Dorset seascape in moonlight (Just south of Worth Matravers)

That's a very nice shot Terry, very surreal and unusual.(y)

I know there are those who feel the mist water effect is 'old hat' but I like this. It can't have been an easy shot to take in the dark so you must have planned it. Do you often wander about taking night shots?
Like the moonlight on the water. Rather creative....why have you been hiding it for three years. ;)
I know there are those who feel the mist water effect is 'old hat' but I like this. It can't have been an easy shot to take in the dark so you must have planned it. Do you often wander about taking night shots?

I quite like night photography for the "unknown element" it can give to shots.
And yes I do wander about at night taking photos.

Didn't plan this.

The other half was asleep in the caravan and I grabbed the camera gear and my dog and went to the coast.
Got a rollicking when I got back in mind you.

The missus had woken up, realised I was taking photos and didn't worry until I'd been out a couple of hours.
I quite like night photography for the "unknown element" it can give to shots.
And yes I do wander about at night taking photos.

I used to do a bit of night photography years ago when using film but never kept records of time, aperture so never learned much from it as by the time the film came back to the chemist I had forgotten what I'd done, other than I should have kept records. Ahh, the good old days.

I really must make time to get back into it. The only time I do go out now is for auroras and usually only to places I know well as there's no phone signal nearby and if I took a tumble I could be there for some time. I'm getting old when I think of my own safety. Your wife was right, listen to her in future. :exit:
Nice shot, I like it
May I ask how you came up with the exposure time? Was it trial & error? Did you just set it in aperture mode? Im confused!

Love the pic by the way

I think this is terrific. I don't have anything constructive to suggest, but I do really like it.
At night, dependent upon the ambient lighting, and the moon can be particularly bright, 60-180 seconds would be a start for trial and error although a light meter might just give a few more clues.

Experience in such situations counts for a lot.
Very nice and sharp with some great complimenting blues and greens. I take my hat off to anyone who does night photography as I can't get over the eeby jeeby feeling I get! Haha.