Don't look in the shed......

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I opened up the shed door tonight to get out a couple of garden canes for the missus (goodness knows why, we've nothing to use them on)...

Anyway, being a thoughtful guy, I remembered back when last year my friend housed herself up on the roof and cross-members, and I wondered if she was still living there, or would even be alive, or moving, seeing as it is a nigt on which I can see plumes of my breath.

And you know what?


She's been waiting for me!

Flash had to be used of course, but I have a few nice ones to share. Starting with this one.

Taken using the Sigma 105 macro lens.





And off she goes back to her funnel web in the shed...


Don't have nightmares...

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What a strange place to keep your "friends" :naughty:

Subject-wise these really aren't my cuppa,but your shots are still excellent:clap: I really like #5 as it's a view we don't often get to see.
nice shot, look at the fangs on im!!
Ah but how did you get out as it looks like it was on the door handle:LOL: Superb shots Paul (y)
love the details on the legs. looks like a beast of a spider and bet was as big as it looked in real life ?

does your friend have a name or is she that shy ?
nice shots, i think i'd have reached for a slipper not my camera if i saw that thing!!
oooo there should have been a warning - I cannot stand the things and have gone all goosepimply now - what size is it?

seriously, the pics are amazing - so much detail

am so glad I haven't got a shed :LOL:

(oh and it seems that the missus may have a surprise in store for you later :naughty:)
Well I would've liked to have been able to comment on the photos but I had to scroll past so quick I can't :help:

I blummin' hate the things - however, from what everyone else has said - nice pics :)
Didn't know you were looking for a name Paul but it looks like Tegenaria gigantea the Giant House Spider.
I opened up the shed door tonight to get out a couple of garden canes for the missus (goodness knows why, we've nothing to use them on)...

Spanky Spanky?. :LOL::LOL:
Just remember to make a Safety word as those canes sting like hell..

Nice pics also.
Good.......god. You wouldn't catch me anywhere NEAR one of those things, the shed would have to be bulldozed, burnt to the ground, and I'd emigrate! Eurghhh, still got goosebumps.

Great shots though! I can't really stand to look at them for long enough to give much critique though!

I contacted the Britsish Spider Society and their expert told me this:

The patterning suggests T. gigantea (this is the approved name) rather
than T. agrestris, as does the internal location. However, it is not
that simple, as there is also T. saeva in some parts of the country (and
we are not sure of the distribution), and even worse, the two species
hybridise. Work on this is being carried out by Geoff Oxford at York

Yours is a female.

/Tegenaria/ species very rarely bite and if they do it is painless. What
gives them a bad reputation is their size, speed and nocturnal habits.
Females can live for several years, but males, who live for a few weeks
with the female, die after mating and are sometimes consumed by the
female. Like all spiders living in houses they can withstand the very
dry conditions and survive for months without sustenance.
Hmmm, nice friend:thinking::LOL:
Seriously great shots though. You have succeeded inkeeping me out of our shed.:D
As always Paul, your spider shots are exceptional. Lovely detail.

I have to admit, I hate spiders however when I think of them as a photography subject, I can put those fears behind me. However I do worry that if I'm photographing one and it jumps at me, I'll drop my camera.. :(.

btw, I caught a jumping spider (first one I've ever seen in real life). Going to photograph it when it's stopped goin nuts in the glass it's currently residing in :D
Absolutely mate. It's what helped me identify that this little guy was a jumper. It still hasn't stopped moving and I can't get a shot through glass worth anything and I know the minute I put it on something to photograph it, it'll be of hopping and skipping away somewhere.. hehe

you should post those jumpers here mate.
Looks like an adult female Tegenaria duellica. T. gigantea is a made up name that's easier to remember...or something like that :LOL:

Cool shots of a giant house spider anyway :)
Re the jumping spider...put it on a rock sitting in a tray of water...they can't swim ;) If it tries to escape fish it out quick or it'll drown...they usually get fed up trying to escape after a while.