, obviously - they're trying to sell you stuff. In truth, his photography is about him, his experiences and his "eye". I doubt his work would be affected much whatever gear he used.

Unfortunately we're unlikely to see a "I'm Don MCcullin and I don't give a rats arse which camera I use because my love is for photography" advert because you just can't find the sponsors. :D

I think ernesto was talking about Gary Linker rather than Don McCullin :)
Maybe whichever he was paid to say he liked, ala Mr Lineker. ;) :LOL:


He definitely would not like Quavers, Cheese Moments, Cheesy Poofs or Tomato Snaps.

Beef Wotsits? :thinking: :D

Anyway, better get this back on topic. Excellent docu/film, I'm really enjoying this series so far (what I've seen of it anyway).

I watched about half of this episode last night and will watch the other half (or probably all from the beginning) tonight. Very interesting so-far, he's an intriguing bloke. Imagine being in the Congo during the war, "on your own" with very little plan or preparation, then infiltrating a unit of mercenary soldiers and going out with them before telling them he was a photographer! That's bonkers.