down on the river

I'd go with a Wren aswell,, small, fast and skitish, I always miss them :LOL:
Good pictures there :)
The dim light doesn't make it easy does it, but you got him/her :)

I really like your Little Egret, the fluffy bits on the tail, the feathers from the chest and back of head, I've manage to get a few on the river near here but they never have the fluffy dangling bits. Are they very timid where you are? I usually have to commando crawl up river bank to get them :LOL:
The dim light doesn't make it easy does it, but you got him/her :)

I really like your Little Egret, the fluffy bits on the tail, the feathers from the chest and back of head, I've manage to get a few on the river near here but they never have the fluffy dangling bits. Are they very timid where you are? I usually have to commando crawl up river bank to get them :LOL:

haha they are yes, but this guy sits in 3 different places along the river he sits there for about 5 mins or so then flys off to the next then he works his way back he does it over and over again, not sure why so i generally just sit in the bush near by and wait for him to come back haaha